GEA_Hanse_2005_Geothermal_Industry Employment Survey Results and Analysis September
The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) is often asked about the socioeconomic and employment impact of the industry. The main objective of t... (PDF)
Inzet van biomassa in zelfstandige kleinschalige installaties voor de opwekking van elektricitieit
Calculation of the financial feasibility of stand alone biomass projects based on burning of wood chips (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Beekes, M. , Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Inzet van biomassa in centrales voor de opwekking van elektriciteit
Are the costs and benefits of projects in which wood-pellets are co-fired in a coal fired power plant representative for those of bio-oil fue... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Zonneenergie wordt goedkoper dan kolen en kernenergie
Solar energy is being neglected by the Dutch government while it is an affordable alternative for coal and nuclear energy (PDF)
2005 / 09
Kernenergie in perspectief
Side effects of nuclear energy, a critical review (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2005 / 10
Energy content
The energy content or heating value of (bio)diesel fuel (PDF)
Organization: Bio Diesel Board2005 / 10
Kosteneffectieve energiebesparing en klimaatbescherming
The possibilities of insulation and the opportunities for The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2005 / 10
Energiebesparing: de onbegrensde mogelijkheden
Possibilities for energy saving measures in different sectors (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Blok, K. and Visser, E. de2005 / 10
De verwachte beschikbaarheid van biomassa in 2010
Survey to the quantity of biomass needed for the existing installations to operate efficient (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Boer, P.D.M. de and Koppejan, J.2005 / 10
Bio-energie in onze samenleving
Appeal for big scale production of bio energy in the Netherlands (PPT)
Organization: KEMA Written by: Faaij, A. and Pfeiffer, E.A.2005 / 11
Shift Gear to Biofuel Results and recommendations from the VIEWLS project
The economic and environment technical performances of biofuels. The production potential in an intra European trading situation with Eastern... (PDF)
Organization: VIEWLS2005 / 11
Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm
Organization: RWE2005 / 11
Transitieplatform Offshore Windenergie
First start of a vision on the development of offshore wind energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie2005 / 11
Energie info aardbeitelers Limburg
Energy information of the greenhouse sector (PDF)
Organization: IWT Written by: Marien, H.2005 / 12
Prijskoppeling aardgas: een overleefde traditie?
Gasprice formulas have changed due to the liberalisation of the energy market (PDF)
Organization: SLEA2005 / 12
Optimierung thermischer Solaranlagen durch Simulation
A technical report on how to integrate solar thermal heating into space heating and hot water preparation (PDF)
Organization: Solar Energy, Tagung fur Architekten und Ingenieure Written by: Valentin, G2006 / 01
Council Conclusions on Biomass
implementation of the Biomass Action Plan and the development of a long-term strategy for bioenergy beyond 2010 (PDF)
Organization: Council of the European Union2006 / 01
The Future of Geothermal Energy, Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st Century
The goal of this assessment is to provide an evaluation of geothermal energy as a major supplier of energy in the United States. (PDF)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology2006 / 01
The natural gas chain, Toward a global life cycle assessment
The reason that to make a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the entire gas chain is a full LCA of the gas Chain on a world scale was not available... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. and Sevenster, M.N.2006 / 01
Energy Outlook 2007/2008
This report gives a view on the developments around the energy demand and the energy supply untill the year 2030 (PDF)
Organization: Endex2006 / 01
Status en stimulering van bioenergie in Nederland
Status en stimulering van bioenergie in Nederland (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Kwant, K.2006 / 01
2004 Energy statistics yearbook
This yearbook is a comprehensive collection of international energy statistics prepared by the United Nations Statistics Division (PDF)
Organization: United Nations2006 / 01
Actieplan Biomassa: Inhoudelijk Eindrapport
Market and government are working together to solutions for constraints which obstruct or slow down the realisation of bioenergy projects (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Gerlagh, T. and Lammers, E.2006 / 01
Biomassa in de Nederlandse energiehuishouding in 2030
Present and future use of fossil fuels (PDF)
Organization: ECN, Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Groene Grondstoffen, and Wageningen UR Written by: Deurwaarder, E.P. , Elbersen, H.W. , Rabou, L.P.L.M. , and Scott, E.L.2006 / 01
Concentrated Solar Power als onderdeel van de Europese energievoorziening
The realization of big scale solar plants: possibilities, obstacles and advice (PDF)
Organization: Technische Universiteit Delft2006 / 01