Steenkoolcentrale EON in Antwerpen
New cleaner coal plant in Antwerp (DOC)
2007 / 11
Stimulering duurzame energieproductie - lijst van vragen en antwoorden
Questions and answers to the concept policy of stimulation of sustainable energy production (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2008 / 02
Strategic Research Agenda Market Deployment Strategy from 2008 to 2030
A roadmap with a full action plan for Research, Development and Demonstration - a strategic analysis of wind energy research - and a Market D... (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform2008 / 07
STREAM - Studie naar Transport Emissies van Alle Modaliteiten
Emission data per transport modality (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Boer, P.D.M. de , Brouwer, F.P.E. , and Essen, H.P. van2008 / 03
Stream goederenvervoer 2016
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Otten, M2017 / 01
Stream personenvervoer 2014 versie 1.1
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Otten, M2015 / 03
Stromerzeugungsanlagen der Betriebe im Bergbau und im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe
Electricity production in the mining industry and in the refining industry (PDF)
Organization: DE Statis2009 / 02
Stromerzeugungskapazitaten, Bruttostromerzeugung und Bruttostromverbrauch
Electricity production capacities and power production per energy carrier in Germany (XLS)
Organization: Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technologie2013 / 09
Studie over de mogelijke impact van de elektrische auto op het Belgische elektriciteitssysteem
Well-written, explains electricity system, explains impact on spot market prices of EV's. Contains characteristics typical electric car and i... (PDF)
Organization: Commissie voor de Regulering van de Elektriciteit en het Gas2010 / 02
Study on flexibility in the Dutch and NW European power market in 2020
- Integration of 12GW of wind power is feasible under the assumption that available flexibility and interconnector capacity are used optimall... (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed and Frontier Economics2010 / 04
Study on flexibility in the Dutch and NW European power market in 2020 - A report prepared for EnergieNed
Extensive report on ability of Dutch power system to accomodate 12 GW of wind (6 onshore, 6 offshore) in 2020. Requirements for flexibility, ... (PDF)
Organization: Frontier Economics2010 / 04
Study: biogas can replace all EU imports of Russian gas by 2020
Article about the research of the potential of the production of biogas in the EU en with that the energy security (DOC)
Organization: Biopact2007 / 02
SubstiTUBE Basic Tubular LED lamps
Technical specifications foe led lamps. (PDF)
Organization: Osmar2013 / 11
Summary of electrolytic hydrogen production: Milestone completion report
This report provides a technical and economic overview of the electrolytic hydrogen production systems commercially available as of December ... (PDF)
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Ivy, J2004 / 09
Supporting Solar Photovoltaic Electricity: An Argument for Feed-in Tariffs
This report gives an overview over different support schemes and their characteristics. It shows that a feed-in tariff support scheme clearly... (PDF)
Organization: EPIA2009 / 01
Survey of Energy Resources
The Country Notes on Tidal Energy have been compiled by the Editors, drawing upon a wide range of sources. National, international, governmen... (PDF)
Organization: World Energy Council2007 / 01
Sustainable energy - Without the hot air
A book about around the facts and numbers of sustainable energy, the actions that really make a difference the policies that add up (PDF)
Organization: UIT Cambridge Written by: MacKay, D.J.C.2009 / 01
Sustainable Value: How the World's Leading Companies Are Doing Well by Doing Good - Chapter 1
Sustainable Value: How the World's Leading Companies Are Doing Well by Doing Good (PDF)
Organization: Greenleaf Publishing Written by: Laszlo, C.2008 / 01
Sustainable Value: How the World's Leading Companies Are Doing Well by Doing Good - Chapter 9
Sustainable Value: How the World's Leading Companies Are Doing Well by Doing Good (PDF)
Organization: Greenleaf Publishing Written by: Laszlo, C.2008 / 01
Symposium kernenergie noodzakelijke toekomst
Report of the symposium Nuclear energy necessary future (DOC)
Organization: Kivi Niria2006 / 04
Systeemkosten van warmte voor Woningen
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Menkveld, M.2015 / 11
T5 LongLast Linear Fluorescent Lamps
Technical specifications fro fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: GE lighting2013 / 09
T8 Luxline Plus Special Length
Technical specifications for fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 11
T8 Polylux XL Linear Fluorescent Lamps
Technical specification for fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 09
Tabel voor artikel rendement CO2-emissie elektriciteit
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Segers, R.2017 / 06