Potential of hydro energy in the Netherlands in terms of costs and capacity (DOC)
2009 / 01
ENTEC Storage report - Annex 2.1 Energy Storage Database and Use Case Matrix
Organization: ENTEC2022 / 11
Entwicklung der Energieversorgung 2008
Gas and electricity supply in Germany in 2008 (PDF)
Organization: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.2009 / 02
Environmental and Economic aspects of using LNG as a fuel for shipping in The Netherlands
Organization: TNO Written by: Verbeek, R.2011 / 03
EPR - Flamanville 3
The reasons that EDF is building a (PDF)
Organization: EDF2006 / 12
Annual report of EPZ (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2007 / 01
Erneuerbare energien in zahlen - Nationale und internationale Entwicklung
Developments in renewable energy in Germany and abroad (PDF)
Organization: Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit2009 / 06
Erneuerbare Energien und das EEG: Zahlen, Fakten, Grafiken (2013)
Extensive presentations with very informative slides on German electricity system: production, fuel consumption, renewable sources (water, wi... (PDF)
Organization: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.2013 / 02
Essential Innovations
Introduction on TPWind, SRA and MDS, The offshore strategy of TPWind (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform2009 / 02
ETM flexibility of electricity production Documentation
Documentation of the flexibility of electricity production calculation as implemented in the ETM. This part focuses on the calculations for e... (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2012 / 04
ETM merit order calculation Documentation
Word document explaining the merit order calculation as implemented in the Energy Transition Model (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2012 / 04
ETRI 2014: Energy Technology Reference Indicator projections for 2010-2050
Organization: JRC IE2014 / 08
EU bioenergy potential from a resource-efficiency perspective
The EEA European Topic Centre on Spatial Integration and Analysis (ETC/SIA) produced a report in 2013 re-evaluating Europe's bioenergy potent... (PDF)
Organization: EEA2013 / 07
EU Biofuels Annual 2016
This report presents the situation and outlook for biofuels in the EU. (PDF)
Organization: United States Department of Agriculture Written by: Phillips, S.2016 / 06
EU energy and transport in figures - statistical pocketbook 2007/2008
This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual energy- and transport-related statistics in Europe (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
EU energy and transport in figures - statistical pocketbook 2009
This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual energy- and transport-related statistics in Europe (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2009 / 01
EU shifts gear on biofuels targets
EU aim for 10% of car and truck fuel to come from renewable sources, not necessarily from biofuels (DOC)
Organization: Business Week2008 / 07
Euro Area Producer Prices
Organization: Eurostat2024 / 02
Europe's largest biomethane plant inaugurated by Bavarian Minister President Gunther Beckstein
New biomethane powerplant (DOC)
Organization: Schmack Biogas Written by: Krayl, P.2008 / 07
Europe's onshore and offshore wind energy potential, An assessment of environmental and economic constraints
This study confirms that wind energy can play a major role in achieving the European renewable energy targets. It also gives a good topograp... (PDF)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Europe, the EU and its 2050 energy story lines
This paper seeks to explore some of the conditions under which energy policy could be formulated in and by the EU over the next 40 years or s... (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael, Netherlands Institute for International Relations Written by: Jong, F. de and Weeda, E.2007 / 12
European Energy and Transport
Outlook on the world energy balance until 2030 following the baseline scenario (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 04
European energy and transport - trends to 2030
This scenario provides projections of energy demand, supply and transformation on the basis of current knowledge, technology forecasting and ... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2006 / 05
European Energy Efficiency trends - Household energy consumption.pdf
This article provides an overview of the UK's energy efficiency performance compared with other EU countries1, drawing on energy efficiency i... (PDF)
Organization: Enerdata2011 / 03
European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
Speech of Jeremy Bentham in European hydrogen and fuel cell technology platform (PDF)
Organization: Shell Written by: Bentham, J.2005 / 03