Samenvatting transitie actieplan 30% duurzaam in 2050
Summary of the energy transition plan of the board of Energy Transition (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie2006 / 05
Saving Materials - Een verkenning van de Potentiele Bijdrage van Duurzaam Afval en Recyclingbeleid aan Broeikasgasemissiereductie in Nederland
3 different scenararios for waste treatment are explored: 1. succesful current policy 2. increased efficiency energy generation from waste in... (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Corsten, M2010 / 09
Scenario Outlook and System Adequacy Forecast 2011-2025
The System Adequacy Forecast Report focuses on adequacy analyses of ENTSO-E interconnected transmission systems. This report is used as a bas... (PDF)
Organization: European Network of transmission system operators for electricity2011 / 01
Scenariodocumentatie KEV 2024 in het ETM
Organization: Quintel Written by: Vlies, D.J. van der2024 / 12
Schmack Biogas plant Bau einer 4 MW-Biogas-Anlage zur Gaseinspeisung
Schmack Biogas AG plant, some facts (PDF)
Organization: Schmack Biogas Written by: Krayl, P.2007 / 03
SDE Wind op land met vollasturen
Organization: ECN and KEMA2010 / 01
Second generation biofuels:Fast pyrolysis liquids
Pyrolysys oil applications (PDF)
Organization: University of groningen Written by: Heeres, E.2008 / 11
Sectorakkoord Energie 2008-2020
This agreement between the national government and the energysectors explains in which way these parties together want to achieve the sustain... (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, and Ministerie VROM2008 / 10
Sectorakkoord Energie 2008-2020 a
Agreement between the national government and the energy sector in terms of the program 'Schoon en Zuinig' (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2008 / 10
Security of energy supply
The potential and reserves of various energy sources, technologies furthering self-reliance and the impact of policy decisions (PDF)
Organization: European Parliament and PE Written by: Lechtenb, S. and Perrels, A.2006 / 09
Op basis van de bevindingen wordt in deze notitie een beeld geschetst van financiele participatie bij windenergieprojecten op land, en van de... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2009 / 08
Setting the incentives right for timely ccs deployment
In this report the following issues will be addressed: What could be the role of the EU-ETS in generating market-based incentives both within... (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie2009 / 03
SGT-2000E Series Reliable, robust, flexible
Organization: Siemens2011 / 07
SGT-800 Gas Turbine
Organization: Siemens2013 / 02
Shale gas - a provisional assessment of climate change and environmental impacts
The extensive analysis within the report addresses two specific issues associated with the extraction and combustion of shale gas. Firstly, i... (PDF)
Organization: Tyndall Centre2011 / 01
Shale Gas Is Shaping The Natural Gas Market
American-style article on the effects of deploying shale gas in the U.S. (PDF)
Organization: Pipeline and Gas Journal Written by: Bathe, B2011 / 05
Shell energy scenarios to 2050
This report describes 2 scenarios in which the energy market possibly is going to be developed (PDF)
Organization: Shell Written by: Bentham, J.2008 / 01
Shift Gear to Biofuel Results and recommendations from the VIEWLS project
The economic and environment technical performances of biofuels. The production potential in an intra European trading situation with Eastern... (PDF)
Organization: VIEWLS2005 / 11
Shoaiba Oil-fired power plant Saudi Arabia
Specifications Shoaiba Oil-fired power plant Saudi Arabia (PDF)
2009 / 10
Siemens bouwt Centrale Rijnmond II
Siemens is building a new STEG power plant (DOC)
2008 / 02
Siemens Gas Turbines over 100 MW
Organization: Siemens2008 / 02
Smakelijk weten; Trends in voeding en gezondheid
Is used for one assumption about the number of supermarkets in the Netherlands only. (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2012 / 12
Small-scale CHP Factsheet Poland
Small-scale CHP Factsheet Poland (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects2007 / 12
Smart Power Foundation Maakt zich sterk voor micro-WKK
Outlook on supply of micro CHP's and advantages of an increase in production (PDF)
Organization: Smart Power Foundation2009 / 10
Solar PV roadmap targets
Solar PV roadmap targets (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01