Hydrogen technologies. The Ionic Compressor 90 MPa – IC90.
Technical brochure of Linde's ionic compressor IC90 for hydrogen compression. (PDF)
Organization: Linde2015 / 04
Organization: International Energy Agency- ETSAP Written by: Lako, P.2010 / 05
Identifikation, Quantifizierung und Systematisierung technischer und verhaltensbedingter Stromeinsparpotenziale privater Haushalte
Survey for the potential of electricity efficiency in private households (PDF)
2009 / 01
IEA Energy Technology Essentials
The IEA Energy Technology Essentials are regularly-updated briefs that draw together the best-available, consolidated information on energy t... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2007 / 01
IEA ETSAP technology brief on CHP
This technology brief describes the most common forms of CHP and both technical and financial parameters (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency- ETSAP2010 / 05
IEA ETSAP Two- and three-wheeled vehicles and quadricycles
Organization: International Energy Agency- ETSAP2013 / 01
IEA HPP Annex 42: Heat Pumps in Smart Grids - Task 1: Market Overview - The Netherlands
This documents gives an analysis of the Dutch housing stock and heating market focussing on heat pumps. (PDF)
Organization: Delta Energy & Environment2014 / 07
Impact of competition claims for food and energy on German biogas production
Impact of competition claims for food and energy on German biogas production (PPT)
Organization: International Energy Agency - Bioenergy and von Thunen Institute Written by: Weiland, P.2008 / 04
Impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction on the environment and on human health
Report analyzing the policy gaps, potential of and external effects of shale and tight gas and oil extraction in Europe. The report concludes... (PDF)
Organization: European Parliament2011 / 06
Implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for space heaters and combination heaters
Organization: European Commission2012 / 05
Incentives for bioenergy and renewable energy in Europe - country basis information for EU-25
climate targets of EU countries for 2010 (PDF)
Organization: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland2005 / 01
Indirect emissions of carbon dioxide from Marcellus shale gas development
The authors estimate the emissions of carbon dioxide associated with all fuel combustion associated with the shale gas life-cycle focusing on... (PDF)
Organization: Cornell University2011 / 06
Industrie in het Energietransitiemodel
This document outlines the energy use in the Dutch metals and chemical industry sectors. It sketches ways in which energy use can be reduced ... (No file)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J.2012 / 11
Industrie in Transitie: een visie op de toekomstige energie- en grondstofvraag van de energie-intensieve industrie in Nederland vanuit inconsistenties in het huidige denken
Dit rapport gaat in op 8 belangrijke trends die een grote impact kunnen en zullen hebben op de structuur en de energievraag van de industrie,... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel2016 / 06
Information on the concept of New Energy Docks, initiator of partnerships in sustainable development projects (PDF)
Organization: New Energy Docks2008 / 03
Innovatieagenda Energie
This innovation agenda shows on which themes the national government wants to work the next years (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2008 / 07
Innovative Technologien fur die Energiewende - Energiespeicher und Netze
General introduction to future issues that arise from volatile production. Potential answers may be the smart charging of electric vehicles, ... (No file)
Organization: Energie Baden-Wurttemberg AG Written by: Munch, W2012 / 05
Inpassing Groen Gas en Warmte: Meer dan alleen aansluiten
Green gas and heat use (PDF)
Organization: Eindhoven University2007 / 11
Inpassing van grootschalig windvermogen op zee in het Nederlandse elektriciteitsvoorzieningsysteem
Determines the effect of a large share of wind energy on the dutch electricity network. (PDF)
Organization: Technische Universiteit Delft2010 / 07
Intelligentie in elektriciteitsnetten
Privatising electricity suppliers and decentralising of electricity generation are possibly of influence on the reliability and quality of el... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2005 / 01
International energy outlook 2007
This report presents international energy projections through 2030, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide e... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2007 / 05
International energy outlook 2008
This report presents international energy projections through 2030, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide e... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2008 / 09
International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES, draft version)
Provides a set of recommendations on the definition and standardisation of energy statistics. It covers basic concepts, definitions and class... (PDF)
Organization: United Nations2011 / 02
International sustainable energy review
Grid parity is a rather simplified indicator of the competitiveness of PV It is nevertheless very useful since it assumes the viewpoint of a ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 01
Inventarisatie PV market Nederlands Prijsontwikkelingen in 2013
Organization: SMZ Written by: Cace, J. , Muizebelt, P. , Rutten, G. , and Sark, W. Van2014 / 04