Planning for an electricity sector with CCS
Contains a lot of information about the expected development of fossil fuel power plants with and without CCS. (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Broek, M. van den2008 / 01
Correlation of Ontario Wind Farm Power Output with Wind Farm Separation
Organization: Wind Farm Realities, Canada (website) Written by: Harmsen, R.2008 / 01
The NATURALHY project : first step in assessing the potential of the existing natural gas network for hydrogen delivery
Provides a good overview of how hydrogen can be integrated in natural gas grid (blending and transportation). Identifies potential barriers o... (PDF)
Organization: GasUnie Written by: Tiekstra, G2008 / 01
Country report for the Netherlands 2007
Critical issues influencing future biomass trade in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency - Bioenergy and Utrecht University Written by: Junginger, M. and Sikkema, R.2007 / 12
Biomethane presented as most efficient biofuel at NAAC Conference
a comparative trial of biofuels used in the Mini, to see how far each type of biofuel generated from 1 hectare of energy crops takes the car (DOC)
Organization: Biopact2007 / 12
Biobrandstof uit voedsel verbieden
extracting biomass from food supply such as cereals should be prohibited (DOC)
Organization: Nederlands Dagblad2007 / 12
Gasmonitor Ontwikkelingen in de groothandelsmarkt gas in Nederland in 2006
This year-report of the gasmarket identifies a number of serious obstacles which antagonizes the competition on the wholesale (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit Written by: Althoff, J. , Karatay, E. , Kleijn, M. de , Sutorius, R. , and Vermeulen, M.2007 / 12
Zwart, grijs of groen?
Analysis of the social powerfield around the building of new coal plants in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: IMSA Amsterdam Written by: Olsthoorn, M. and Wolde, A. ten2007 / 12
Europe, the EU and its 2050 energy story lines
This paper seeks to explore some of the conditions under which energy policy could be formulated in and by the EU over the next 40 years or s... (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael, Netherlands Institute for International Relations Written by: Jong, F. de and Weeda, E.2007 / 12
BCC investeert in duurzame logistiek
The Dutch electronica company BCC invented a new distribution system the 1-to-3 changesystem (1-to-3 wisselsysteem) for a more efficient dist... (DOC)
Organization: BCC2007 / 12
Nuclear power undermining action on climate change
There is a clear scientific consensus that we must halve global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050 or suffer changes to the global climat... (PDF)
Organization: Greenpeace2007 / 12
Offshore Wind Power Experiences, Potential and Key Issues for Deployment
Overview of status and prospects of (offshore) wind energy (PDF)
Organization: Technical University Denmark2007 / 12
Small-scale CHP Factsheet Poland
Small-scale CHP Factsheet Poland (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects2007 / 12
Wegwijzer Warmtepompen 2007
Info sheet heat pumps (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Warmtepompen2007 / 12
Steenkoolcentrale EON in Antwerpen
New cleaner coal plant in Antwerp (DOC)
2007 / 11
Eneco_20071129_Seminar Diepe Geothermie Presentatie
Example of geothermal energy extraction in The Hague and the participating parties (PDF)
Organization: Eneco Written by: Buis, H.2007 / 11
Marktpotentie HRe
Critics on a potential study to micro chp from Cogen (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2007 / 11
Producing Biofuel from processed animal fats
Producing Biofuel from processed animal fats (PDF)
Organization: Ecoson Written by: Rietveld, C.2007 / 11
Bio-oil in stationary gas turbines Technical & economical feasibility
investigation on the feasibility of the use of biofuels, especially bio-oils, in gas turbines. (PDF)
Organization: Ingenia and Senternovem Written by: Adriaans, T. , Hoogendoorn, A. , and Ouwerkerk, H.2007 / 11
Biogas experiments on a large scale
Research Centre Foulum inaugurates the largest test plant in the world (PDF)
Organization: Bio Energy Research Written by: Skott, T.2007 / 11
Investeren in groen gas
Small scale biogas production in Beverwijk (PDF)
Organization: BioGast Sustainable Energy Written by: Gast, F.2007 / 11
Energie voor morgen Biogas in, aardgas uit
Products/systems of Gastreatment Services specialised in Gas installations (PDF)
Organization: Gas Treatment Services Written by: Bas, M. de2007 / 11
Global Wood Pellets Markets and Industry: Policy Drivers, Market Status and Raw Material Potential
accurate assessment of the raw material for wood pellets production (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency - Bioenergy Written by: Blanchard, M. , Dolzan, P. , Grassi, A. , Heinim, J. , Junginger, M. , Ranta, T. , and Walter, A.2007 / 11
Invloed van innovatieve technologie op de toekomstige elektriciteitsinfrastructuur
Investigation of the possible impacts of innovative technologies on the future electricity infrastructure (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hanschke, C.B. , Nieuwenhout, F.J.D. , Scheepers, M. , and Seebregts, A.J.2007 / 11
Rol van de fossiele bronnen en uranium bij de energievoorzieningszekerheid
This report gives apprehension in the extraction of fossil fuels and their market developments (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft and Vlaams Instituut voor wetenschappelijk en technologisch aspectenonderzoek Written by: Benner, J.H.B. , Correlj, A.F. , Croezen, H.J. , Geuns, L.C. van , Slingerland, S. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2007 / 11