Handwerkskammer Region Stuttgart
Realistic Costs of Carbon Capture
there are substantial uncertainties about the costs of CCS. Costs for pre-combustion capture with compression are examined here for First-of-... (PDF)
Organization: Harvard Written by: Aljuaied, M.2009 / 07
A practical guide to a prosperous, low-carbon Europe
Presentation made by the Harvard Energy Policy Group in colaboration with stakeholders which outlines strategies for Europe to create a low-c... (PDF)
Organization: Harvard2010 / 05
Heinrich Boll Foundation
No publicly available documents.
Het Financiele Dagblad
Algen passen niet in het milieubeleid van KLM
Using algae as a source to produce kerosine isn't a feasible option (DOC)
Organization: Het Financiele Dagblad Written by: Hassink, E.2008 / 07
Opec waarschuwt voor grotere inzet duurzame energie
OPEC sees the use of sustainble energy sources as a threat for a decrease on the demand side for raw oil (DOC)
Organization: Het Financiele Dagblad2008 / 07
Fugro-CEO: genoeg olie beschikbaar voor komende decennia
Sufficient oil is available for the coming decennia though the production costs will increase (DOC)
Organization: Het Financiele Dagblad2008 / 08
De olie van deze eeuw
Dutch strategic companies like Siemens are investing in the extraction technology of fresh water, which will become far more expensive in the... (No file)
Organization: Het Financiele Dagblad2008 / 08
Holland Solar
Duurzame Warmte & Koude
Vision and strategy on the potential of sustainable heat and cold in the biuld environment and in the agricultural sector (PDF)
Organization: DE-koepel, Holland Solar, Nederlands Platform Warmtepompen, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ondergrondse Opslag, Platform Geothermie, and Stichting Warmtepompen2007 / 05
Ruimte voor zonne-energie in Nederland 2020-2050
Provides potential for solar pv for residences and buildings, for all provinces, different house types etc. (PDF)
Organization: Holland Solar2015 / 06
HR Solar