REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION on indirect land-use change related to biofuels and bioliquids
Organization: European Commission2010 / 12
Can Unconventional Gas be a Game Changer in European Gas Markets?
This study places US unconventional gas development in its proper context in order to set the scene for an analysis of European developments.... (PDF)
Organization: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies2010 / 12
More for Asia: Rebalancing World Oil and Gas
The oil and gas industry is set to undergo a decisive transition over the next 10 years as global balances of demand and investment shift tow... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House Written by: Mitchell, J.2010 / 12
Electric Vehicle Based Battery Storages for Large Scale Wind Power Integration in Denmark
In Denmark, there are many hours of surplus wind power production every year. This could be consumed locally through demand side management o... (PDF)
Organization: Aalborg University Written by: Pillai, J. R.2010 / 12
Economic Impact of the Dutch Gas Hub Strategy on the Netherlands
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2010 / 12
Achtergrondrapportage bij NET-document Netbeheer Nederland
Document pertaining to the network calculation. Research done by CE Delft for the Netbeheer Nederland publication NET voor de toekomst (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Leguijt, C. and Rooijers, F.J.2010 / 11
Updated capital costs estimates for electricity generation plants
The current and projected future costs of energy-related capital projetcs, including but not limited to new electric generating plants, have ... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2010 / 11
Operations report 2009
This report describes the general performance of the wind farm in the third operating year 2009, and summarizes the results of the monitoring... (PDF)
Organization: NUON and Shell2010 / 11
Technologies and Approaches To Reducing The Fuel Consumption of Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Organization: National Research Council2010 / 11
Van glazen bol naar rondbodemkolf - voorstudie chemie MEE MJA 2011
This study explores the potential for meeting the target set by the Dutch Chemistry Board of halving emissions of CO2 by 2030. That target go... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL and Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie2010 / 11
De energievoorziening van Nederland - Vandaag (en morgen?)
A book that cites the ETM. I. Use of energy carriers in NL anno 2008 per inhabitant, sector, etc. II. Possibility of a sustainable energy fut... (PDF)
Organization: Delft Energy Initiative, Kivi Niria, and Technische Universiteit Delft Written by: Hellinga, C.2010 / 10
Managing Energy: Rethinking the Fundamentals - Managing Energy Technology
This is working Paper 3. Working Paper 1, 'Managing Energy Wrong', looks at how we manage energy and how we might do better. Working Paper ... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 10
Latest Trends in Russias Energy Policy
his is a roundtable summary of a meeting with Dr Andrei Belyi, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, held at Chatham House on 2 September 2010.... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 09
Potenziale der Wind-Wasserstoff-Technologie in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg und in Schleswig-Holstein
Presentation. Provides an estimate of excess electricity in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany in 2020: Wind capacity in Schleswig-Holstein might re... (PDF)
Organization: Ludwig-Bolkow-Systemtechnik GmbH Written by: Albrecht , U2010 / 09
Bepaling aantal utiliteitsgebouwen in Nederland; Resultaten voor 2009
In this research the number of utility buildings for the Netherlands is determined. (PDF)
Organization: MoBius consult Written by: Prendergast, E.2010 / 09
Saving Materials - Een verkenning van de Potentiele Bijdrage van Duurzaam Afval en Recyclingbeleid aan Broeikasgasemissiereductie in Nederland
3 different scenararios for waste treatment are explored: 1. succesful current policy 2. increased efficiency energy generation from waste in... (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Corsten, M2010 / 09
Rapport energiecijfers kantoren
Provides an overview of the building stock in Holland that consists of office buildings. It shows what kind of technologies are being used in... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2010 / 08
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland - 2009
CBS's annual publication about renewable energy, containing statistics on how much renewable energy is produced in the Netherlands. Note that... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2010 / 08
Endenergieverbrauch nach Sektoren, Energietragern und Anwendungsbereichen im Jahr 2008
Split of energy usage per sector in matrix form (carrier, usage) (PDF)
Organization: AG Energiebilanzen e.V.2010 / 08
Preface to the energy balances for the Federal Republic of Germany
All you need to know about the German Energy Balances published by AGEB. (PDF)
Organization: AG Energiebilanzen e.V.2010 / 08
Monitoringsrapportage Leveringszekerheid Elektriciteit en Gas 2010
The document gives an overview of the demand and supply on the electricity and gas market and and insight in future demand and supply levels.... (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2010 / 07
Voortgang Plan van Aanpak Elektrisch Rijden
The report consists of a letter written by 2 ministers to the parliament of The Netherlands detailing the progress in promoting electric vehi... (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken and Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat2010 / 07
The Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure to Environmental Change
Much energy infrastructure lies in areas that are predicted to become increasingly physically unstable owing to changes in the environment. ... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 07
Inpassing van grootschalig windvermogen op zee in het Nederlandse elektriciteitsvoorzieningsysteem
Determines the effect of a large share of wind energy on the dutch electricity network. (PDF)
Organization: Technische Universiteit Delft2010 / 07
The Coming Oil Supply Crunch
This report argues that unless there is a collapse in oil demand within the next five to ten years, there will be a serious oil 'supply crunc... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House Written by: Stevens, P. Paul2010 / 07