Conceptadvies basisbedragen 2010
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands that aim at realization in 2010 to determine the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , and Pfeiffer, E.A.2009 / 06
Conceptadvies basisbedragen voor SDE 2012
On assignment of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, ECN and KEMA have studied the cost of renewable electricity production. This cost as... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA2011 / 07
Consumos del Sector Residencial en Espana Resumen de Informacion Basica
(No file)
Organization: Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energia2012 / 01
Contra-expertise op ECN/Kema-advies SDE wind op land
A contra expertise to the adviced height of the base amount (SDE) for onshore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: Ecorys2009 / 02
cool thermal energy storage
energy savings potential of cool thermal energy storage and the different technologies (PDF)
2006 / 09
Correctie elektriciteitsverbruik koken
This report describes the average energy consumption for cooking in the Netherlands. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Menkveld, M.2014 / 09
Correlation of Ontario Wind Farm Power Output with Wind Farm Separation
Organization: Wind Farm Realities, Canada (website) Written by: Harmsen, R.2008 / 01
Organization: Black & Veatch Building a world of difference and National Renewable Energy Laboratory2012 / 02
Cost Escalation in France’s Nuclear Reactors: A Statistical Examination
Written by: Komanoff , C.2010 / 01
Cost estimates fro thermal peaking plant
Parsons Brinckerhoff New Zealand Ltd (PB) has been engaged to provide an estimate of the capital and O&M (operating and maintenance) costs as... (PDF)
Organization: Parsons Brinckerhoff2008 / 06
Cost of electricity from enhanced geothermal systems
This paper presents the results of an analysis of the cost of electric power from Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), specifically, reservoirs... (PDF)
2010 / 02
Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Storage in California
Californian study on the cost effectiveness of electricity storage. Presents a powerful tool to estimate the value of storage. Aggregate seve... (PDF)
Organization: Electric Power Resources Institute2013 / 06
Cost-Effectiveness of Linear (T8) LED Lamps
Costs of lighting (PDF)
Organization: U.S. Department of Energy2014 / 05
Council Conclusions on Biomass
implementation of the Biomass Action Plan and the development of a long-term strategy for bioenergy beyond 2010 (PDF)
Organization: Council of the European Union2006 / 01
Country Picture Germany
Natural gas use of households in Germany (PDF)
1999 / 01
Country report for the Netherlands 2007
Critical issues influencing future biomass trade in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency - Bioenergy and Utrecht University Written by: Junginger, M. and Sikkema, R.2007 / 12
Country report the Netherlands 2007
Choices in gasification biomass (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Drift, B. van der2008 / 10
Cramer trekt 35 miljoen uit voor klimaatprojecten
Local governments and provinces can receive subsidy of the government for GHG emission reduction projects (DOC)
Organization: NU.nl2008 / 07
Criteria voor duurzame biomassa productie
Formulation of a set sustainibility criteria of the refining of biomass in energy, fuels and chemicals (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie Written by: Bergsma, G.C. , Faaij, A. , Hamelinck, C. , Heuvel, E. van den, Junginger, M. , and Smeets, E.2006 / 07
Curbing Global Energy Demand Growth: The energy productivity opportunity Full report
energy demand in major regions and sectors, how company and consumer behavior affect demand, and the impact of existing energy policies (PDF)
Organization: MGI Written by: Bressand, F.2007 / 05
Curbing Global Energy Demand Growth: The energy productivity opportunity Summary
energy demand in major regions and sectors, how company and consumer behavior affect demand, and the impact of existing energy policies (PDF)
Organization: MGI Written by: Bressand, F.2007 / 05
Current and Future Cost of Photovoltaics
This analysis aims at estimating the future cost development of solar photovoltaics to support further discussion. Solar photovoltaics is al... (No file)
Organization: Fraunhofer Institute2015 / 02
Current and Prospective Costs of Electricity Generation until 2050
Organization: DIW Berlin Written by: Hirschhausen, C. von, Kunz, F. , Meiss, J. , Mendelevitch, R. , and Schröder, A.2013 / 07
Current Forecourt Hydrogen Production from PEM Electrolysis version 3.1
Organization: Department of Energy2013 / 12
Daily heat load variations in Swedish district heating systems
Provides heat load variations for district heating systems (PDF)
2013 / 02