Onderzoek naar de structuur en het niveau van elektriciteitsprijzen voor Noordwest-Europese grootverbruikers
A survey to the structure and the level of electricity prices for big scale users in Northwest Europe (PDF)
2006 / 06
Onderzoek Oppervlaktegegevens Utiliteitsbouw
An extensive research document to the average surface area for the utility sector. (PDF)
Organization: Geon b.v. Written by: Olthof, H.2012 / 04
Onderzoek Werking Seizoensflexibiliteitsmarkt
The goal of this research is to gain knowledge of the market for (season) flexibility in order to present measures to improve the functionali... (PDF)
Organization: Ecorys2007 / 10
Onderzoekers betwijfelen nut van biobrandstof
Conclusions around use of biofuel and the reduction in CO2 emission (DOC)
Organization: De Pers2008 / 01
Onrendabele top berekeningen voor bestaande WKK 2008
Survey to the profitability of the present WKK installations (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hers, S.J. , Seebregts, A.J. , Welle, A.J. van der, and Wetzels, W.2008 / 05
Onrendabele top berekeningen voor nieuw WKK-vermogen 2009
This report presents an analysis of the profitability of investments in new cogeneration capacity installed in 2009 (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hers, S.J. and Wetzels, W.2009 / 02
Onrendabele top berekeningsmethodiek
This report describes the methodology used to calculate the financial gap of renewable electricity sources and technologies. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de and Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Onrendabele toppen van duurzame elektriciteitsopties
This report contains an advice on the financial gaps of renewable electricity production technologies that are to be used for determining the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Op weg naar een klimaatneutrale gebouwde omgeving 2050
In deze studie is onderzocht op welke wijze de warmtevraag in de bestaande gebouwen klimaatneutraal kan worden. Voor vijftien typische buurte... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2015 / 05
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Rijkers, F.2001 / 01
Opec waarschuwt voor grotere inzet duurzame energie
OPEC sees the use of sustainble energy sources as a threat for a decrease on the demand side for raw oil (DOC)
Organization: Het Financiele Dagblad2008 / 07
OPEC: duurzame energie bedreigt vraag ruwe olie
OPEC sees the use of sustainble energy sources as a threat for a decrease on the demand side for raw oil (DOC)
Organization: De Pers2008 / 07
Openstelling SDE 2009
Information about the subsidy for sustainable energy production SDE (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2009 / 02
Operation and maintenance: From near shore to far offshore
Development of operation and maintainance strategies for offshore windfarms (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Rademakers, L.2009 / 02
Operations report 2009
This report describes the general performance of the wind farm in the third operating year 2009, and summarizes the results of the monitoring... (PDF)
Organization: NUON and Shell2010 / 11
Oplossingsrichting CCS/CCU
Document from the VNCI on hydrogen production routes and its further conversion into methanol, plastic etc. (PDF)
Organization: Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie2012 / 01
Optiedocument energie en emissies 2010-2020
This report describes the background scenario and the emissions levels in 2010 and 2020, which are the starting points for the emission reduc... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Daniels, B.W.2006 / 03
Optimierung thermischer Solaranlagen durch Simulation
A technical report on how to integrate solar thermal heating into space heating and hot water preparation (PDF)
Organization: Solar Energy, Tagung fur Architekten und Ingenieure Written by: Valentin, G2006 / 01
Opwaarderen tot aardgaskwaliteit: Van biogas naar groen gas
Upgrading of biogas to green gas for better energy efficience (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas Written by: Dumont, M.2010 / 02
opwerking: hergebruik van splijtstof
Processing nuclear waste (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2004 / 01
Opzet biogasinstallatie
Biogasinstallations and WKK (PDF)
Organization: DLV Adviesgroep Written by: Schellekens, J.2007 / 03
Outlook for Energy - A View to 2030
ExxonMobil gives its outlook for the development of global energy demand until 2030. Despite extensive possibilities for energy savings, it f... (No file)
Organization: ExxonMobil2010 / 01
Overal CO2 Cost Report
Post-demonstration CCS in the EU (PDF)
Organization: Zero Emissions Platform Written by: , C Wulffers2020 / 09
Overheidsingrepen in de energiemarkt
Report shows that majority of government interventions in the energy market are to the benefit of fossil fuels. Interventions are focused mai... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2011 / 06
Overheidsvisie op de bio-based economy in de energietransitie
A vision of the government in which the optimal valuating and consuming of green fuels is highlited (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie van LNV2007 / 01