Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame elektriciteitsopties in 2008-2009 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lensink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2007 / 11
Global climate policy scenarios for 2030 and beyond
Analysis of Greenhouse Gas emission reduction pathway scenarios with the poles and GEM-E3 models (PDF)
Organization: European Commission Written by: Ciscar, J. , Regemorter, D. van , Russ, P. , and Wiesenthal, T.2007 / 11
Naar een duurzame elektriciteitsvoorziening - De Visie
vision to a sustainabe energysupply (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Duurzame Elektriciteitsvoorziening2007 / 11
Groen gas in het duurzame-energiebeleid
Green gas in the dutch energy policy (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken Written by: Wierda, A.2007 / 11
A European strategic energy technology plan 'Towards a low carbon future'
A European strategic energy technology plan for a drecrease in CO2 emissions (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2007 / 11
Inpassing Groen Gas en Warmte: Meer dan alleen aansluiten
Green gas and heat use (PDF)
Organization: Eindhoven University2007 / 11
Electric Power Annual 2006
Electric power industry statistics at the national level in US (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2007 / 11
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007
The present report attempts to provide solid elements of key information for intelligent analysis and informed decision-making. (PDF)
Organization: EFA Written by: Schneider, M.2007 / 11
A Feasibility Study Guide for an Agricultural Biomass Pellet Company
Organization: Agricultural Utilization Research Institute Written by: Campbell, K.2007 / 11
Draft Planning Policy Statement 18 Renewable Energy
(No file)
Organization: Department of Energy2007 / 11
Onderzoek Werking Seizoensflexibiliteitsmarkt
The goal of this research is to gain knowledge of the market for (season) flexibility in order to present measures to improve the functionali... (PDF)
Organization: Ecorys2007 / 10
Energiecentrale Eemshaven, dertien vragen
New powerplant on coal and biomass in the Eemshaven (PDF)
Organization: RWE2007 / 10
Vol gas vooruit: De rol van groen gas in de Nederlandse energiehuishouding
Strategy for the development of a green gas market on the short term (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas Written by: Dumont, M. and Wempe, J.2007 / 10
De Nederlandse oliemarkt
The Dutch oil market (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Huurman, J. and Verduin, H.2007 / 10
An Analysis of Energy Production Costs from Anaerobic Digestion Systems on U.S. Livestock Production Facilities
This technical publication reviews the potential of using manure anaerobic digestion (AD) systems on livestock production facilities to produ... (PDF)
Organization: Natural Resources Conservation Service and United States Department of Agriculture Written by: Beddoes, J.C.2007 / 10
A sustainable energy system in 2050: promise or possibility?
This document presents an outline of a sustainable energy situation for Europe in the year 2050 (PDF)
Organization: ECN and NRG Written by: Brink, R.W. van den, Uyterlinde, M.A. , and Ybema, J.R.2007 / 10
Lighting the way Toward a sustainable energy future
aggressive support of energy science and technology, coupled with incentives that accelerate the concurrent development and deployment of inn... (PDF)
Organization: InterAcademy Council2007 / 10
Lighting the way toward a sustainable energy future - part 2
aggressive support of energy science and technology, coupled with incentives that accelerate the concurrent development and deployment of inn... (PDF)
Organization: InterAcademy Council2007 / 10
Decentrale infrastructuur
Interim report decentral infrastructure (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Duurzame Elektriciteitsvoorziening and Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas2007 / 10
Renewable Energy Road Map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future
This Road Map, an integral part of the Strategic European Energy Review, sets out a longterm vision for renewable energy sources in the EU (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2007 / 10
Blue energy
Technology behind blue energy (energy from osmosis, using the pressure between fresh and salt water) and it's potential (PDF)
Organization: KEMA2007 / 10
Energy from renewable sources 2006
The publication aims at presenting information on production and use of energy from renewable sources in 2006, as well as data available for ... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2007 / 10
Naar een energieneutrale zuivelketen: groen gas op het aardgasnet
Possibilities of a strategy for implementation of green gas in the natural gas network (PDF)
Organization: Courage and Innovatienetwerk Written by: Bruinsma, B.2007 / 09
Nieuwe energie voor het klimaat - werkprogramma schoon en zuinig
The government policy program 'Schoon en Zuinig' (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie VROM2007 / 09
Beoordeling werkprogramma Schoon en Zuinig
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on energy saving, renewables en GHG emissions (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Menkveld, M.2007 / 09