Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets
Organization: European Commission2016 / 06
Quarterly Report on European Gas Markets: Q1 2015
Organization: European Commission2015 / 03
Questions and Answers on Emissions Trading and National Allocation Plans for 2008 to 2012
Questions and Answers on Emissions Trading (ETS) and National Allocation Plans for 2008 to 2012 (PDF)
Organization: Council of the European Union2006 / 11
Quintel - Aannames datasets
Written by: Quintel,2018 / 10
Raming benodigd Groningenvolume en capaciteit gasjaar 2019/2020 en verder
Organization: Gas Transport Services2019 / 01
Rapport energiecijfers kantoren
Provides an overview of the building stock in Holland that consists of office buildings. It shows what kind of technologies are being used in... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2010 / 08
Rapport Monitoring Leveringszekerheid 2006-2014
Giving notion of the expected development of the electricity supply in The Netherlands in relation to the Dutch demand for electricity till 2... (PDF)
Organization: TenneT2007 / 07
Rapport Monitoring Leveringszekerheid 2008-2024
Giving notion of the expected development of the electricity supply in The Netherlands in relation to the Dutch demand for electricity till 2... (PDF)
Organization: TenneT2009 / 06
Rapport Monitoring Leveringszekerheid 2011-2027
The documents goves an explanation fo how TenneT determines what adaptations of the Dutch power grid are necessary to secure the electricity ... (PDF)
Organization: TenneT2012 / 06
Rapport standaard en streefwaardes bestaande woningbouw
Organization: Nieman raadgevend ingenieurs Written by: Cornelisse, M.2021 / 02
Rapport voorzieningszekerheid gas 2009
Organization: Gas Transport Services2009 / 07
Rapportage marktverwachting lampenverkoop in Nederland
(No file)
Organization: GfK2011 / 01
Reactor and Fuel Cycle Economics – Can Nuclear Power Compete?
Organization: U.S. Department of Energy Written by: Williams, K2009 / 08
Real Time Estimation of Possible Production at Nysted
This paper proposes a model for real time estimation of possible production at the Nysted Wind Plant in Denmark (PDF)
Organization: Technical University Denmark2007 / 09
Realisatie Milieudoelen - Voortgangsrapport 2009
In this report the Planbureau for the Living Environment judges whether or not the environment targets for 2010 and further are going to be m... (PDF)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2009 / 05
Realistic Costs of Carbon Capture
there are substantial uncertainties about the costs of CCS. Costs for pre-combustion capture with compression are examined here for First-of-... (PDF)
Organization: Harvard Written by: Aljuaied, M.2009 / 07
Realistic Domestic Hot-Water Profiles in Different Time Scales
Written by: Jordan, U.2010 / 05
Recent Facts about Photovoltaics in Germany
Updates and ongoing research on PV systems and the associated market in Germany. (PDF)
Organization: Fraunhofer Institute2015 / 12
Reconsidering the Capacity Credit: Application of Cumulative Prospect Theory and Variable Wind Time Series Analysis
Document calculates capacity credit of wind turbines as a function of the installed wind capacity for NL. Data on page 40 and 41 is used in t... (PDF)
Organization: Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University Written by: Wilton, E.J.D.2013 / 08
Reference cases and guidelines for technology concepts
aiming at technologies that meet the target of at least 90% CO2 capture rate and 50% CO2 capture cost reduction by developing new pre-combust... (PDF)
Organization: ENCAP2008 / 02
Reference projection energy and emissions 2010-2020
The Reference projection 2010-2020 examines the future development of Dutch energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution up to 2020... (No file)
Organization: ECN2012 / 01
Regressie graaddagen en temperatuur
Regressie die de relatie tussen graaddagen en gemiddelde jaartemperatuur aangeeft voor de jaren 1987-2004. De definitie van graaddagen is zoa... (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Kok, R,E de2020 / 05
Regulier en netbewust laden : Outlook Laadprofielen Personenauto's
Organization: Elaad Written by: Refa, N.2023 / 01
Renewable energy - geothermal
Geothermal capacity per country 1990-2008 (PDF)
Organization: BP2009 / 01
Renewable energy - solar
Cumulative installed photovoltaic (PV) power 1998-2008 (PDF)
Organization: BP2009 / 01