Deep geothermal energy production in The Netherlands is in development (KEMA ; IF Technology_2012). In the last years research done on electricity generation with geothermal power plants in Europe and in the Netherlands has been focused at Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), also called ultra-diepe geothermie (EGEC_2011 ; NOPG_2011). Researchstudies are being performed for several locations (Renkum and Hoogeveen). Goal is to assess potential of deeper geological formations (>4 km, >150C ) for steam/ electricity production (KEMA ; IF Technology_2012). Further research from KEMA, IF Technology and Ecofys informs that EGS projects in the Netherlands are possible, however additional research is required. There remain problems concerning seismicity, public acceptance of fraccing and the lack of #D surveys for monitoring purposes. Costs and technical parameters are therefore estimates and are not based on empirical data but represent research estimates for the Hoogeveen case. The Hoogeveen case is selected because most research on EGS in the Netherlands has been done on this case and is publicly available.