Eneco_20071129_Seminar Diepe Geothermie Presentatie
Example of geothermal energy extraction in The Hague and the participating parties (PDF)
Organization: Eneco Written by: Buis, H.2007 / 11
Energie in Nederland 2008
Energy balance of the Netherlands in 2008 (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2008 / 08
Energie in Nederland 2010
Document that appears yearly and has a lot of useful data visualized in a useful way. (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2010 / 06
Energie info aardbeitelers Limburg
Energy information of the greenhouse sector (PDF)
Organization: IWT Written by: Marien, H.2005 / 12
Energie Trends 2012
Very useful report that provides a breakdown of energy consumption in different sectors (households etc.). (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Ybema, R2012 / 11
energie uit de bodem
Examples of a TES system with heat pump (PDF)
2009 / 01
Energie uit zoet en zout water
Potential of blue energy, using the tension between sweet and salt water (DOC)
2008 / 05
Energie van zee
Windparks in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: We at Sea2006 / 12
Energie van zee_2
Status offshore wind energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: We at Sea2007 / 06
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - duurzame energie
Status of the development of sustainable energy in the Netherlands in relation to the climate targets in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - elektriciteits en gasmarkt
status of the electricity and natural gasmarket in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - overheid en energiebeleid
Government and energy policy of the Netherlands 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Energie Verslag Nederland 2007 - duurzame energie
Status of the development of sustainable energy in the Netherlands in relation to the climate targets in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Energie voor morgen Biogas in, aardgas uit
Products/systems of Gastreatment Services specialised in Gas installations (PDF)
Organization: Gas Treatment Services Written by: Bas, M. de2007 / 11
Energie- en CO2-besparingspotentieel van micro-wkk in Nederland (2010-2030)
Survey to the potential (reduction of energy use and CO2 emission) of micro wkk in the Netherlands untill 2030 (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas Written by: Bakker, E.J. , Dam, J. , Gastel, M. van, Jeeninga, H. , Jong, A. de, and Wolferen, H. van2008 / 05
Energiebalans van Nederland: CBS versus IEA, Eurostat en UNFCC
A detailed comparison of the statistical methods used for energy balance data by CBS, IEA and Eurostat. Also UNFCCC. Contains a thorough expl... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2010 / 03
Energiebesparing: de onbegrensde mogelijkheden
Possibilities for energy saving measures in different sectors (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Blok, K. and Visser, E. de2005 / 10
Energiebesparingsmonitor gebouwde omgeving 2011
An extensive survey among 1100 buildings in the utility sector. (PDF)
Organization: Stratus Written by: Hoevenagel, R.2012 / 03
Energiecentrale Eemshaven, dertien vragen
New powerplant on coal and biomass in the Eemshaven (PDF)
Organization: RWE2007 / 10
Energiedata utiliteitsbouw 2008
Contains the data of a survey done by SenterNovem to find information about the energy demand in non-residential buildings in The Netherlands... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2009 / 08
Energiemarkt trends 2001 - Groei duurzame energieaanbod afhankelijk van succes offshore windenergie
Developments in off shore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de2001 / 01
Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse glastuinbouw 2017
Organization: Wageningen UR2018 / 11
Energienota gemeente Emmen 2023-2026
Written by: Emmen, gemeente2023 / 11
Energierapport 2008
In this energy report the Dutch national government gives its energy vision, what the government will do the next years and what the governme... (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2008 / 06
Energierapport 2008 - samenvatting
In this energyreport the national government will give it's energy vision, what the government is goning to do the next years and what the go... (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2008 / 06