Biomassa: tanken of stoken?
A comparison of the use of biomass in transport fuels or production of electricity (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bello, O. , Croezen, H.J. , Kampman, B.E. , and Keizer, I. de2003 / 07
Biomethane presented as most efficient biofuel at NAAC Conference
a comparative trial of biofuels used in the Mini, to see how far each type of biofuel generated from 1 hectare of energy crops takes the car (DOC)
Organization: Biopact2007 / 12
Biomethanization training info
Biogas process of biomethanization and technical info (PDF)
Organization: Agricultural Technology Research and Demonstration Centre2007 / 01
Bioraffinage biedt kansen voor groene reststromen
Opportunities for other biomass recources (PDF)
Organization: Biochem Written by: Baarle, D. van2006 / 02
Bioraffinage, wat is het en wat levert het op?
Potentials of biorefinery (PDF)
Organization: Wageningen UR Written by: Meesters, K.2008 / 03
Blanco Rodrigues_2009_direct employment in the wind energy sector, an EU study_Energy policy
Wind energy is often said to have positive effects on employment, but few studies have systematically dealt with this matter. This article pr... (PDF)
Organization: University of Alcala de Henares Written by: Blanco, M. I.2009 / 01
Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: A Review of Key Issues
pointing to key issues that can limit the amount of hydrogen in the gas grid. - leakage - pipeline steel, - wobbe index (PDF)
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Melaina, M. W2013 / 03
Blue battery for green energy
Written by: Huynen, J.M.H. Dr.2018 / 09
Blue energy
Technology behind blue energy (energy from osmosis, using the pressure between fresh and salt water) and it's potential (PDF)
Organization: KEMA2007 / 10
BP Statistical review of world energy 2009 - Renewables
Cumulative installed geothermal power capacity, solar PV capacity and wind power capacity (PDF)
Organization: BP2009 / 06
BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2007
the BP Statistical Review of World Energy provides high-quality, objective and globally consistent data on world energymarkets (PDF)
Organization: BP2007 / 06
BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2009
This workbook contains information presented in the 2009 (XLS)
Organization: BP2009 / 06
BP statistical review of world energy says
explanations of oil, gas, coal, Nuclear and Hydroelectricity, Renewable (DOC)
Organization: BP2007 / 01
Brandstofmix Elektriciteit 2020
A scenario analysis is executed about the electricity demand and supply in 2020 from various sources (renewable, must-run and fossil). What w... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Seebregts, A.J.2009 / 12
Bruttostromerzeugung in Deutschland von 1990 bis 2008 nach Energietragern
Electricity production in Germany from 1990 until 2008 by energy carrier (PDF)
Organization: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.2009 / 05
Bubbling Fluidized-Bed Technology Serves Combustion Need for Biomass
bubbling fluidized-bed combustion of biomass (PDF)
Organization: Paperloop inc. Written by: Pifer, G.2005 / 01
Building the costs curves for CO2 storage: European sector
This report reviews the development of a CO2 storage cost curve for Europe (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2005 / 02
Bulletin of power industry 2008
Electricity balance of Poland 2007 (PDF)
Organization: Energy Market Agency S.A.2010 / 02
Business opportunities because the solution is more than a hybrid
Business opportunities for hybrid car market (PDF)
Organization: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants2008 / 01
Business Risks and Costs of New Nuclear Power
It has been an entire generation since nuclear power was seriously considered as an energy option in the U.S. It seems to have been forgotten... (PDF)
Written by: Severance, C.A.2009 / 01
Can Unconventional Gas be a Game Changer in European Gas Markets?
This study places US unconventional gas development in its proper context in order to set the scene for an analysis of European developments.... (PDF)
Organization: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies2010 / 12
Capturing CO2
to reduce emissions is to capture the CO2 that is released from fossil fuel-fired power plants and store it underground. (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 05
Carbon Advantage, Competitive Advantage
Companies can get a better return by offering products and services that improve sustainability for others (DOC)
2008 / 01
Carbon advantage, competitive advantage
By investing in sustainable energy, companies can get better returns (DOC)
Organization: Business Week Written by: Douglas, D.2008 / 01
Carbon Capture and Storage: A reality check for the Netherlands
This study covers the entire CCS value chain, from the generation of CO2 emissions to the long-term storage in the subsurface. (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme2008 / 09