Advanced CFD analysis of large fixed bed biomass boilers with special focus on the convective section
CFD analysis of large fixed biomass boilers with special focus on the convective section (PDF)
Organization: Scharler2004 / 05
Norm voor leveringszekerheid
This document gives an insight in how the standard for the security of supply of electricity in the Netherlands is determined. It also states... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2004 / 05
Four Futures for Energy Markets and Climate Change
Four scenarios for Energy Markets and Climate Change are developed for the coming 40 years (PDF)
Organization: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis Written by: Bollen, J. , Manders, T. , and Mulder, M.2004 / 04
Energietechnologieen in relatie tot transitiebeleid
This report contains information about different energy technology clusters for electricity and heat production and distribution and for the ... (No file)
Organization: ECN Written by: Menkveld, M.2004 / 02
Willow short-rotation coppice in multiple land-use systems
Information about wood yield per ha. cost of production. (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Londo, M.2004 / 01
25 MW Straw-Fired, High Efficiency Power Plant
Technical description and the performance of a straw fired powerplant (PDF)
Organization: EHN2004 / 01
Bio-energie Co-vergisting
Technology and revenues behind co fermentation (PDF)
Organization: Duurzame Energie Informatiecentrum2004 / 01
Onrendabele toppen van duurzame elektriciteitsopties
This report contains an advice on the financial gaps of renewable electricity production technologies that are to be used for determining the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Baseload elektriciteitsprijzen en brandstofprijzen 2005 tot en met 2020
This report explains the assumptions underlying a projected future electricity price for the calculation of the financial gaps (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Scheepers, M. , Seebregts, A.J. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Energietransitie papierketen
energy transition in the dutch paper and cartboard industry (PDF)
Organization: Koninklijke Vereninging van Nederlandse Papier- en kartonfabrieken2004 / 01
Lighthouses for hydrogen
foresee the potential fuel cell cars or buses in the future (PDF)
Organization: Shell Written by: Bentham, J.2004 / 01
Potentials and costs for renewable electricity generation, A data overview
This report presents the characteristic data regarding potentials and costs for technologies for renewable electricity generation. Focus is o... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M. , Noord, M. de , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Microturbines Een nieuwe opportuniteit voor WKK
Opportunities in microturbines for WKK installations (PDF)
Organization: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek2004 / 01
Het huishoudelijk meetsysteem: nu en in de toekomst De externe bijlagen
Graduation report about micro wkk in households (PDF)
Organization: Technische Universiteit Delft Written by: Ramautar, N.2004 / 01
People Planet Profit_200x_kostprijs blue energy binnenkort onder wind
Potential for a blue energy plant by using the energy of the tension between sweet and salt water (DOC)
2004 / 01
opwerking: hergebruik van splijtstof
Processing nuclear waste (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2004 / 01
Koelwatersysteem HR-AVI te Amsterdam
Project for a cooling water system in a waste incineration plant (PDF)
2004 / 01
Stationary Applications of Liquid Biofuels
use of liquid biofuels for stationary decentralised energy generation, focusing on both technical and environmental aspects. (PDF)
Organization: ETA Written by: Chiaramonti, D. and Tondi, G.2003 / 12
The biorefinery concept: the way on which biomass on the long term has to be used (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2003 / 10
Dutch potential offshore wind energy
Dutch potential offshore wind energy (DOC)
2003 / 09
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit, grootschalige inzet van biomassa in centrales
Future development of biomass prices (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Ruijgrok, W.J.A. and Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Onrendabele top berekeningsmethodiek
This report describes the methodology used to calculate the financial gap of renewable electricity sources and technologies. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de and Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit, windenergie op zee
costs offshore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit - Afvalverbrandingsinstallaties
Defining a basis for the calculation assumptions for the cashflow calculations of ECN and KEMA (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Lange, T.J. de and Pfeiffer, E.A.2003 / 08
Biomassa: tanken of stoken?
A comparison of the use of biomass in transport fuels or production of electricity (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bello, O. , Croezen, H.J. , Kampman, B.E. , and Keizer, I. de2003 / 07