Flexibility of future energy scenarios
M.Sc. Thesis written by Quintel employee Chris Laumans concerning the impact of future energy technologies on the Dutch low voltage electrici... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel and Technische Universiteit Delft Written by: Laumans, C.J.2011 / 06
ETM merit order calculation Documentation
Word document explaining the merit order calculation as implemented in the Energy Transition Model (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2012 / 04
ETM flexibility of electricity production Documentation
Documentation of the flexibility of electricity production calculation as implemented in the ETM. This part focuses on the calculations for e... (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2012 / 04
Flexibility of future energy scenarios Excel - Extended version
Extended version of Excel model built by Chris Laumans for his thesis. In the model the aggregated electricity demand profiles are shown base... (XLSM)
Organization: Quintel2011 / 10
Network calculation simultaneousness values
This is the Excel document that was used to determine the new simultaneousness values for the network calculation. It is based on the flexibi... (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel2011 / 10
Documentation for the network calculation
Document describing the network calculation as implemented in the ETM. Used for internal purposes. Describes the theory of the calculation, e... (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel2012 / 08
Load management - strategies for dealing with temporary oversupply of variable renewable electricity
A forecast for installed capacity in 2020 is made. Based on this forecast, the amount of excess electricity is modeled on an hourly resolutio... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel and Utrecht University Written by: Deuchler, R2013 / 06
Industrie in Transitie: een visie op de toekomstige energie- en grondstofvraag van de energie-intensieve industrie in Nederland vanuit inconsistenties in het huidige denken
Dit rapport gaat in op 8 belangrijke trends die een grote impact kunnen en zullen hebben op de structuur en de energievraag van de industrie,... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel2016 / 06
Kengetallen gasinfra
This spreadsheet contains the cost parameters for the gas network used in ETMoses and the underlying calculations. (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel2016 / 07
Kentallen warmte-infra
This spreadsheet contains the cost parameters for the heat network used in ETMoses and the underlying calculations. (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel2016 / 07
Samenvatting Net voor de Toekomst Scenario’s Energietransitiemodel
This documents and summarizes the efforts of Quintel to re-create in the Energy Transition Model the scenarios featured in the Net voor de To... (PDF)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2018 / 06
Documentatiebestand Excel Net voor de Toekomstscenario's in ETM
This extensive Excel file documents the setting of each slider for the Net voor de Toekomstscenarios re-created in the Energy Transition Mode... (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Quintel,2018 / 06
Organization: Quintel Written by: Mart, M W B Lubben2019 / 10
Regressie graaddagen en temperatuur
Regressie die de relatie tussen graaddagen en gemiddelde jaartemperatuur aangeeft voor de jaren 1987-2004. De definitie van graaddagen is zoa... (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Kok, R,E de2020 / 05
Afvlakken van warmteprofielen huishoudens
Achtergronddocument bij het 'smoothen' van de warmtevraagprofielen voor huishoudens. Hoe we profielen gebaseerd op één huis aggregeren tot ee... (DOCX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Vlies, D van der2020 / 06
Documentatie Gelderse datasets 2018
Organization: Quintel2020 / 09
KEV2021 (ETM-scenario documentatie)
Documentatie van het ETM scenario (2030 Vastgesteld en Voorgenomen beleid) uit de KEV 2021 (XLSX)
Organization: Quintel Written by: Bijkerk, M A and Lubben, M W B2022 / 04
Vertaling van het KEV2021 scenario voor 2030 (VV) naar het Energietransitiemodel
Organization: Quintel Written by: Lubben, M W B2022 / 06
Klimaat- en Energieverkenning 2022
Organization: Quintel2023 / 05
pKEV documentatie
Organization: Quintel2023 / 05