Heldergroen gas - een visie op de duurzaamheid van groen gas
This document assesses the sustainability and economic sense of various biomass / biogas applications and future developments concerning gree... (PDF)
Organization: Natuur en Milieu2011 / 05
Jaarrekening 2010
Annual account of the municipality of Amsterdam (PDF)
Organization: Gemeente Amsterdam2011 / 05
Nieuwe opzet energiebalans van Nederland
Describes the way the new Energy Balance for The Netherlands is structured and how changes affect the data. It is an important document for t... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Swertz, O2011 / 05
Will Natural Gas Vehicles Be in Our Future?
Organization: Resources for the Future Written by: Krupnick, A.J.2011 / 05
Geothermal Energy
Organization: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Written by: Eickemeier, P. , Hansen, G. , Kadner, S. , Matschoss, P. , Schlömer, S. , Seyboth, K. , Stechow, C. von, and Zwickel, T.2011 / 05
CO2 capture and storage in Rotterdam
Organization: Rotterdam Climate Initiative2011 / 05
Shale Gas Is Shaping The Natural Gas Market
American-style article on the effects of deploying shale gas in the U.S. (PDF)
Organization: Pipeline and Gas Journal Written by: Bathe, B2011 / 05
RWE inaugurates world’s largest pellet plant to fuel green energy in Waycross
Organization: Georgia Biomass2011 / 05
Visie grootschalig bio-SNG
For Agentschap NL, Kema has investigated five scenarios for large scale bio-SNG (synthetic natural gas) production in order to 'green' the na... (PDF)
Organization: KEMA2011 / 04
Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations
Scientific article (letter) in Climatic Change. Short summary of known numbers (mostly Marcellus Shale). For both conventional and shale gas,... (PDF)
Organization: Cornell University2011 / 04
Kansen voor Groen Gas
- Study to determine the potential for green gas with consideration for possible competition for other end uses. - Written in parallel with ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. and Croezen, H.J.2011 / 04
Global wind report 2010
Annual report on the status of the global wind industry by the Global Wind Energy Council. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of the indust... (PDF)
Organization: Global Wind Energy Council2011 / 04
Kansen voor Groen Gas - Concurrentie met andere biomassa opties
Inventory of possibilities for green gas production and competition with other applications of biomass. The influence of government policy is... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. and Croezen, H.J.2011 / 04
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011
The present World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011 was to be published at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disas... (PDF)
Organization: EFA2011 / 04
Offshore wind in Europe - 2010 market report
This report provides analysis and guidance on the framework and status of the German offshore wind market and addresses the most significant ... (PDF)
Organization: KPMG2011 / 04
Leitfaden zum EEG-Einspeisemanagement -Abschaltrangfolge, Berechnung von Entschadi- gungszahlungen und Auswirkungen auf die Netzentgelte
Guideline by German government on how intermittent/volatile producers can be curtailed. For example, curtailment is only permitted if the gri... (No file)
Organization: Bundesnetzargentur Written by: unknown,2011 / 03
Statusdocument bio-energie 2010
Het statusdocument bio-energie 2010 geeft de huidige status weer van bio-energie in Nederland, inclusief trends en verwachtingen voor de toek... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL2011 / 03
Diepe geothermie - 2050 Een visie voor 20% duurzame energie voor Nederland
Provides an outlook for ultra-deep geothermal energy in the Netherlands. Estimates potential share of energy demand geothermal might provide.... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL, Ecofys, IF, and TNO2011 / 03
Environmental and Economic aspects of using LNG as a fuel for shipping in The Netherlands
Organization: TNO Written by: Verbeek, R.2011 / 03
European Energy Efficiency trends - Household energy consumption.pdf
This article provides an overview of the UK's energy efficiency performance compared with other EU countries1, drawing on energy efficiency i... (PDF)
Organization: Enerdata2011 / 03
Mapping Renewable Energy Pathways towards 2020 - EU Roadmap
The report addresses the EU 2020 targets and how each member states plans to reach them. The 'RES Directive' sets the objective of reaching a... (PDF)
Organization: European Renewable Energy Council2011 / 03
The Energy and Fuel Data Sheet
Gives mj/l for various fuels (No file)
2011 / 03
Analysis of GHG marginal abatement cost curves for maritime transport
Comparative analysis of 4 different GHG marginal abatement cost curves (MACC's) for the maritime transport sector. It analyses which factors ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2011 / 03
Waarom geothermie en waarom NOPG
Introduces NOPG and geothermal energy's potential for NL (and beyond) (PDF)
Organization: Nationaal Onderzoek Programma Geothermie2011 / 02
Factsheet geothermie
Quick summary of geothermal energy, what it is, its potential etc (PDF)
Organization: Platform Geothermie2011 / 02