Technology roadmap wind targets_print
Wind energy roadmap targets until 2050 (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
Temperature and heat-flow density along European transcontinental profiles
Temperature and heat-flow density along European transcontinental profiles (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier1991 / 05
Tempo maken met warmte-koudeopslag
Potential of thermal energy storage in the Netherlands (PDF)
2009 / 12
Terschelling wil energiecentrale op grondwater
Terschelling (NL) is making feasibility study for a geothermal power plant (DOC)
Organization: NU.nl2008 / 09
the brave new world of nuclear power economics
a company called UniStar Nuclear Energy LLC wants to build what would be the country (PDF)
Organization: NIRS2008 / 09
The Business Sustainability Roadmap
The Business Sustainability Roadmap (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agencyn/a
The case for investing in energy productivity
This report assesses the additional investment and key actions needed to capture the productivity potential (PDF)
Organization: McKinsey2008 / 02
The coal resource - a comprehensive overview of coal
The origin of coal and the use of coal (PDF)
Organization: World Coal Institute2009 / 06
The comeback of the electric car?
Different scenarios for the development of electric cars (PDF)
Organization: The Boston Consulting Group Written by: Book, M. , Groll, M. , and Mosquet, X.2009 / 01
The Coming Oil Supply Crunch
This report argues that unless there is a collapse in oil demand within the next five to ten years, there will be a serious oil 'supply crunc... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House Written by: Stevens, P. Paul2010 / 07
The cost of CCS technology - designing a cost estimation process
To support the development of policy and legislation and allocation of R&D investments and support, buy layout cost consensus across ZEP comm... (PPT)
Organization: ZEP Ttech2009 / 09
The cost of technology - designing a cost estimation process
Cost estimations, Representative CCS cases, Common issues across CCS Chain (PPT)
Organization: ZEP Ttech2009 / 09
The drivers of the Levelized Cost of electricity for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics
The drivers of the Levelized Cost of electricity for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics (PDF)
2008 / 08
The Economics of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is cost competitive with other forms of electricity generation, except where there is direct access to low-cost fossil fuels. (PDF)
Organization: WNA2008 / 11
The economics of nuclear power report 2007
Over the last two decades there has been a steep decline in orders for new nuclear reactors globally. Poor economics has been one of the driv... (PDF)
Organization: Greenpeace Written by: Thomas, S.2007 / 01
The economics of nuclear power: analysis of recent studies
The objective of this report is to identify the key economic parameters commenting on their determining factors and to review the assumptions... (PDF)
Organization: PSIRU Written by: Thomas, S.2005 / 07
The Economics of solar power
Outlook of installed capacity of solar power in 2020 (PDF)
Organization: McKinsey2008 / 06
The Economics of Wind Energy
The Economics of Wind Energy (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Association Written by: Krohn, S.2009 / 03
The energetic implications of curtailing versus storing solar- and wind-generated electricity
Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data for generation and storage technologies, we calculate which storage and generation technologies result... (PDF)
Organization: RSC Publishing Written by: Barnhart, C. J.2013 / 08
The Energy and Fuel Data Sheet
Gives mj/l for various fuels (No file)
2011 / 03
The energy report - 100% renewable energy by 2050
WWF and Ecofys provide 10 recommendations for a renewable future. Ecofys has built a 100% renewable energy scenario, this is discussed in det... (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys and WWF World Wide Fund for Nature2011 / 02
The European Gas Market
This post will provide a production forecast for Europe's main gas producers (the UK, The Netherlands and Norway): it will examine existing i... (DOC)
Organization: Oil Drum Written by: Mearns, E.2008 / 08
The european wood pellet markets current status and prospects for 2020
wood pellets market information (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University Written by: Sikkema, R.2011 / 12
The future of Coal
This MIT study examines the role of coal as an energy source in a world where constraints on carbon emissions are adopted to mitigate global ... (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2007 / 01
The Future of Geothermal Energy, Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st Century
The goal of this assessment is to provide an evaluation of geothermal energy as a major supplier of energy in the United States. (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2006 / 01