Renewable energy - wind
Cumulative installed wind turbines 1998-2008 (PDF)
Organization: BP2009 / 01
Renewable energy from waste
Fact sheet of supply chain of waste in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 08
Renewable Energy Industry Roadmap for the Netherlands
This is a document detailing a vision for how policy might achieve a more sustainable society in 2020. It contains plenty of facts and inform... (PDF)
Organization: DE-koepel2010 / 05
Renewable Energy Made in Germany
Current status of renewable energy in germany (PDF)
Organization: Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technologie2008 / 03
Renewable energy projections as published in the national renewable energy action plans of the european member states
This report presents an overview of all data that have been published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). In this version... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and European Environment Agency Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M.2011 / 01
Renewable Energy Road Map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future
This Road Map, an integral part of the Strategic European Energy Review, sets out a longterm vision for renewable energy sources in the EU (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2007 / 10
Organization: International Renewable Energy Agency2012 / 06
Renewable Hydrogen Production Using Electrolysis
Easy introduction to renewable hydrogen production using electrolysis. (PDF)
Organization: Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association Written by: Williams, K2011 / 01
Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2012: An Overview
Organization: International Renewable Energy Agency2013 / 01
Renovatie windturbines Berekening van de onrendabele top
calculation of the financial gaps of wind turbines that have been, or are to be renovated (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Verheij, F. and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 05
Renovation concepts for saving 75% on total domestic energy consumption
The energy consumption in the built environment accounts for approximately one third of the total energy consumption in the Netherlands. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Koene, F.G.H.2009 / 01
Rentabiliteit biomassa wkk - mogelijkheden tot verbetering
Survey to the improvement of the efficiency on biomass conversion technologies to electricity and heat production (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects Written by: Coenen, J. and Schlatmann, S.2007 / 05
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION on indirect land-use change related to biofuels and bioliquids
Organization: European Commission2010 / 12
Restwarmtepotentie inschatting Quintel Excel
In deze Excel worden de ETM-percentages voor restwarmtepotentie in NL geduid. De potenties zijn gebaseerd op dit rapport: Restwarmtebenutting... (XLSX)
Written by: Quintel,2020 / 02
Rijden en varen op gas - Kosten en milieueffecten van aardgas en groen gas in transport
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Kampman, B.E.2010 / 06
Rijk zonder CO2: Naar een duurzame energievoorziening in 2050
Organization: Raad voor de Leefomgeving2015 / 09
Road map for biofuels in Europe
overview of the technical and economic possibilities for increasing the use of biofuels in EU 2030. (PDF)
Organization: COWI and Trafikdage pa Aalborg Universitet Written by: Ohm, A.2006 / 08
Roadmap duurzame biomassa import
The potential of global biomass production, important aspects in sustainability, conditions under which import can be realised, policies requ... (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Groene Grondstoffen Written by: Faaij, A.2006 / 12
Rol van de fossiele bronnen en uranium bij de energievoorzieningszekerheid
This report gives apprehension in the extraction of fossil fuels and their market developments (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft and Vlaams Instituut voor wetenschappelijk en technologisch aspectenonderzoek Written by: Benner, J.H.B. , Correlj, A.F. , Croezen, H.J. , Geuns, L.C. van , Slingerland, S. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2007 / 11
Rotterdam klaar voor opvang CO2
Policy and financial means are needed for CCS (DOC)
Organization: PriceWaterhouseCoopers2008 / 07
Routekaart Groningen Energieneutraal+ 2025
Organization: Gemeente Groningen2008 / 02
Routekaart hybride warmtepomp
Organization: Berenschot2017 / 03
Ruimte voor zonne-energie in Nederland 2020-2050
Provides potential for solar pv for residences and buildings, for all provinces, different house types etc. (PDF)
Organization: Holland Solar2015 / 06
RWE inaugurates world’s largest pellet plant to fuel green energy in Waycross
Organization: Georgia Biomass2011 / 05
Samenvatting Net voor de Toekomst Scenario’s Energietransitiemodel
This documents and summarizes the efforts of Quintel to re-create in the Energy Transition Model the scenarios featured in the Net voor de To... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2018 / 06