Uncertainties in relation to CO2 capture and sequestration. Preliminary results.
This paper has been presented at an expert meeting on CO2 capture technology learning at the IEA headquarters. (PDF)
Organization: EET and International Energy Agency Written by: Gielen, D.2003 / 03
UNFCCC SEF application 2
Total quantities of Kyoto Protocol units for Germany (XLS)
2009 / 01
UNFCCC SEF application 2 poland
Total quantities of Kyoto Protocol units for Poland (XLS)
2009 / 03
Unlocking energy efficiency in the US economy
Energy efficiency offers a vast, low-cost energy resource for the US economy - but only if the nation can craft a comprehensive and innovativ... (PDF)
Organization: MGI Written by: Granade, H.C.2009 / 07
Unlocking Industrial Demand Side Response
Organization: TenneT2021 / 07
Update of the Netherlands list of fuels in 2021
Organization: TNO Written by: Dröge, R2021 / 07
Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants
Organization: U.S. Department of Energy2013 / 04
Updated capital costs estimates for electricity generation plants
The current and projected future costs of energy-related capital projetcs, including but not limited to new electric generating plants, have ... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2010 / 11
Uranium is niet zeldzaam en voldoende voorradig; Plutonium ontstaat door bestraling van uranium
Facts around uranium and plutonium (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2008 / 04
Energy security, environment and health aspects and relevance for The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Slingerland, S.2006 / 10
Urk vreest schaduw grote windmolens
plans for a new windpark in the Dutch province Flevoland (DOC)
Organization: De Volkskrant2008 / 05
Use of oils and energie carriers in 2007
The publication aims at presenting fuels and energy consumption at regional frame in 2007 Poland (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 12
Van glazen bol naar rondbodemkolf - voorstudie chemie MEE MJA 2011
This study explores the potential for meeting the target set by the Dutch Chemistry Board of halving emissions of CO2 by 2030. That target go... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL and Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie2010 / 11
Vandaag bouwen we aan energie van morgen
How the Netherlands can realize it's (offshore) wind energy ambitions (PDF)
Organization: We at Sea2009 / 05
Variability of wind power and other renewables
Report discusses the variability of renewable energy sources and on what time scales these vary. The variations effect the amount of operatin... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2005 / 01
Vattenfall - Making electricity clean
Vision of Vattenfall, large electricity supplier (PDF)
Organization: Vattenfall Written by: Johnson, A.n/a
Vehicle stock
Amount of road motor vehicles and rail vehicles in Germany (DOC)
Organization: DE Statis2009 / 01
verbinding naar de toekomst - Visie 2030
A seven years outlook to the possible adaptions which TenneT (electricity network exploiter) has to fullfill to make a reliable electricity s... (PDF)
Organization: TenneT2008 / 01
Verbrandingswaarden van kolen en aanverwante produkten
Combustion values of coal and similar products (PDF)
Organization: Breugele2003 / 01
Verein Der Kohlen Importeure - annual report 2009
Coal market in Germany, the EU and other world countries (PDF)
Organization: Verein der Kohlenimporteure e.V.2009 / 01
Vergezichten in gas
Vision and strategy on the development to an sustainable gas supply in 2050 (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas2008 / 07
Vergisting industriele reststromen
products of Orgaworld BV (PDF)
Organization: Orgaworld BV Written by: Kaskens, H.2006 / 11
Vergisting mest melkveebedrijven
Description of co fermentation without co substratum (PDF)
Organization: Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Schnijndel, M.W. and Zeijts, H. van2006 / 03
Different types of fermentation intallations, evaluation in use (PDF)
Organization: BioGas International2007 / 01
Verkenning potentieel en kosten van klimaat en energiemaatregelen voor Schoon en Zuinig
exploration of the measures and policy instruments that can be implemented to achieve the new Dutch government (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Menkveld, M. and Wijngaart, R.A. van den2007 / 07