Biomassa Industrial woodpellets characteristics
Data wood pellets (PDF)
Organization: Endexn/a
Sourcing palm oil from sustainable sources
Survey to the durability of a system of the implementation of palm oil (PDF)
Organization: Essentn/a
The Business Sustainability Roadmap
The Business Sustainability Roadmap (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agencyn/a
Green marketing, the competitive advantage of sustainability
Green marketing involves developing and promoting products and services (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agencyn/a
Kolen en biomassa in perspectief
Prejudices about coal plants refuted (PDF)
Organization: EPZn/a
Melkveehouderij bron van duurzame energie, Energydairy 2025
potential for energy supply from the milk livestock industry (PDF)
Organization: Courage Written by: Leltz, P.M. and Vroom, J.M.n/a
Vattenfall - Making electricity clean
Vision of Vattenfall, large electricity supplier (PDF)
Organization: Vattenfall Written by: Johnson, A.n/a
Temperature and heat-flow density along European transcontinental profiles
Temperature and heat-flow density along European transcontinental profiles (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier1991 / 05
Warmwasserbedarfszahlen und Verbrauchscharacteristik
Extensive (but old) data of hot water consumption in Switzerland. (PDF)
Organization: Bundesamt fuer Konjunkturfragen, Switzerland. Written by: Blatter, M1993 / 01
Oil in power generation
This report provides a review of the trends on oil fired generation, inculding comprehensive statistics on generation, capacity, oil products... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency1997 / 01
Het einde van de dakpan?
Potential solar energy panels on roofs in the Netherlands (DOC)
1997 / 01
Agricultural Situation and Perspectives in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Agricultural Situation and Perspectives in the Central and Eastern European Countries (DOC)
Organization: European Commission1998 / 01
Thermal Energy Storage
The role of thermal storage in heating systems (PDF)
Organization: University of Klagenfurt1998 / 07
Oil palm plantations-A plausible renewable source of energy
oil palm yields per ha, data for Malaysia (PDF)
Organization: RERIC international Energy journal1998 / 12
Country Picture Germany
Natural gas use of households in Germany (PDF)
1999 / 01
Centralised Biogas Plants
Integrated Energy Production, Waste Treatment and Nutrient Redistribution Facilities (PDF)
Organization: Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics Written by: Gregersen, K.1999 / 10
CFB-vergassing - bijstook in STEG
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle - IGCC (PDF)
2000 / 01
Municipal solid waste incineration A decision makers' duide
Organization: The World Bank Written by: Haukohl, J. , Marxen, U. , and Rand, T.2000 / 02
Energiemarkt trends 2001 - Groei duurzame energieaanbod afhankelijk van succes offshore windenergie
Developments in off shore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de2001 / 01
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Rijkers, F.2001 / 01
putting carbon back into the ground
the need and techniques to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2001 / 02
het warmtepomp variantenboek
Different types of heat pumps, technologies and market perspective (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2001 / 05
Energy production from biomass (part 2) conversion technologies
biomass, brief overview of conversion methods (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Energy production from biomass (part 1): overview of biomass
biomass values for production of wood (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Potential for building integrated photovoltaics
Achievable levels of electricity from photovoltaic roofs and facades: methodology, case studies, rules of thumb and determination of the pote... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2002 / 01