Tackling investment challenges in power generation
This book responds to the concerns about the adequacy of investments in power generation which apply not only to electricity but to the entir... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 01
Taking stock of UK co2 storage
2017 / 09
Tarieven en vergoedingsregeling stadswarmte of stadswarmte en tapwater
Calculation of the heat price of NUON (PDF)
Organization: NUON2008 / 01
TCA wil elektrische taxi's in Amsterdam
Taxicompany in Amsterdam wants to invest in an electric taxi system (DOC)
Organization: NRC Wetenschap2008 / 07
Te weining investeren in nieuwe elektriciteitscentrales vergroot risico's op stroomuitval
Electricity security in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beus, J. de and Scheepers, M.2002 / 09
Techneco ELGA
Organization: Techneco2013 / 12
Techneco ELGA Brochure
Brochure of the Techneco ELGA hybrid heatpump, including technical aspects. (PDF)
Organization: Techneco2015 / 09
Technisch economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2009-2010 (Eindadvies)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands that aim at realization in 2010 (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Londo, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2008 / 12
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame elektriciteitsopties in 2008-2009 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lensink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2007 / 11
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2006-2007 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands starting between july 2006 and december 2007 to ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lange, T.J. de , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , Verheij, F. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 07
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2008-2009 (Eindadvies)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Wakker, A.2008 / 01
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2009-2010 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands that aim at realization in 2010 to determine the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Londo, M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Wakker, A.2008 / 01
Technisch-economische parameters van groengasproductie 2008-2009
part of the advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 to determine... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Londo, M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2008 / 01
Technologies and Approaches To Reducing The Fuel Consumption of Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Organization: National Research Council2010 / 11
Technology Characterization: Gas Turbines
Organization: ICF International2008 / 12
Technology Data for Electricity and Heat Generating Plants
To guide authors of technology sheets in selecting the right data and to assist readers in interpreting the data (PDF)
Organization: Danish Energy Authority2005 / 03
Technology data for high temperature solid oxide electrolyser cells, alkali and PEM electrolysers
Study on various electrolysis technologies for hydrogen production, including Alkaline, PEM and SO and their technical aspects. (PDF)
Organization: Aalborg University2013 / 08
Organization: TNO Written by: Uslu, A2018 / 03
Technology factsheet - Hydrogen (H) boiler services sector
The technology comprises a gas boiler fueled by 100% hydrogen gas (H2). (PDF)
Organization: TNO Written by: Niessink, R2021 / 02
Technology Roadmap Bioenergy for Heat and Power
Organization: International Energy Agency2012 / 05
Technology Roadmap Carbon capture and storage
This roadmap on CCS identifies, for the first time, a detailed scenario for the technology's growth from a handful of large-scale projects to... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2010 / 02
Technology Roadmap Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
a detailed scenario for the evolution of of EV's and PHEV's and their market penetration, from annual production of a few thousand to over 10... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. Technical Annex.
The technical annex to IEA's roadmap to hydrogen and fuel cell technology. (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2015 / 06
Technology Roadmap Hydropower
Organization: International Energy Agency2012 / 03
Technology roadmap PV targets_print
Solar PV roadmap targets (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01