Goed gebruik van biomassa
This publication is an in-depth analysis of effective use of biomass for reducing GHG emissions for 2010 and the period 2020-2030. It conclud... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. , Croezen, H.J. , and Kampman, B.E.2010 / 04
Grafiek productie profielen 2013-2037
Raw data of time curves for natural gas and crude oil for The Netherlands from 2013-2037 (No file)
Organization: NL Olie- en Gasportaal2013 / 01
Green Electricity Making a Difference
Descript multi-national renewable electricity markets, Country reports and Label reports (No file)
Organization: PriceWaterhouseCoopers2009 / 05
Green marketing, the competitive advantage of sustainability
Green marketing involves developing and promoting products and services (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agencyn/a
Greenhouse gas emissions reporting from the petroleum and natural gas industry
This technical support document details the data and procedure for gathering data on GHG emissions from the petroleum and gas industry in the... (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agency2011 / 01
Greening the economy - new energy for business
This review seeks to identify how the European Union can create a climate for change to shape a transition towards a more sustainable and com... (PDF)
Organization: Federation of Enterprises in Belgium Written by: Orsato, R.J. and Warr, B.2008 / 02
Groen Gas
Production of biogas, expectations production 2020 (PDF)
Organization: GasUnie Written by: Joosten, G.2008 / 11
Groen gas in het duurzame-energiebeleid
Green gas in the dutch energy policy (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken Written by: Wierda, A.2007 / 11
Groen Gas van aardgaskwaliteit uit biomassa update van de studie uit 2004
Future potential of green gas, aspects for the stimulation of the production of green gas and the companyrelated aspects of similar projects (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Dumont, M. , Kwant, K. , and Welink, J.2007 / 01
Groen licht voor bodemenergie
Advice on the implementation of Thermal Energy Storage in the Netherlands, potential of TES and technical possibilities (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie VROM2009 / 03
Groenten op het bord of brandstof in de tank?
Developments around biofuel production in relation to food stock (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. , Kampman, B.E. , and Sevenster, M.N.2008 / 02
Grootschalige energie opslag
Big scale energy storage (PDF)
Organization: TenneT2009 / 02
Grootschalige zonthermie voor warmtenetten
Written by: Peters, M.2019 / 03
Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm
Organization: RWE2005 / 11
Organization: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Written by: Chase, J.2014 / 02
H2 industrial boiler technology factsheet
Organization: TNO2020 / 05
H2 or e-? Two scenarios for hydrogen as an automotive fuel
In the first scenario, Large-Scale Experimentation, emission regulations tihgten in two ways. The other scenario is called Gradual Breakthrou... (PDF)
Organization: Eindhoven University Written by: Bree, B. van2009 / 04
Haal de zon in huis
thermal solar energy system costs (PDF)
Organization: Eneco2009 / 01
Heat pump vs CHP
My conclusion: can we reduce the energy we consume for heating? Yes. Can we get off fossil fuels at the same time? Yes. (DOC)
2009 / 01
Heldergroen gas - een visie op de duurzaamheid van groen gas
This document assesses the sustainability and economic sense of various biomass / biogas applications and future developments concerning gree... (PDF)
Organization: Natuur en Milieu2011 / 05
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland - 2009
CBS's annual publication about renewable energy, containing statistics on how much renewable energy is produced in the Netherlands. Note that... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2010 / 08
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland 2010
Provides a statistical overview of all renewable energy production in The Netherlands in 2010 using the CBS calculations and the internationa... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2011 / 09
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland 2011
Provides a statistical overview of all renewable energy production in The Netherlands in 2011 using the CBS calculations and the internationa... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2012 / 01
Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2014
Provides a statistical overview of all renewable energy production in The Netherlands up to 2014 using the CBS calculations and the internati... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2015 / 09
Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2015
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2016 / 09