This report contains information about different energy technology clusters for electricity and heat production and distribution and for the ... (No file)
Organization: ECN Written by: Menkveld, M.2004 / 02
exploration of the measures and policy instruments that can be implemented to achieve the new Dutch government (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Menkveld, M. and Wijngaart, R.A. van den2007 / 07
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on energy saving, renewables en GHG emissions (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Menkveld, M.2007 / 09
Status of thermal energy storage in the Netherlands: part sustainable, the expectancy of it for the near future and policy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M. and Menkveld, M.2009 / 06
A model (SAWEC) has been developed for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial planning and the Envi-ronment, Directorate General for Housing.... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Boerakker, Y.H.A. , Menkveld, M. , and Volkers, C.H.2005 / 07
This report describes the average energy consumption for cooking in the Netherlands. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Menkveld, M.2014 / 09
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Menkveld, M.2015 / 11