Actuele status initiatieven windturbineparken op zee
Status of requests/initiatives for windparks at sea (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat2008 / 10
Advanced CFD analysis of large fixed bed biomass boilers with special focus on the convective section
CFD analysis of large fixed biomass boilers with special focus on the convective section (PDF)
Organization: Scharler2004 / 05
Advies van de werkgroep Schoon Fossiel van het Platform Nieuw Gas aan de Task Force Energietransitie
The role of clean fossil now and in the future (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas2006 / 03
AE64.3A Gas Turbine
Organization: Ansaldo Energia2012 / 05
Afschakelen windparken onvermijdelijk in Duitsland, Ierland, Groot-Brittannie
Article on curtailment with a forecast for excess electricity. Slot claims that Germany, Ireland and the UK taken together, will have to dea... (No file)
Organization: Energeia Written by: Slot, T2013 / 03
Afvalenergiebedrijf Jaarverslag 2009
Next to the financial information about the year 2009 of the Afvalenergiebedrijf (the AEB, the waste incineration plant in Amsterdam) this re... (PDF)
Organization: Afvalenergiebedrijf2010 / 01
Afvalverwerking in Nederland 2004
survey of the annual amounts of waste processed by landfills, waste incinerators, compost installations and sludge processing installations i... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2005 / 01
Afvlakken van warmteprofielen huishoudens
Achtergronddocument bij het 'smoothen' van de warmtevraagprofielen voor huishoudens. Hoe we profielen gebaseerd op één huis aggregeren tot ee... (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Vlies, D van der2020 / 06
Agentschap NL_201110_Maatregelen EPA-Maatwerkadvies Bestaande Woningbouw 2011
Estimated man hours for placement of appliances and insulation measures in residences. (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 10
Agricultural crop-based biofuels – resource efficiency and environmental performance including direct land use changes
This paper analyses biofuels from agricultural crops in northern Europe regarding area and energy efficiency, greenhouse gases and eutrophica... (PDF)
2010 / 01
Agricultural Situation and Perspectives in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Agricultural Situation and Perspectives in the Central and Eastern European Countries (DOC)
Organization: European Commission1998 / 01
Agricultural Situation and Prospects in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Agricultural Situation and Prospects in the Central and Eastern European Countries (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2003 / 06
Agricultural statistics Main results
This publication contains selected tables and graphs, providing an overview of developments and the situation in the agricultural sector, and... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
Algemene regels koude-/warmteopslag
Legislation around Thermal Energy Storage (TES) (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ondergrondse Energieopslagsystemen2008 / 07
Algen passen niet in het milieubeleid van KLM
Using algae as a source to produce kerosine isn't a feasible option (DOC)
Organization: Het Financiele Dagblad Written by: Hassink, E.2008 / 07
Allocatievoorwaarden Gas
2006 / 07
Alternative Energy Vexes Autos and Utilities
High prices for oil and natural gas are leading automakers and utilities to seek alternative energy solutions, but it's going to take years (DOC)
Organization: Business Week Written by: McNatt, R.2008 / 07
Ammonia Technology Roadmap
Organization: International Energy Agency2021 / 10
Ammonia to Green Hydrogen Project
Organization: Ecuity, Engie, Siemens, and STFC2022 / 10
Amsterdam in Cijfers 2010 - Hoofdstuk 1 - Kerncijfers
Contains data on the current population of Amsterdam (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 01
Amsterdam in Cijfers 2010 - Hoofdstuk 8 - Openbare ruimte en groen
Contains data on the land use and land area of Amsterdam. (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 01
An Analysis of Energy Production Costs from Anaerobic Digestion Systems on U.S. Livestock Production Facilities
This technical publication reviews the potential of using manure anaerobic digestion (AD) systems on livestock production facilities to produ... (PDF)
Organization: Natural Resources Conservation Service and United States Department of Agriculture Written by: Beddoes, J.C.2007 / 10
An engineering-economic model of pipeline transport of CO2 with application to carbon capture and storage
Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) involves the capture of CO2 at a large industrial facility, such as a power plant, and its transport... (PDF)
Organization: McCoy Written by: McCoy, S.T.2007 / 07
Analisis del consumo energetico del sector residencial en Espana
(No file)
Organization: Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energia2011 / 07
Analysing future demand, supply, and transport of hydrogen
Organization: Guidehouse Written by: Jens, J and Wang, A2021 / 06