Provides an overview of the building stock in Holland that consists of office buildings. It shows what kind of technologies are being used in... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2010 / 08
Provides an outlook for ultra-deep geothermal energy in the Netherlands. Estimates potential share of energy demand geothermal might provide.... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL, Ecofys, IF, and TNO2011 / 03
This study explores the potential for meeting the target set by the Dutch Chemistry Board of halving emissions of CO2 by 2030. That target go... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL and Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie2010 / 11
Het statusdocument bio-energie 2010 geeft de huidige status weer van bio-energie in Nederland, inclusief trends en verwachtingen voor de toek... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 03
Provides an overview of all wind turbines in Amsterdam at the time of checking. (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 02
Estimated man hours for placement of appliances and insulation measures in residences. (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 10
Split of residence-types and typical insulation levels. (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 01
Paper provides an overview of emission factors (kg CO2 per mj) for various fuels/inputs, including waste (with split biogenic part/non-biogen... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2012 / 01