European Roadmap for process Intensification
Process Intensification (PI) presents a set of often radically innovative principles ( (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2008 / 01
European Steel in Figures
Organization: Eurofer2020 / 06
Europees bos biedt goede mogelijkheden voor tweede-generatie biobrandstoffen
Potential of the european forests for the production of biomass (DOC)
Organization: Wageningen UR2008 / 07
Europese zon maakt kernenergie overbodig
Potential solar energy power for Europe (PDF)
Organization: Energie Plus2009 / 06
EV/PHEV roadmap targets
Targets from the technology roadmap (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
EV/PHEV roadmap targets print version
Roadmap for energy technologies in transportation (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
Evaluating the benefits of greater global investment
This report answers policy makers (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2008 / 01
Evolving Economics of Offshore Wind Power - Cost reductions from scaling and learning
Offshore wind electricity generation is prospected to increase substantially in the near future at a number of locations, like in the North a... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Zwaan, B van der2010 / 05
Experiences of biomass co-firing Finland
Cofiring with biofuel, examples of powerplants in finland (PDF)
Organization: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Written by: Oravainen, H.2008 / 10
Experts about Energy - 2011 and beyond
Dick Benschop, Jeroen de Haas, Wubbo Ockels, Pier Nabuurs, Sipko Schat, Marcus van den Hoek and Ton Hoff give their visions for the future of... (PDF)
Organization: Deloitte2011 / 01
external costs
Research results on socio-environmental damages due to electricity and transport (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2003 / 01
External costs of coal
The external costs of coal (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Donszelmann, E. , Markowska, A. , Sevenster, M.N. , and Valkengoed, M. van2008 / 11
Externe kosten van kernenergie
External costs of nucleair energy (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Davidson, M.D. , Jong, F. de , and Sevenster, M.N.2008 / 12
Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon: From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood: A European road map for biofuels
seven EU institutes of different backgrounds have analysed the prospects for biofuels in terms of resource potential, costs and impacts of di... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Londo, M.2008 / 03
Fact Finding Kernenergie
This report, prepared for the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), presents facts and figures on nuclear energy to enable a ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Blom, F.J. , Gemert, F. van, Lako, P. , Scheepers, M.J.J. , and Seebregts, A.J.2007 / 09
Fact sheet kolen
facts of coal plants in relation to other power plants (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2008 / 01
Factors influencing the penetration of energy efficient electrical appliances into national markets in Europe
Organization: Bush Energie Gmbh and SoWATT Written by: Adriaans, T.2009 / 06
Facts & Figures - Market data
electricity generation, fossil fuel developments. gasmarket of Germany (No file)
Organization: RWE2008 / 10
Facts and Figures kernenergiecentrale
Capacity, electricity production and waste products of a nuclear power plant (DOC)
Organization: EPZ2008 / 01
Factsheet Diepe Geothermie
deep geothermic facts, potential and constraints (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2010 / 02
Factsheet geothermie
Quick summary of geothermal energy, what it is, its potential etc (PDF)
Organization: Platform Geothermie2011 / 02
Factsheet hybride warmtepomp
Organization: CE Delft2021 / 04
Feasibility of storing CO2 in the Utsira formation as part of a long term Dutch CCS strategy
This study provides insight into the feasibility of a CO2 trunkline from the Netherlands to the Utsira formation in the Norwegian part of the... (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier and Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Broek, M. van den, Faaij, A. , and Turkenburg, W.2009 / 08
Financing Renewable Energy in the European Energy Market
Organization: Ecofys, Ernst &Young, Fraunhofer Institute, and TU Vienna EEG Written by: Bouillé, A. , Busch, A. , Gazzo, A. , Gousseland, P. , Held, A. , Henriet, M. , Jager, D. de, Klessmann, C. , Koper, M. , Panzer , C. , Ragwitz, M. , Resch, G. , Roulleau, T. , Stricker, E. , and Visser, E. de2011 / 01
Flexibility of future energy scenarios
M.Sc. Thesis written by Quintel employee Chris Laumans concerning the impact of future energy technologies on the Dutch low voltage electrici... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel and Technische Universiteit Delft Written by: Laumans, C.J.2011 / 06