Werkdocument Verduurzaming utiliteitsbouw
Financiering en normering voor utliiteitsgebouwen - subgroep binnen Klimaattafel (PDF)
Organization: Written by: verduurzaming utiliteitsbouw, Werkgroep2018 / 06
WhisperGen MicroWKK
Technical specifications of a micro CHP device (PDF)
Organization: The Magic Boiler Company2009 / 10
Wie viel kostet eine Handwerkerstunde?
Two-page information flyer that justifies the hourly wage of a contractor by breading down the wage into taxes, employer benefits, net income... (PDF)
Organization: Handwerkskammer Region Stuttgart2013 / 05
Wij van de kolencentrale adviseren kolenstroom
Statement for use of sustainable electricity (DOC)
2008 / 07
Wijziging Meststoffenbeschikking 1977
Change in the act of transportation of fertilizers (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie van LNV Written by: Veerman, C.P.2007 / 02
Will Natural Gas Vehicles Be in Our Future?
Organization: Resources for the Future Written by: Krupnick, A.J.2011 / 05
Willow short-rotation coppice in multiple land-use systems
Information about wood yield per ha. cost of production. (PDF)
Organization: Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Londo, M.2004 / 01
Wind and gas - Back-up or back-out, That is the question
Wind turbines (and other volatile energy technologies) can be used to replace fossil fuel burning power plants and reduce CO2 emissions, howe... (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Meray, N2011 / 12
Wind Energy - The Facts. Part II Grid Integration
The 'Wind Energy ? The Facts' publication is widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a det... (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Association Written by: van Hulle, F2009 / 01
Wind energy in Poland
Figures about Polish wind energy (DOC)
Organization: Polish Wind Energy Association2009 / 05
Wind Energy Report Germany 2011
The Wind Energy Report Germany 2011 describes the current status of wind energy utilization worldwide and gives a detailed account of develop... (PDF)
Organization: Fraunhofer Institute2012 / 07
Wind energy the facts - part 3 - The economics of wind power
The 'Wind Energy ? The Facts' publication is widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a det... (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Association2009 / 03
Wind farm as power plant
How can a wind farm operate similar to power plants (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Bauer, P. , Pierik, J. , and Zhou, Y.2009 / 02
Wind in power 2009 European statistics
A datasheet with figures on installed capacity of wind energy and a comparison with other technologies (special focus renewable energy). (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform Written by: Moccia, J. and Wilkes, J.2010 / 02
Wind integration - Power System Operation with Large-Scale Wind Power in Liberalised Environments
This Ph.D.-thesis is about the question what are the consequences of the integration of a lot of wind power for the existing power system. (PDF)
Organization: Technische Universiteit Delft Written by: Ummels, B.2009 / 02
Wind power offshore - system aspects and grid integration
Outlook on (offshore) wind power grid integration (PDF)
Organization: Siemens Written by: Ummels, B.2009 / 01
Wind task
Good overview of state of the art wind turbine technology (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2009 / 01
Wind-To-Hydrogen Project : Electrolyzer Capital Cost Study
The purpose of this study is to provide an economic component cost analysis of electrolyzer units that are in commercial production or in dev... (PDF)
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Saur, G2008 / 12
WKK Monitor 2003-2005 Jaarrapportage 2004
In this annual report of 2004 a review is given on the physical developments in the CHP market in the period 1998-2003 and on the financial d... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Senternovem Written by: Harmsen, R. , Joode, J. de, and Melick, M. van2005 / 06
WKK potentieel in de chemische industrie
Study of technical and economic potential for CHP in Dutch chemical industry in 2020. The total additional technical potential is 1500 MWe. D... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2009 / 11
Wohnungsportfolios in Deutschland: Weitere Verkaufe programmiert
Housing market in Germany (PDF)
Organization: Deutsche Bank2005 / 05
Wood pellets from Canada
Availibility of wood for wood pellets in Canada (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 08
Woordenlijst gasterra
Explaning wordlist in relation to natural gas (PDF)
Organization: Gasterra2008 / 01
World energy oulook 2008 - executive summary
WEO 2008 provides invaluable insights into the prospects for the global energy market and what they mean for climate change (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency2008 / 01
World Energy Outlook 2008 - presentation
WEO 2008 provides invaluable insights into the prospects for the global energy market and what they mean for climate change (PDF)
Organization: International Energy Agency Written by: Boot, P.2008 / 11