Warmte koude opslag nog beter
Research for improving the efficiency of thermal energy storage systems (PDF)
2007 / 01
The international CHP/DHC collaborative
CHP capacity in Germany, some project examples (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 01
Kosten und Okobilanzen von Biokraftstoffen
costs and life cycle assessment (LCA) of biofuels (No file)
Organization: Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt Written by: Vogel, A.2007 / 01
Possibilities of renewable energy sources
Possibilities of renewable energy sources (PDF)
2007 / 01
Benchmark duurzame energieopties
Levering van warmte voor 6000 woningen in Den Haag Zuid-West (PDF)
2007 / 01
PUBL gospodarka materialowa
The aim of this publication is presenting (in natural units) basic data about the balances of selected raw materials and materials, which are... (PDF)
Organization: Ministry of Economy Poland Written by: Berent-Kowalska, N.G.2007 / 01
Statistics of Polish electroenergetic sector
Electricity balance of Poland (PDF)
Organization: Energy Market Agency S.A.2007 / 01
Statistical Review of World Energy 2007 powerpoint
Fossil fuel supply in world countries (PPT)
Organization: BP2007 / 01
coal reserves world countries 2003
coal reserves world countries 2003 (DOC)
2007 / 01
Dynamische Simulation eines Lastmanagements und Integration von Windenergie in ein Elektrizitatsnetz auf Landesebene unter regelungstechnischen und Kostengesichtspunkten
Extensive study on wind power integration. Also takes system cost into account (No file)
Organization: ETH Zurich Written by: Klobasa, M2007 / 01
Modelling the Volatility in Wind Farm Output
Rather mathematical and theoretical approach to analyzing wind power correlations. (PDF)
Organization: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. Written by: Ward, K2007 / 01
Energie van zee
Windparks in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: We at Sea2006 / 12
toepassing van verticale bodemwarmtewisselaars
Hand manual for dimensioning vertical heat exchangers (PDF)
2006 / 12
Biogas Upgrading to Vehicle Fuel Standards and Grid Injection
Biogas production in the EU, some case studies (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency - Bioenergy Written by: Jonnson, O. , Persson, M. , and Wellinger, A.2006 / 12
Roadmap duurzame biomassa import
The potential of global biomass production, important aspects in sustainability, conditions under which import can be realised, policies requ... (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Groene Grondstoffen Written by: Faaij, A.2006 / 12
EPR - Flamanville 3
The reasons that EDF is building a (PDF)
Organization: EDF2006 / 12
Protocol Monitoring Duurzame Warmte - update 2006
Provides a protocol to determine the level of renewable energy in a wide range of technologies and applications. From solar to hydro power an... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2006 / 12
Status Windenergie op land in Nederland
Status of wind energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
2006 / 11
Statusdocument Bio-energie 2007
Condition of bio energy projects in the netherlands in 2006, the trends en predictions for 2007 and further (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2006 / 11
Vergisting industriele reststromen
products of Orgaworld BV (PDF)
Organization: Orgaworld BV Written by: Kaskens, H.2006 / 11
Potential of Coproduction of Energy, Fuels and Chemicals from Biobased Renewable Resources
This report shows how in 2030, biobased alternatives can potentially cover up to 30% of the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie Written by: Wielen, A.M. van der2006 / 11
Welke nieuwe elektriciteitscentrale in Nederland? Vernieuwd CE model
Investmentmodel to decide which powerplant has to be build in the Netherlands from the perspective of the investor and government and environ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2006 / 11
ASPO Nederland Nieuwsbrief #6 - November 2006
Articles about the oil production and reserves around the world, outlooks of the energy production of Shell (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2006 / 11
Questions and Answers on Emissions Trading and National Allocation Plans for 2008 to 2012
Questions and Answers on Emissions Trading (ETS) and National Allocation Plans for 2008 to 2012 (PDF)
Organization: Council of the European Union2006 / 11
Oil and gas: what future?
Fossil fuels public data are unreliable, Official production forecasts are based on continuous growth wishes, Oil (liquids including syntheti... (PDF)
Organization: ASPO2006 / 11