Economy Amsterdam grows faster than that of The Netherlands
In 2009 and 2010 the economy of Amsterdam performed better than that of The Netherlands. In 2011 it is expected to grow 3.3%, against 1.4% of... (PDF)
Organization: Parool2011 / 02
Forestry in the EU and the world - a statistical portrait
Statistical portrait of forestry in the world, including the production of wood as as source of energy. (No file)
Organization: Eurostat2011 / 02
Nuclear power;still not viable without subsidies
This report is an analysis of the 'hidden' subsidies to nuclear power the US. Those subsidies exist both in the construction and the operatio... (PDF)
Organization: Union of Concerned Scientists2011 / 02
Egypt - Facts and Figures
Brief overview of flows of hydrocarbons through Egypt's Suez Canal. Both crude and refinery products. (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2011 / 02
The energy report - 100% renewable energy by 2050
WWF and Ecofys provide 10 recommendations for a renewable future. Ecofys has built a 100% renewable energy scenario, this is discussed in det... (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys and WWF World Wide Fund for Nature2011 / 02
Stadskoude is hot
Explains the technology of using ambient cold stored in deep lakes to cool buildings. Also gives rudimentary information on the available pot... (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 01
Greenhouse gas emissions reporting from the petroleum and natural gas industry
This technical support document details the data and procedure for gathering data on GHG emissions from the petroleum and gas industry in the... (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agency2011 / 01
2020 Strategic Analysis of Energy Storage in California
This report presents a strategic analysis of energy storage for California by 2020. The report assesses current energy storage technologies, ... (PDF)
Organization: California Air Resources Board Written by: Oglesby, R. P.2011 / 01
Ecofys_Rathmann Winkel_201101_Werkgelegenheids effecten door wind en kolen in Eemshaven, Friesland en Groningen
In de provincies Friesland, Groningen en de aangrenzende noordelijke Noordzee zijn doelstellingen voor de productie van windenergie in 2020 g... (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2011 / 01
Scenario Outlook and System Adequacy Forecast 2011-2025
The System Adequacy Forecast Report focuses on adequacy analyses of ENTSO-E interconnected transmission systems. This report is used as a bas... (PDF)
Organization: European Network of transmission system operators for electricity2011 / 01
Rapportage marktverwachting lampenverkoop in Nederland
(No file)
Organization: GfK2011 / 01
Renewable energy projections as published in the national renewable energy action plans of the european member states
This report presents an overview of all data that have been published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). In this version... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and European Environment Agency Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M.2011 / 01
Abschatzung der Bedeutung des Einspeisemanagements
Extensive report on curtailment of excess electricity in Germany, considering the years 2010 and 2011. Curtailment was due to oversupply in 1... (No file)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Bomer, J2011 / 01
Bewertung der Flexibilitaten von Stromerzeugungs- und KWK-Anlagen
German study evaluating different technologies (demand side management, electricity storage, power-to-methane conversion and increased flexib... (No file)
Organization: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.2011 / 01
Shale gas - a provisional assessment of climate change and environmental impacts
The extensive analysis within the report addresses two specific issues associated with the extraction and combustion of shale gas. Firstly, i... (PDF)
Organization: Tyndall Centre2011 / 01
Voorbeeldwoningen 2011, bestaande bouw
Split of residence-types and typical insulation levels. (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 01
Financing Renewable Energy in the European Energy Market
Organization: Ecofys, Ernst &Young, Fraunhofer Institute, and TU Vienna EEG Written by: Bouillé, A. , Busch, A. , Gazzo, A. , Gousseland, P. , Held, A. , Henriet, M. , Jager, D. de, Klessmann, C. , Koper, M. , Panzer , C. , Ragwitz, M. , Resch, G. , Roulleau, T. , Stricker, E. , and Visser, E. de2011 / 01
Experts about Energy - 2011 and beyond
Dick Benschop, Jeroen de Haas, Wubbo Ockels, Pier Nabuurs, Sipko Schat, Marcus van den Hoek and Ton Hoff give their visions for the future of... (PDF)
Organization: Deloitte2011 / 01
Renewable Hydrogen Production Using Electrolysis
Easy introduction to renewable hydrogen production using electrolysis. (PDF)
Organization: Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association Written by: Williams, K2011 / 01
Amsterdam in Cijfers 2010 - Hoofdstuk 8 - Openbare ruimte en groen
Contains data on the land use and land area of Amsterdam. (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 01
Naar een schone economie in 2050: routes verkend
In the document an electricity market scenario analysis is executed for the year 2050. The potential developments are explored, and the poten... (PDF)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2011 / 01
Amsterdam in Cijfers 2010 - Hoofdstuk 1 - Kerncijfers
Contains data on the current population of Amsterdam (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 01
Vestas 3MW Turbines catalogue
Catalogue describing the properties of 3 MW inland wind turbines (PDF)
Organization: Vestas2011 / 01
Vestas V112-3.0 MW Offshore catalogue
Catalogue describing the properties of 3 MW offshore wind turbines (PDF)
Organization: Vestas2011 / 01
Kolencentrales Eemshaven - Dringende redenen openbaar belang
The document answers questions that can be asked when building new power plants in the Eemshaven. The questions are: Draagt de centrale bij a... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2010 / 12