Energy future, think efficiency
How America can look within ot achieve energy security and reduce global warming (No file)
Organization: APS2008 / 09
Energy future, think efficiency - Excutive Summary.
executive summary (PDF)
Organization: APS2008 / 09
Energy Outlook 2007/2008
This report gives a view on the developments around the energy demand and the energy supply untill the year 2030 (PDF)
Organization: Endex2006 / 01
Energy policy and the role of bioenergy in Polande
current status of bioenergy in Poland and a critical assessment of the prospects for increasing the share of bioenergy in energy supply, incl... (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2005 / 05
Energy price statistics
Excel table with 2009-2011 gas and electricity prices, for industrial consumers and households (breakdown of taxes/levies) (XLS)
Organization: Eurostat2013 / 01
Energy production from biomass (part 1): overview of biomass
biomass values for production of wood (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Energy production from biomass (part 2) conversion technologies
biomass, brief overview of conversion methods (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Energy Revolution - Towards a Fully Renewable Energy Supply in the EU27
Provides a basic and advanced scenario which achieve at least 80% renewable energy, while phasing out nuclear energy and fossil fuels. Main m... (PDF)
Organization: Greenpeace Written by: Teske, S.2010 / 07
Energy Sources, Production Costs and Performance of Technologies
Comprehensive overview of costs and performances of energy generating technologies (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 11
Energy statistics 2006 2007
basic data about the balances (in natural unit and in common units - Joules) of all the energy commodities which constitute Polish national e... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 11
Energy statistics 2007 2008
Basic data about the balances (in natural unit and in common units - Joules) of all the energy commodities which constitute Polish national e... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 11
Energy statistics 2011, 2012
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households ... (No file)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2013 / 11
Energy statistics manual
Energy statistics on supply, trade, stocks, transformation and demand at a country level of the EU (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2005 / 01
Energy Technology Essentials
The IEA Energy Technology Essentials are regularly-updated briefs that draw together the best-available, consolidated information on energy t... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 03
Energy technology perspectives 2008: fact sheet - the blue scenario
Fact sheet of the ETP BLUE scenario, it explores the least-cost solutions to achieve climate goals and limit the risks of severe climate chan... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2008 / 06
Energy Technology Perspectives 2008_executive summary
Options for switching to a cleaner and more efficient energy future, the costs of it and the policies we need (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2008 / 06
Energy Technology Perspectives 2008_presentation
Deep emission cuts are urgent and technically achievable. A global technology revolution is needed (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2008 / 06
Energy Technology Roadmaps - Charting a low-carbon energy revolution
Key findings of the roadmaps (sustainable energy technology reports) of the IEA for CCS, Cement, EV's, PV and wind energy (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
Energy Technology Roadmaps - status report
overview of the roadmaps (sustainable energy technology reports) available of the IEA (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
Energy transport and environment indicators 2008
Energy indicators, transport indicators and environment indicators (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
Energy Trends June 2014
Organization: Department of Energy and Climate Change2014 / 06
Energy Yearly statistics 2006
Energy balance of industry in the EU in 2006 (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
energy [r]evolution a sustainable global energy outlook
This report provides a detailed analysis of the energy efficiency potential and choices in the transport sector (PDF)
Organization: European Renewable Energy Council and Greenpeace Written by: Teske, S.2008 / 10
Organization: Greenpeace Written by: Teske, S.2013 / 05
Energymatters MEMO
Organization: Energymatters2012 / 03