Investeren in een schone toekomst
The report publishes a cost-benefit analysis of 2 investment strategies (fossil fuels and renewables) under a business as usual scenario and ... (PDF)
Organization: SEO Economisch Onderzoek Written by: Berg, M van den, Koopmans, C , Tieben, B , and Willebrands, D2010 / 07
Investeren in groen gas
Small scale biogas production in Beverwijk (PDF)
Organization: BioGast Sustainable Energy Written by: Gast, F.2007 / 11
Investment and Operation Cost Figures – Generation Portfolio
Organization: VGB PowerTech2012 / 09
Investment cost for geothermal power plants
Investment cost for geothermal power plants (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2002 / 01
Invloed van innovatieve technologie op de toekomstige elektriciteitsinfrastructuur
Investigation of the possible impacts of innovative technologies on the future electricity infrastructure (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hanschke, C.B. , Nieuwenhout, F.J.D. , Scheepers, M. , and Seebregts, A.J.2007 / 11
Inzet van biomassa in centrales voor de opwekking van elektriciteit
Are the costs and benefits of projects in which wood-pellets are co-fired in a coal fired power plant representative for those of bio-oil fue... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Inzet van biomassa in zelfstandige kleinschalige installaties voor de opwekking van elektricitieit
Calculation of the financial feasibility of stand alone biomass projects based on burning of wood chips (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Beekes, M. , Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
IPCC, 2013: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2013
Organization: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change2016 / 08
Iron and Steel CCS Study (Techno-Economics Integrated Steel Mill)
Organization: International Energy Agency2013 / 07
Jaarprogramma Duurzaamste Stad 2010 Gemeente Groningen
Organization: Gemeente Groningen2009 / 11
Jaarrekening 2010
Annual account of the municipality of Amsterdam (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 05
Jaarverslag 2006 Een nieuw energiebeleid op komst
Advice on the implementation of the climate targets of the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Energieraad2007 / 06
Jaarverslag 2007
Year report of the organisation of energy production companies in the Netherlands EnergieNed (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2007 / 05
Jaarverslag 2007 Ongemakkelijke boodschappen
Advice on the implementation of the climate targets of the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Energieraad2008 / 06
Jaarverslag 2007 van de Stichting GEZEN
Developments concentrated solar power (CSP) in the world (PDF)
2007 / 01
Jaarverslag 2009 - Groningen geeft energie
Organization: Gemeente Groningen2010 / 07
Jenbacher type 6
Continuously refined based on our extensive experience, the Jenbacher type 6 engines are reliable, advanced products serving the 1.8 to 3 MW ... (PDF)
Organization: GE Energy2008 / 02
Kansen voor algen in Noord-Nederland
Information about the use and market potential of algae as a form of biomass (PDF)
Organization: DHV Nonagon Knowledge Transfer Written by: Danel, H. and Schoondorp, M.2008 / 05
Kansen voor Groen Gas
- Study to determine the potential for green gas with consideration for possible competition for other end uses. - Written in parallel with ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. and Croezen, H.J.2011 / 04
Kansen voor Groen Gas - Concurrentie met andere biomassa opties
Inventory of possibilities for green gas production and competition with other applications of biomass. The influence of government policy is... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. and Croezen, H.J.2011 / 04
Kansen voor kleine windturbines bij waterschappen
Organization: STOWA Written by: Schaik, M van2020 / 12
Kansen voor lage-temperatuurwarmte in combinatie met warmtepompen en ondergrondse energie-opslag bij (bijna) gesloten kassen Deelrapport: ondergrondse energieopslag
Energy storage below ground level for greenhouses (PDF)
Organization: KEMA2002 / 11
Kansen voor verduurzaming chemie
(No file)
Organization: Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie Written by: van den Brand, P.2015 / 10
Kansen voor verduurzaming chemie
(No file)
Organization: Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie Written by: van den Brand, P.2015 / 10
Kansen voor warmte-koudenetten
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Kruit, K2023 / 05