Study on flexibility in the Dutch and NW European power market in 2020
- Integration of 12GW of wind power is feasible under the assumption that available flexibility and interconnector capacity are used optimall... (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed and Frontier Economics2010 / 04
Study on flexibility in the Dutch and NW European power market in 2020 - A report prepared for EnergieNed
Extensive report on ability of Dutch power system to accomodate 12 GW of wind (6 onshore, 6 offshore) in 2020. Requirements for flexibility, ... (PDF)
Organization: Frontier Economics2010 / 04
Gas-Fired Power
Organization: International Energy Agency- ETSAP2010 / 04
Electricity demand in the European service sector: A detailed bottom-up estimate by sector and by end-use
The present study aims to calculate and assess the current electricity demand of the tertiary sector in Europe for 29 countries, disaggregate... (PDF)
Organization: Fraunhofer Institute Written by: Fleiter, T.2010 / 04
Energiebalans van Nederland: CBS versus IEA, Eurostat en UNFCC
A detailed comparison of the statistical methods used for energy balance data by CBS, IEA and Eurostat. Also UNFCCC. Contains a thorough expl... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2010 / 03
Kernenergie - een internationale beleidsverkenning
Explores international developments of a possible nuclear renaissance. Energy politics and strategic choices are discussed. It discussed glob... (No file)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Jong, J.J. de2010 / 03
Geothermal Heat and Power
Organization: International Energy Agency- ETSAP2010 / 03
Combined Heat and Power
Organization: International Energy Agency- ETSAP2010 / 03
Gaswinning in Nederland - Belang en beleid
importancy and policies around the extraction of natural gas in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken2010 / 02
Opwaarderen tot aardgaskwaliteit: Van biogas naar groen gas
Upgrading of biogas to green gas for better energy efficience (PDF)
Organization: Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Nieuw Gas Written by: Dumont, M.2010 / 02
CO2 Capture in Power Generation
This information sheet describes the technology, its current use and the potential for improvement. (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2010 / 02
Clean Development Mechanism
This paper discusses substantial results on CCS in the CDM based on three recent results: the outcomes of a capacity building effort in Afric... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Bakker, S.2010 / 02
Mest vaker gebruikt voor groene stroom
Farmers are getting more possibilities for producing electricity by fermentation of manure (DOC)
Organization: Drijfmest.nl2010 / 02
Bulletin of power industry 2008
Electricity balance of Poland 2007 (PDF)
Organization: Energy Market Agency S.A.2010 / 02
Technology Roadmap Carbon capture and storage
This roadmap on CCS identifies, for the first time, a detailed scenario for the technology's growth from a handful of large-scale projects to... (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2010 / 02
Cost of electricity from enhanced geothermal systems
This paper presents the results of an analysis of the cost of electric power from Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), specifically, reservoirs... (PDF)
2010 / 02
Atlas of Geothermal Resources in Europe
Summary of the atlas of Geothermal resources for most European countries (PDF)
2010 / 02
Factsheet Diepe Geothermie
deep geothermic facts, potential and constraints (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2010 / 02
Studie over de mogelijke impact van de elektrische auto op het Belgische elektriciteitssysteem
Well-written, explains electricity system, explains impact on spot market prices of EV's. Contains characteristics typical electric car and i... (PDF)
Organization: Commissie voor de Regulering van de Elektriciteit en het Gas2010 / 02
Co-firing - A strategy for bioenergy in Poland?
This paper presents an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of co-firing biofuels in Poland with respect to technical, environmental, eco... (PDF)
Organization: Lund University2010 / 02
Energiestrategie Amsterdam 2040
Details a strategy for Amsterdam to reach their sustainability goal of 75% CO2 reduction in 2040 compared to 1990 levels. Provides details on... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bles, M , Groot, M.I. , and Leguijt, C.2010 / 02
Wegwijzer van de energievoorziening 2010-1
Complete overview of organizations active in energy in the Netherlands. Mainly gas, electricity and heat. (No file)
Organization: EnergieNed2010 / 02
Wind in power 2009 European statistics
A datasheet with figures on installed capacity of wind energy and a comparison with other technologies (special focus renewable energy). (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform Written by: Moccia, J. and Wilkes, J.2010 / 02
Zonnewarmte heeft de toekomst in Nederland
Developments in solar energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN and TNO2010 / 01
De Longhi Convectorkachel
Specifications electrical heater (PDF)
2010 / 01