Schmack Biogas plant Bau einer 4 MW-Biogas-Anlage zur Gaseinspeisung
Schmack Biogas AG plant, some facts (PDF)
Organization: Schmack Biogas Written by: Krayl, P.2007 / 03
Biomass fuel trade in Europe
Efficient trading of biomass fuels and analysis of fuel supply chains and business models (PDF)
Organization: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Written by: Alakangas, E. , Heikkinen, A. , Lensu, T. , and Vesterinen, P.2007 / 03
Opzet biogasinstallatie
Biogasinstallations and WKK (PDF)
Organization: DLV Adviesgroep Written by: Schellekens, J.2007 / 03
Effecten van biomassaketens op landgebruik en bodemkwaliteit in Nederland
Research to the positive and negative effects of bio energy to the soilquality in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Nutrienten Management Instituut NMI bv and Wageningen UR Written by: Annevelink, E. , Elbersen, H.W. , Hanegraaf, M.C. , and Moolenaar, S.W.2007 / 03
Dealing with electricity prices
The scientific contribution of this research is to propose alternative methodologies for (spot- and derivative) price modelling and portfolio... (PDF)
Organization: Erasmus University Rotterdam Written by: Huurman, J.2007 / 03
Energy Technology Essentials
The IEA Energy Technology Essentials are regularly-updated briefs that draw together the best-available, consolidated information on energy t... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 03
Transitiepad thermische zonne-energie De roadmap van Holland Solar
Vision on solar electricity in the Netherlands, a road map (PDF)
2007 / 03
Treibhausgasemissionen und Vermeidungskosten der nuk-learen, fossilen und erneuer-baren Strombereitstellung
Greenhousegas emissions and reduction costs (No file)
2007 / 03
Facts of a gasengine (PDF)
Organization: Biomass Technology Group2007 / 02
Study: biogas can replace all EU imports of Russian gas by 2020
Article about the research of the potential of the production of biogas in the EU en with that the energy security (DOC)
Organization: Biopact2007 / 02
Wijziging Meststoffenbeschikking 1977
Change in the act of transportation of fertilizers (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie van LNV Written by: Veerman, C.P.2007 / 02
Groen Gas van aardgaskwaliteit uit biomassa update van de studie uit 2004
Future potential of green gas, aspects for the stimulation of the production of green gas and the companyrelated aspects of similar projects (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Dumont, M. , Kwant, K. , and Welink, J.2007 / 01
Biofuel production
Biofuel production in the world, costs, potentials and barriers (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency - Bioenergy2007 / 01
Bio fuel facts
Facts around biomass and biofuels (DOC)
Organization: Martin Davies Written by: Davies, M.2007 / 01
Different types of fermentation intallations, evaluation in use (PDF)
Organization: BioGas International2007 / 01
Biomethanization training info
Biogas process of biomethanization and technical info (PDF)
Organization: Agricultural Technology Research and Demonstration Centre2007 / 01
Biogas plant GAEC Oudet Codigestion and CHP
Factsheet Biogasplant in France GAEC Oudet (PDF)
Organization: Bioprofarm, DEN, and Intelligent Energy Europe2007 / 01
Lebbes biogas farm
Factsheet of a biogasfarm (PDF)
Organization: Bioprofarm, DEN, and Intelligent Energy Europe2007 / 01
Moglichkeiten einer europoischen Biogaseinspeisungsstrategie_Teilbericht 1
Possibilities of a strategy for implementation of biomethanol in the European natural gas network (No file)
Organization: Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt Written by: Langer, F. , Platnner, A. , Seiffert, M. , Thran, D. , and Vogel, A.2007 / 01
Biogas plant EARL Les Brimbelles
Fact sheet biogas plant (PDF)
Organization: Bioprofarm, DEN, and Intelligent Energy Europe2007 / 01
Biogas op het gasnet schept nieuwe kansen
Possibilities of a strategy for implementation of green gas in the natural gas network (PDF)
Organization: Courage and Innovatienetwerk2007 / 01
Duurzame energie in Nederland 2006
A quantitive overview of the production and the use of sustainable energy (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2007 / 01
Monitoringsrapportage Leveringszekerheid elektriciteit en gas in Nederland
Supply security of electricity and gas (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2007 / 01
Overheidsvisie op de bio-based economy in de energietransitie
A vision of the government in which the optimal valuating and consuming of green fuels is highlited (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie van LNV2007 / 01
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - duurzame energie
Status of the development of sustainable energy in the Netherlands in relation to the climate targets in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01