Potenziale der Wind-Wasserstoff-Technologie in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg und in Schleswig-Holstein
Presentation. Provides an estimate of excess electricity in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany in 2020: Wind capacity in Schleswig-Holstein might re... (PDF)
Organization: Ludwig-Bolkow-Systemtechnik GmbH Written by: Albrecht , U2010 / 09
Power for renewal - annual report 2007
Vattenfalls situation in the energy market in Germany, Poland and Sweden (PDF)
Organization: Vattenfall2007 / 01
Power Plant and Capture Issues
reference power plants without CCS and Relevant Power plant concepts with CO2 capture (PPT)
Organization: ZEP Ttech2009 / 09
Power Statistics & Trends 2011 full report
Power Statistics & Trends 2011 gathers the latest available data from the European electricity sector. It contains data - from EUROLECTRIC me... (PDF)
Organization: Eurelectric2011 / 12
Power Statistics and Trends 2011 - Synopsis
Power Statistics & Trends 2011 gathers the latest available data from the European electricity sector. It contains data - from EUROLECTRIC me... (PDF)
Organization: Eurelectric2011 / 12
Power Statistics and Trends 2012 - Synopsis
Power Statistics & Trends 2012 gathers the latest available data from the European electricity sector. It contains data - from EUROLECTRIC m... (PDF)
Organization: Eurelectric2012 / 12
Power systems evaluation and benchmarking Public Version
aims at technologies that meet the target of at least 90% CO2 capture rate and 50% CO2 capture cost reduction (compared to typically 50 (PDF)
Organization: ENCAP2009 / 02
Power to Gas
A summary of the power-to-gas technology, very concise, German. Gives good overview on efficiencies, and technology features. (PDF)
Organization: Deutscher Bundestag Written by: Kersten, M2012 / 01
POWER TO PRODUCTS Over de resultaten, conclusies en vervolgstappen
Report on several flex technologies and case studies (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2015 / 09
Power-to-Gas - Eine Technologieubersicht
Technology overview, compares energy throughput (capacities) of electric transmission lines and gas grid (methane and methane/hydrogen). Nice... (No file)
Organization: DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH Written by: Henel, M2012 / 06
Preface to the energy balances for the Federal Republic of Germany
All you need to know about the German Energy Balances published by AGEB. (PDF)
Organization: AG Energiebilanzen e.V.2010 / 08
Presentatie: Kansen voor ondiepe geothermie
Organization: IF2018 / 05
Prijskoppeling aardgas: een overleefde traditie?
Gasprice formulas have changed due to the liberalisation of the energy market (PDF)
Organization: SLEA2005 / 12
Organization: Volvo2014 / 07
Producing Biofuel from processed animal fats
Producing Biofuel from processed animal fats (PDF)
Organization: Ecoson Written by: Rietveld, C.2007 / 11
Proef met opwekken elektriciteit uit zee
Experiment with tidal energy in the Westerschelde (DOC)
Organization: De Pers2008 / 07
project WKO Noord Holland
Data of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) project for a supermarket in combination with dwellings (PDF)
2007 / 01
Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2015 Edition
Organization: International Energy Agency2015 / 09
Prospects for lignite mining in Poland and CO2 emission cutbacks
Prospects for lignite mining in Poland and CO2 emission cutbacks (PDF)
Written by: Gawlik, L. and Grudzinski, Z.2009 / 10
Protocol Monitoring Duurzame Warmte - update 2006
Provides a protocol to determine the level of renewable energy in a wide range of technologies and applications. From solar to hydro power an... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2006 / 12
PUBL gospodarka materialowa
The aim of this publication is presenting (in natural units) basic data about the balances of selected raw materials and materials, which are... (PDF)
Organization: Ministry of Economy Poland Written by: Berent-Kowalska, N.G.2007 / 01
putting carbon back into the ground
the need and techniques to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2001 / 02
PV Introduction
Technologies of PV cells now and in the future (PDF)
Organization: Technische Universiteit Delft2009 / 01
PV Status Report 2008
Research, Solar Cell Production and Market Implementation of Photovoltaics (PDF)
Organization: JRC IE Written by: Waldau, A.J.2008 / 09
PV Status Report 2013
Organization: European Commission Written by: Waldau,, A. Jager2013 / 09