Statistische Zahlen der deutschen Solarstrombranche (Photovoltaik)
Statistic data of the German solar energy branch (PDF)
2009 / 08
NWEA reactie op rapport ECN-E - 09-049
Reaction on ECN report of the new SDE subsidy around wind turbines (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie2009 / 08
Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics 2009
Normal extensive energy balance publication for United Kingdom. Some apparent inconsistencies in subtables (PDF)
Organization: Department of Energy and Climate Change2009 / 07
Rapport voorzieningszekerheid gas 2009
Organization: Gas Transport Services2009 / 07
Plan van Aanpak Elektrisch Rijden (VENW/DGMO_2009/4571)
States the policy for promoting electric vehicles and an industry around it in the NL in the period 2009-2011 (PDF)
2009 / 07
Hoe een
The german electricity law has created a sustainable energy revolution in germany, now germany is an example for other EU countries in terms ... (PDF)
Organization: NRC Wetenschap2009 / 07
Duurzame energie in Nederland 2008
A quantitive overview of the production and the use of sustainable energy especially in the Netherlands in 2008 (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2009 / 07
Realistic Costs of Carbon Capture
there are substantial uncertainties about the costs of CCS. Costs for pre-combustion capture with compression are examined here for First-of-... (PDF)
Organization: Harvard Written by: Aljuaied, M.2009 / 07
Transport - activity results in 2008
The aim of the publication is to present the aspects determining the development of the transport sector (economic and infrastructural) and i... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 07
Unlocking energy efficiency in the US economy
Energy efficiency offers a vast, low-cost energy resource for the US economy - but only if the nation can craft a comprehensive and innovativ... (PDF)
Organization: MGI Written by: Granade, H.C.2009 / 07
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record #9013
Short study conducted by the Department of Energy on the theoretical and actual energy requirements for compressing hydrogen to the industry ... (PDF)
Organization: Department of Energy2009 / 07
Status der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland
Status of wind energy use in Germany (PDF)
2009 / 06
Globaler Solarmarkt tritt in eine neue Phase ein
Decreasing production costs of solar energy systems and increasing competition are giving the solar energy market a boost (PDF)
2009 / 06
Energieverbruik per functie voor SenterNovem
In this document the energy use per application is estimated for the utility sector. (PDF)
Organization: Meijer Energie & Milieumanagement B.V. Written by: Meijer, P.H.2009 / 06
Erneuerbare energien in zahlen - Nationale und internationale Entwicklung
Developments in renewable energy in Germany and abroad (PDF)
Organization: Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit2009 / 06
De netbeheerder en de energietransitie - Een concept-visiedocument t.b.v. Netbeheer Nederland
Several ET scenarios are discussed and their impact on the grid operator. Different futere roles for the grid operator are weighed. (PDF)
Organization: D-Cision2009 / 06
Europese zon maakt kernenergie overbodig
Potential solar energy power for Europe (PDF)
Organization: Energie Plus2009 / 06
Hoe groen kunnen we vliegen
De development of GHG emissions for the aviation and the consequences for policy (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Faber, J. , Velzen, A. van , and Vreede, G.J. van de2009 / 06
BP Statistical review of world energy 2009 - Renewables
Cumulative installed geothermal power capacity, solar PV capacity and wind power capacity (PDF)
Organization: BP2009 / 06
Energy efficiency in poland 1997-2007
Energy efficiency indicators for Polish economy and its sectors (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 06
Duurzame warmte en koude in Nederland
Status of thermal energy storage in the Netherlands: part sustainable, the expectancy of it for the near future and policy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M. and Menkveld, M.2009 / 06
The coal resource - a comprehensive overview of coal
The origin of coal and the use of coal (PDF)
Organization: World Coal Institute2009 / 06
BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2009
This workbook contains information presented in the 2009 (XLS)
Organization: BP2009 / 06
Factors influencing the penetration of energy efficient electrical appliances into national markets in Europe
Organization: Bush Energie Gmbh and SoWATT Written by: Adriaans, T.2009 / 06
The UC Davis Emerging Lithium Battery Test Project
This report is concerned with the testing and evaluation of various battery chemistries for use in PHEV's (Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles). ... (PDF)
Organization: California Air Resources Board, Electric Power Resources Institute, and UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies Written by: Burke, A2009 / 06