Kengetallen aquathermie
Indicators for aquathermal energy based on existing projects in 2019 (PDF)
Organization: IF Written by: Niewold, F2019 / 04
Kengetallen gasinfra
This spreadsheet contains the cost parameters for the gas network used in ETMoses and the underlying calculations. (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel2016 / 07
Kennisbundeling co-vergisting
The different aspects which are relevant for cofermentation (PDF)
Organization: CLM2005 / 01
Kentallen warmte-infra
This spreadsheet contains the cost parameters for the heat network used in ETMoses and the underlying calculations. (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel2016 / 07
Kentish Flats offshore wind farm
Technical data of a wind turbine (PDF)
Organization: Vattenfall2005 / 01
Kernenergie - een internationale beleidsverkenning
Explores international developments of a possible nuclear renaissance. Energy politics and strategic choices are discussed. It discussed glob... (No file)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Jong, J.J. de2010 / 03
Kernenergie en Nederland
The developments and potential around nuclear energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
2007 / 01
Kernenergie in perspectief
Side effects of nuclear energy, a critical review (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2005 / 10
Ketenemissies hernieuwbare elektriciteit
Two themes: 1. life cycle emissions per kWh for Solar PV, wind power, hydropower and 2. How does the market for certificates Garanties van Oo... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2010 / 04
KEV2021 (ETM-scenario documentatie)
Documentatie van het ETM scenario (2030 Vastgesteld en Voorgenomen beleid) uit de KEV 2021 (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Bijkerk, M A and Lubben, M W B2022 / 04
Key world energy statistics 2008
World energy statistics 2008 (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2008 / 01
Klimaat- en Energieverkenning 2022
Organization: Quintel2023 / 05
Koelwatersysteem HR-AVI te Amsterdam
Project for a cooling water system in a waste incineration plant (PDF)
2004 / 01
Kolen en biomassa in perspectief
Prejudices about coal plants refuted (PDF)
Organization: EPZn/a
Kolen op de schop
Critics on the plan for the building of new coal plants in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Greenpeace2008 / 01
Kolencentrales Eemshaven - Dringende redenen openbaar belang
The document answers questions that can be asked when building new power plants in the Eemshaven. The questions are: Draagt de centrale bij a... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2010 / 12
Koolzaad, van zaad naar olie
Harvesting rapeseed en refining to oil (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie van LNV2008 / 01
Kosten CO2 afvang
exploitation of CCS in new Coal plants becomes feasible (DOC)
2009 / 01
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit - Afvalverbrandingsinstallaties
Defining a basis for the calculation assumptions for the cashflow calculations of ECN and KEMA (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Lange, T.J. de and Pfeiffer, E.A.2003 / 08
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit, grootschalige inzet van biomassa in centrales
Future development of biomass prices (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Ruijgrok, W.J.A. and Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit, windenergie op zee
costs offshore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Kosten und Okobilanzen von Biokraftstoffen
costs and life cycle assessment (LCA) of biofuels (No file)
Organization: Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt Written by: Vogel, A.2007 / 01
Kosten van elektriciteitsopwekking
The costs and uncertainties of nuclear energy and other CO2 emission reducing technologies for big scale electricity production (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van and Verdonk, M.2008 / 09
Kosteneffectieve energiebesparing en klimaatbescherming
The possibilities of insulation and the opportunities for The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2005 / 10
Koude/warmteopslag in de praktijk
Evaluation of 67 Thermal Energy Storage (TES) projects in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 05