The future of Coal
This MIT study examines the role of coal as an energy source in a world where constraints on carbon emissions are adopted to mitigate global ... (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2007 / 01
The Future of Geothermal Energy, Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st Century
The goal of this assessment is to provide an evaluation of geothermal energy as a major supplier of energy in the United States. (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2006 / 01
The future of nuclear power
This study analyzes what would be required to retain nuclear power as a significant option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting ... (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2003 / 01
The German Energy Transition and its Neighbors - Part 1 - German Energy Transition
During high winds, Germany needs to transport a lot of electricity from North to South. Since the German grid is not always able to handle th... (PDF)
Organization: Heinrich Boll Foundation Written by: Morris, C.2013 / 02
The German Energy Transition – Issues and Perspectives
Organization: AICGS Written by: Keil, J.2012 / 12
The German Residential Energy Consumption Survey 2005
The energy consumption of German households in 2005. A nation-wide survey of 6,533 households serves as the starting point to determine the c... (No file)
2005 / 01
The Impact of EU Biofuel Policy on Food Economics and Food Security to 2020
The Impact of EU Biofuel Policy on Food Economics and Food Security to 2020 (PDF)
Organization: Biofuel Matters ltd2008 / 01
The impact of the EU ETS on electricity prices
This study analyses the impact of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) on electricity prices, in particular on wholesale power markets acros... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hers, S.J. , Lise, W. , Sijm, J.P.M. , and Wetzelaer, B.J.H.W.2008 / 12
The international CHP/DHC collaborative
CHP capacity in Germany, some project examples (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 01
The international logistics of wood pellets for heating and power production in Europe, energy input and greenhouse gas balances of pellets consumption in italy, Sweden and the Netherlands
CO2 values, Shows three cases, Italy, netherlands, Sweden, also links to other countries (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University Written by: Sikkema, R.2010 / 01
The LNG Industry in 2012
Organization: GIIGNL2013 / 04
The LNG Industry in 2013
Organization: GIIGNL2014 / 04
The LNG Industry in 2014
Organization: GIIGNL2015 / 04
The natural gas chain, Toward a global life cycle assessment
The reason that to make a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the entire gas chain is a full LCA of the gas Chain on a world scale was not available... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. and Sevenster, M.N.2006 / 01
The NATURALHY project : first step in assessing the potential of the existing natural gas network for hydrogen delivery
Provides a good overview of how hydrogen can be integrated in natural gas grid (blending and transportation). Identifies potential barriers o... (PDF)
Organization: GasUnie Written by: Tiekstra, G2008 / 01
the pebble bed modular reactor technology
Small, safe, clean and adaptable. These, in a nutshell, are the features of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR). (DOC)
Organization: Eskom2007 / 06
The Potential for CCS in Europe
2019 / 10
The PRIMES Energy System Model - SummaryDescription
PRIMES is a modelling system that simulates a market equilibrium solution for energy supply and demand in the European Union (EU) member stat... (PDF)
Organization: National Technical University of Athens2008 / 01
The RITE Project
The RITE Project incorporates a tidal Free Flow system comprised of 5-meter turbines, which generate electricity on both the ebb and flow tid... (PDF)
Organization: VerdantPower2008 / 12
The Role of Natural Gas in the Dutch Energy Transition: Towards low-carbon electricity supply
The role of natural gas in three (electricity) energy transition scenarios is considered: 1. Wind breakthrough 2. Coal CCS 3. Nuclear. It con... (PDF)
Organization: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Written by: Foreest, F van2010 / 01
The solar (r)evolution, A tour along PV technology, economics, environment and applications
the solar evolution and revolution (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C. and Zeman, M.2008 / 01
The strategy of hard coal mining industry activities in Poland for 2007 - 2015
A strategy of hard coal mining industry activities in Poland for 2007 - 2015 (PDF)
2007 / 07
The UC Davis Emerging Lithium Battery Test Project
This report is concerned with the testing and evaluation of various battery chemistries for use in PHEV's (Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles). ... (PDF)
Organization: California Air Resources Board, Electric Power Resources Institute, and UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies Written by: Burke, A2009 / 06
The Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure to Environmental Change
Much energy infrastructure lies in areas that are predicted to become increasingly physically unstable owing to changes in the environment. ... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 07
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007
The present report attempts to provide solid elements of key information for intelligent analysis and informed decision-making. (PDF)
Organization: EFA Written by: Schneider, M.2007 / 11