2010 / 04
- Integration of 12GW of wind power is feasible under the assumption that available flexibility and interconnector capacity are used optimally. - No wind curtailment is required assuming perfect market integration and strong grids. The system however will be at the edge in terms of flexibility. - Flexibility from conventional plants is required to accommodate 12GW of volatile wind infeed. - Key measures for a successful market integration of wind power: o Ensure Strong national and international grids o Enhance flexibility of CHP and nuclear to minimize base load requirements o Harmonize market rules to allow for efficient access to flexibility - Main sources of flexibility: o Ability to vary level of interchange with interconnected countries o Changing output from conventional coal-fired plants and CCGT plant - CHP is not incompatible with wind generation, but is far from being the perfect partner due to CHP showing little change in its market position if the CHPs are heat driven. - High wind in-feeds are expected in winter times in scenarios with wind and CHPs. CHPs will need to be operated more flexibility to prevent over production.
wind integration, grid, flexibility, security of supply, reserve, backup capacity, chp
File name
Frontier economics, EnergyNed_201004_Study on flexibility in the Dutch and NW European power market in 2020.pdf