Waarom de elektrische auto wegblijft
Demand for a modernization in the electricity network (PDF)
Organization: De Pers Written by: Strop, J.2009 / 03
Waarom geothermie en waarom NOPG
Introduces NOPG and geothermal energy's potential for NL (and beyond) (PDF)
Organization: Nationaal Onderzoek Programma Geothermie2011 / 02
Warmte en Kracht - WarmteKrachtKoppeling: een overzicht en leidraad
Explains the role (gas-fired) CHPs play in the Netherlands, their environmental impact, potential, etc. This document also lists very practic... (PDF)
Organization: Gasterra2008 / 10
Warmte koude opslag nog beter
Research for improving the efficiency of thermal energy storage systems (PDF)
2007 / 01
Warmte uit de Natuur: de Warmtepomp
Organization: ODE Vlaanderen2013 / 08
Warmte/koudeopslag: betrouwbaarheid cijfers en uitsplitsing naar provincie
Uncertainties about the reliability of thermal energy storage data of Ecofys and DWA (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Segers, R.2006 / 07
Warmwasserbedarfszahlen und Verbrauchscharacteristik
Extensive (but old) data of hot water consumption in Switzerland. (PDF)
Organization: Bundesamt fuer Konjunkturfragen, Switzerland. Written by: Blatter, M1993 / 01
was strom aus erneuerbaren energien wirklich kostet
Which part does renawable energy has on the electricity costs (PDF)
Organization: Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit2005 / 06
Wat gebeurt er al in de regio? Initiatieven en beleid in Oost-Nederland
Examples of bio energy projects in the east of the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Provincie Gelderland and Provincie Overijssel2008 / 01
Water power
In Poland, hydroelectric power plants play the most significant role in the production of renewable energy (DOC)
2008 / 06
Watergebruik thuis 2007
Very detailed report that gives insight into the water consumption in Dutch households. Breakdown to very small effects, e.g. cooking, 'spaar... (PDF)
Organization: TNS Nipo Written by: Foekema, H2008 / 01
Waterstof Brandstof voor Transities
A vision on H2, the future application of that and the activities needed to realize this vision. (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas2006 / 10
Wegwijzer van de energievoorziening 2010-1
Complete overview of organizations active in energy in the Netherlands. Mainly gas, electricity and heat. (No file)
Organization: EnergieNed2010 / 02
Wegwijzer Warmtepompen 2007
Info sheet heat pumps (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Warmtepompen2007 / 12
Weiterentwicklung der Ausbaustrategie Erneuerbare Energien Leitstudie 2008
A scenario in which is described how the greenhouse gas emissions until 2050 in Germany with 20% can be reduced in relation to the values of ... (PDF)
Organization: Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit2008 / 10
wel of geen kolencentrales
Critics on the plans for building new coal plants (PDF)
Written by: Eck, T. van2007 / 07
Welke nieuwe elektriciteitscentrale in Nederland?
Investmentmodel to decide which powerplant has to be build in the Netherlands from the perspective of the investor and government (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. and Slingerland, S.2005 / 07
Welke nieuwe elektriciteitscentrale in Nederland? Vernieuwd CE model
Investmentmodel to decide which powerplant has to be build in the Netherlands from the perspective of the investor and government and environ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2006 / 11
Well-to-wheel analysis of direct and indirect use of natural gas in passenger vehicles
Well-to-wheel analysis of natural gas for low duty vehicles. (PDF)
Organization: Energy Written by: Curran, S.J.2014 / 10
Well-to-Wheel Analysis of Future Trains and Fuels
Organization: Duinn Written by: Assen, A.J. Van and Mei, A.J. Van der2014 / 04
Well-to-wheels Analysis of Future Automotive Fuels and Powertrains in the European Context (version 3c) WTT APPENDIX 1 Description of individual processes and detailed input data
All WTT data is stored in LBST's E3 database and that software was used to calculate the energy and GHG balances of the pathways. This append... (PDF)
Organization: JRC IE2011 / 11
Well-to-wheels Analysis of Future Automotive Fuels and Powertrains in the European Context (version 3c) WTT APPENDIX 2 Description and detailed energy and GHG balance of individual pathways
This appendix gives the detailed results of the energy and GHG balance for all pathways. It details the processes included in each pathway an... (PDF)
Organization: JRC IE2011 / 11
Werkdocument Verduurzaming utiliteitsbouw
Financiering en normering voor utliiteitsgebouwen - subgroep binnen Klimaattafel (PDF)
Organization: Written by: verduurzaming utiliteitsbouw, Werkgroep2018 / 06
WhisperGen MicroWKK
Technical specifications of a micro CHP device (PDF)
Organization: The Magic Boiler Company2009 / 10
Wie viel kostet eine Handwerkerstunde?
Two-page information flyer that justifies the hourly wage of a contractor by breading down the wage into taxes, employer benefits, net income... (PDF)
Organization: Handwerkskammer Region Stuttgart2013 / 05