Agricultural Situation and Prospects in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Agricultural Situation and Prospects in the Central and Eastern European Countries (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2003 / 06
Uncertainties in relation to CO2 capture and sequestration. Preliminary results.
This paper has been presented at an expert meeting on CO2 capture technology learning at the IEA headquarters. (PDF)
Organization: EET and International Energy Agency Written by: Gielen, D.2003 / 03
Mestvergisting op boerderijniveau
Authorization and feasibility of fermentation of manure and biomass (No file)
Organization: Novem and Wageningen UR Written by: Leeden, R.H.C. van der, Rooven, P.P.M.J. van , and Wassenberg, A.H.M. van de2003 / 01
Actieplan Biomassa: samen werken aan bio-energie
Actionplan for defining the barriers in the bio-energy production of The Netherlands and adding solutions for it (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2003 / 01
Biomass action plan, The Netherlands
Actionplan for defining the barriers in the bio-energy production of The Netherlands and adding solutions for it (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2003 / 01
external costs
Research results on socio-environmental damages due to electricity and transport (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2003 / 01
The future of nuclear power
This study analyzes what would be required to retain nuclear power as a significant option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting ... (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2003 / 01
Verbrandingswaarden van kolen en aanverwante produkten
Combustion values of coal and similar products (PDF)
Organization: Breugele2003 / 01
General information of a solar heating system (PDF)
Organization: Duurzame Energie Informatiecentrum2003 / 01
Megawatts boven water
Big offshore windpark projects (PDF)
2003 / 01
Climate and Atmosphere - Poland
Greenhouse gas emissions in Poland, Europe and the world (PDF)
2003 / 01
Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: Policies, Strategies and Costs
Organization: Nuclear Energy Agency2003 / 01
De Ontwikkeling van een Electrostatische Windenergie Convertor I
Summary of the end report on the development of the Electrostatic Windenergy Convertor (PDF)
2002 / 12
Kansen voor lage-temperatuurwarmte in combinatie met warmtepompen en ondergrondse energie-opslag bij (bijna) gesloten kassen Deelrapport: ondergrondse energieopslag
Energy storage below ground level for greenhouses (PDF)
Organization: KEMA2002 / 11
Te weining investeren in nieuwe elektriciteitscentrales vergroot risico's op stroomuitval
Electricity security in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beus, J. de and Scheepers, M.2002 / 09
Potential for building integrated photovoltaics
Achievable levels of electricity from photovoltaic roofs and facades: methodology, case studies, rules of thumb and determination of the pote... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2002 / 01
Investment cost for geothermal power plants
Investment cost for geothermal power plants (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2002 / 01
Energy production from biomass (part 1): overview of biomass
biomass values for production of wood (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Energy production from biomass (part 2) conversion technologies
biomass, brief overview of conversion methods (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
het warmtepomp variantenboek
Different types of heat pumps, technologies and market perspective (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2001 / 05
putting carbon back into the ground
the need and techniques to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2001 / 02
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Rijkers, F.2001 / 01
Energiemarkt trends 2001 - Groei duurzame energieaanbod afhankelijk van succes offshore windenergie
Developments in off shore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de2001 / 01
Municipal solid waste incineration A decision makers' duide
Organization: The World Bank Written by: Haukohl, J. , Marxen, U. , and Rand, T.2000 / 02
CFB-vergassing - bijstook in STEG
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle - IGCC (PDF)
2000 / 01