The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011
The present World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011 was to be published at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disas... (PDF)
Organization: EFA2011 / 04
Thermal Energy Storage
The role of thermal storage in heating systems (PDF)
Organization: University of Klagenfurt1998 / 07
TNO-rapport biomassa gegevens voor ETM - DRAFT
Dit rapport bevat de achtergronden van cijfers die vanuit de researchgroep Biomassa en Energie Efficiency (BEE) van ECN part of TNO aan Quint... (PDF)
Organization: TNO Written by: Kroon, P.2020 / 02
Toelichting bij ketenkentallen, opgesteld voor het Energietransitiemodel
This document outlines CE Delft's assumptions, sources and data used to quantify Fuel Chain Emissions of greenhouse gases for the ETM module.... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2012 / 06
toepassing van verticale bodemwarmtewisselaars
Hand manual for dimensioning vertical heat exchangers (PDF)
2006 / 12
ToLEDo Ball
Technical specifications for led lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2014 / 07
ToLEDo Superia Tubes
Technical specifications for led lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 10
Toonaangevende hakselaar technologie van KRONE
production of cut cereal per hectare (PDF)
2009 / 01
Towards hydrogen definitions based on their emissions intensity
Organization: International Energy Agency2023 / 04
Tracking industrial energy efficiency and CO2 emissions
CO2 emission in the industry sector (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 01
The biorefinery concept: the way on which biomass on the long term has to be used (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2003 / 10
Transitiepad thermische zonne-energie De roadmap van Holland Solar
Vision on solar electricity in the Netherlands, a road map (PDF)
2007 / 03
Transitiepad zonnestroom De roadmap van Holland Solar
Vision on solar electricity in the Netherlands, a road map (PDF)
2005 / 05
Transitieplatform Offshore Windenergie
First start of a vision on the development of offshore wind energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie2005 / 11
Transitiestrategie Elektriciteit en Warmte
Energy Transition of Senternovem has made a strategy for energy transition in electricity and heat production, CE Delft and JPvS made an eval... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Leguijt, C. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Soest , J.P. van2008 / 11
Transport - activity results in 2008
The aim of the publication is to present the aspects determining the development of the transport sector (economic and infrastructural) and i... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 07
transport cost team
Openness and Transparency, Involvement and Individual Contribution, Responsibility and Time-keeping and Generous sharing (PPT)
Organization: IM Skaugen SE Written by: Nilsson, P.A.2009 / 09
Transport en opslag van CO2 in Nederland
Organization: EBN and Gasunie2018 / 07
Transportbalans 2008
Review on the results of the functioning of the electricty network in The Netherlands in 2008 (PDF)
Organization: TenneT2009 / 01
Treibhausgasemissionen und Vermeidungskosten der nuk-learen, fossilen und erneuer-baren Strombereitstellung
Greenhousegas emissions and reduction costs (No file)
2007 / 03
Trend verlichting
Trends in the use in types of lighting in households (DOC)
Organization: Milieu Centraal2009 / 01
Trends of PV market and technology
Trends of the solar PV market and technology (PDF)
Organization: Sharp Written by: Saga, T.2008 / 11
Trends to 2050 reference scenario 2013
The Energy trends 2050 publication presents scenarios on economic developments, energy prices, environment, policies and measures implemented... (No file)
Organization: European Commission2013 / 12
Trends to 2050 reference scenario 2016
The Energy trends 2050 publication presents scenarios on economic developments, energy prices, environment, policies and measures implemented... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2016 / 07
Trends to 2050 reference scenario 2016 - Excel sheets
The Energy trends 2050 publication presents scenarios on economic developments, energy prices, environment, policies and measures implemented... (XLS)
Organization: European Commission2016 / 07