Valentin, G
Valkengoed, M. van
Veerman, C.P.
Veldman, E
No publicly available documents.
Velzen, A. van
Verbeek, R.
Natural gas in transport An assessment of different routes
Organization: CE Delft, ECN, and TNO Written by: Aarnink, S. , Croezen, H.J. , Kampman, B.E. , Koornneef, G. , Kroon, P. , Ligterink, N. , Meulenbrugge, J. , Verbeek, R. , and Wilde, H. de2013 / 05
Environmental and Economic aspects of using LNG as a fuel for shipping in The Netherlands
Organization: TNO Written by: Verbeek, R.2011 / 03
Verdonk, M.
Verduin, H.
Verhaar, H.
Verheij, F.
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2006-2007 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands starting between july 2006 and december 2007 to ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lange, T.J. de , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , Verheij, F. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 07
Renovatie windturbines Berekening van de onrendabele top
calculation of the financial gaps of wind turbines that have been, or are to be renovated (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Verheij, F. and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 05
Offshore wind, energy storage and electricity markets
Aim of two studies: Impact of offshore wind energy on electricity markets. Energy Island, an innovative concept for energy storage (PDF)
Organization: KEMA Written by: Verheij, F.2009 / 02
Veringa, H.J.
No publicly available documents.
Vermeulen, M.
Verweij, P.
Vesterinen, P.
Visser, E. de
Energiebesparing: de onbegrensde mogelijkheden
Possibilities for energy saving measures in different sectors (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Blok, K. and Visser, E. de2005 / 10
Financing Renewable Energy in the European Energy Market
Organization: Ecofys, Ernst &Young, Fraunhofer Institute, and TU Vienna EEG Written by: Bouillé, A. , Busch, A. , Gazzo, A. , Gousseland, P. , Held, A. , Henriet, M. , Jager, D. de, Klessmann, C. , Koper, M. , Panzer , C. , Ragwitz, M. , Resch, G. , Roulleau, T. , Stricker, E. , and Visser, E. de2011 / 01
Vlies, D van der
Vlies, D.J. van der
Vogel, A.
Moglichkeiten einer europoischen Biogaseinspeisungsstrategie_Teilbericht 1
Possibilities of a strategy for implementation of biomethanol in the European natural gas network (No file)
Organization: Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt Written by: Langer, F. , Platnner, A. , Seiffert, M. , Thran, D. , and Vogel, A.2007 / 01
Kosten und Okobilanzen von Biokraftstoffen
costs and life cycle assessment (LCA) of biofuels (No file)
Organization: Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt Written by: Vogel, A.2007 / 01
Volkers, C.H.
Voncken, R.
Vos, M
Vreede, G.J. van de
Vries, H.J. de
Inzet van biomassa in zelfstandige kleinschalige installaties voor de opwekking van elektricitieit
Calculation of the financial feasibility of stand alone biomass projects based on burning of wood chips (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Beekes, M. , Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Onrendabele toppen van duurzame elektriciteitsopties
This report contains an advice on the financial gaps of renewable electricity production technologies that are to be used for determining the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Baseload elektriciteitsprijzen en brandstofprijzen 2005 tot en met 2020
This report explains the assumptions underlying a projected future electricity price for the calculation of the financial gaps (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Scheepers, M. , Seebregts, A.J. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Inzet van biomassa in centrales voor de opwekking van elektriciteit
Are the costs and benefits of projects in which wood-pellets are co-fired in a coal fired power plant representative for those of bio-oil fue... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2006-2007 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands starting between july 2006 and december 2007 to ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lange, T.J. de , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , Verheij, F. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 07
Potentials and costs for renewable electricity generation, A data overview
This report presents the characteristic data regarding potentials and costs for technologies for renewable electricity generation. Focus is o... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M. , Noord, M. de , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Renovatie windturbines Berekening van de onrendabele top
calculation of the financial gaps of wind turbines that have been, or are to be renovated (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Verheij, F. and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 05
Vroom, J.M.
Vroonhof, J.T.W.
Welke nieuwe elektriciteitscentrale in Nederland? Vernieuwd CE model
Investmentmodel to decide which powerplant has to be build in the Netherlands from the perspective of the investor and government and environ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2006 / 11
Rol van de fossiele bronnen en uranium bij de energievoorzieningszekerheid
This report gives apprehension in the extraction of fossil fuels and their market developments (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft and Vlaams Instituut voor wetenschappelijk en technologisch aspectenonderzoek Written by: Benner, J.H.B. , Correlj, A.F. , Croezen, H.J. , Geuns, L.C. van , Slingerland, S. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2007 / 11