Actieplan elektrisch rijden Op weg naar een miljoen elektrische auto's in 2020!
Actionplan for a fast introduction of the electric car in The Netherlands, one million EV in 2020 in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: C,MM,N and Natuur en Milieu2009 / 03
Actieplan elektrisch rijden Op weg naar een miljoen elektrische auto's in 2020! Achtergronddocument
Actionplan for a fast introduction of the electric car in The Netherlands, one million EV in 2020 in The Netherlands, argumentation (PDF)
Organization: C,MM,N and DHV Nonagon Knowledge Transfer Written by: Berg, W.J. van den, Harms, I. , Schroeders, J. , and Sondeijker, S.2009 / 03
California Air Resources Board
The UC Davis Emerging Lithium Battery Test Project
This report is concerned with the testing and evaluation of various battery chemistries for use in PHEV's (Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles). ... (PDF)
Organization: California Air Resources Board, Electric Power Resources Institute, and UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies Written by: Burke, A2009 / 06
2020 Strategic Analysis of Energy Storage in California
This report presents a strategic analysis of energy storage for California by 2020. The report assesses current energy storage technologies, ... (PDF)
Organization: California Air Resources Board Written by: Oglesby, R. P.2011 / 01
California Energy Commission
Cambridge University
No publicly available documents.
Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg
No publicly available documents.
Carnegie Mellon University
CE Delft
Groenten op het bord of brandstof in de tank?
Developments around biofuel production in relation to food stock (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. , Kampman, B.E. , and Sevenster, M.N.2008 / 02
Biomassa: tanken of stoken?
A comparison of the use of biomass in transport fuels or production of electricity (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bello, O. , Croezen, H.J. , Kampman, B.E. , and Keizer, I. de2003 / 07
Welke nieuwe elektriciteitscentrale in Nederland?
Investmentmodel to decide which powerplant has to be build in the Netherlands from the perspective of the investor and government (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. and Slingerland, S.2005 / 07
Welke nieuwe elektriciteitscentrale in Nederland? Vernieuwd CE model
Investmentmodel to decide which powerplant has to be build in the Netherlands from the perspective of the investor and government and environ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2006 / 11
Belemmeringen binnen en buiten de muren
Institutional obstacles for the use of energy saving techniques and the use of sustainable energy (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Benner, J.H.B. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Schillemans, R.A.A.2006 / 05
Rol van de fossiele bronnen en uranium bij de energievoorzieningszekerheid
This report gives apprehension in the extraction of fossil fuels and their market developments (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft and Vlaams Instituut voor wetenschappelijk en technologisch aspectenonderzoek Written by: Benner, J.H.B. , Correlj, A.F. , Croezen, H.J. , Geuns, L.C. van , Slingerland, S. , and Vroonhof, J.T.W.2007 / 11
External costs of coal
The external costs of coal (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Donszelmann, E. , Markowska, A. , Sevenster, M.N. , and Valkengoed, M. van2008 / 11
Externe kosten van kernenergie
External costs of nucleair energy (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Davidson, M.D. , Jong, F. de , and Sevenster, M.N.2008 / 12
Nieuwe electriciteitscentrale in Nederland, de vergeten kosten in beeld
Survey to the external costs of different power plants (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Blom, M. , Croezen, H.J. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Sevenster, M.N.2007 / 04
Transitiestrategie Elektriciteit en Warmte
Energy Transition of Senternovem has made a strategy for energy transition in electricity and heat production, CE Delft and JPvS made an eval... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. , Leguijt, C. , Rooijers, F.J. , and Soest , J.P. van2008 / 11
STREAM - Studie naar Transport Emissies van Alle Modaliteiten
Emission data per transport modality (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Boer, P.D.M. de , Brouwer, F.P.E. , and Essen, H.P. van2008 / 03
Hoe groen kunnen we vliegen
De development of GHG emissions for the aviation and the consequences for policy (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Faber, J. , Velzen, A. van , and Vreede, G.J. van de2009 / 06
The natural gas chain, Toward a global life cycle assessment
The reason that to make a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the entire gas chain is a full LCA of the gas Chain on a world scale was not available... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. and Sevenster, M.N.2006 / 01
Marktpotentie HRe
Critics on a potential study to micro chp from Cogen (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2007 / 11
Energiestrategie Amsterdam 2040
Details a strategy for Amsterdam to reach their sustainability goal of 75% CO2 reduction in 2040 compared to 1990 levels. Provides details on... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bles, M , Groot, M.I. , and Leguijt, C.2010 / 02
Duurzame energie in Amsterdam - Kansen aan de horizon - Update raming zonne-energie
Gives an overview of the potential for energy savings and renewable energy in Amsterdam up to 2025. (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2009 / 12
Toelichting bij ketenkentallen, opgesteld voor het Energietransitiemodel
This document outlines CE Delft's assumptions, sources and data used to quantify Fuel Chain Emissions of greenhouse gases for the ETM module.... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2012 / 06
VME Energy transition strategy - External costs and benefits of electricity generation
This report is a follow-up to previous work by CE Delft supporting VME (Dutch Association for Energy Markets) in drafting their Transition St... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2010 / 01
Ketenemissies hernieuwbare elektriciteit
Two themes: 1. life cycle emissions per kWh for Solar PV, wind power, hydropower and 2. How does the market for certificates Garanties van Oo... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2010 / 04
Analysis of GHG marginal abatement cost curves for maritime transport
Comparative analysis of 4 different GHG marginal abatement cost curves (MACC's) for the maritime transport sector. It analyses which factors ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2011 / 03
Overheidsingrepen in de energiemarkt
Report shows that majority of government interventions in the energy market are to the benefit of fossil fuels. Interventions are focused mai... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2011 / 06
Kansen voor Groen Gas - Concurrentie met andere biomassa opties
Inventory of possibilities for green gas production and competition with other applications of biomass. The influence of government policy is... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. and Croezen, H.J.2011 / 04
Goed gebruik van biomassa
This publication is an in-depth analysis of effective use of biomass for reducing GHG emissions for 2010 and the period 2020-2030. It conclud... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. , Croezen, H.J. , and Kampman, B.E.2010 / 04
Kansen voor Groen Gas
- Study to determine the potential for green gas with consideration for possible competition for other end uses. - Written in parallel with ... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. and Croezen, H.J.2011 / 04
Gas-powered driving and sailing
Gas-powered driving and sailing ? the cost and environmental impact of natural gas and green gas as transport fuel. ? Study investigates the... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J. and Kampman, B.E.2010 / 06
Nuclear energy: The difference between costs and prices
A critical report evaluating the difference between costs of nuclear energy and prices. Report distinguises direct and indirect costs and als... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Afman, M. , Benner, J.H.B. , Bles, M , Blom, M. , Croezen, H.J. , Rooijers, F. , and Schepers , B.2011 / 07
Rijden en varen op gas - Kosten en milieueffecten van aardgas en groen gas in transport
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Kampman, B.E.2010 / 06
Achtergrondrapportage bij NET-document Netbeheer Nederland
Document pertaining to the network calculation. Research done by CE Delft for the Netbeheer Nederland publication NET voor de toekomst (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Leguijt, C. and Rooijers, F.J.2010 / 11
CE Delft_Schepers de Jong_2009_Werkgelegenheid door kernenergie
Op verzoek van Greenpeace Nederland heeft CE Delft onderzocht wat de directe werkgelegenheidseffecten zijn van de bouw en het bedrijven van e... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2009 / 06
Industrie in het Energietransitiemodel
This document outlines the energy use in the Dutch metals and chemical industry sectors. It sketches ways in which energy use can be reduced ... (No file)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Croezen, H.J.2012 / 11
Natural gas in transport An assessment of different routes
Organization: CE Delft, ECN, and TNO Written by: Aarnink, S. , Croezen, H.J. , Kampman, B.E. , Koornneef, G. , Kroon, P. , Ligterink, N. , Meulenbrugge, J. , Verbeek, R. , and Wilde, H. de2013 / 05
Zero emissions trucks An overview of state-of-the-art technologies and their potential
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Aarnink, S. , Boer, L.C. den , Kleiner, F. , and Pagenkopf, J.2013 / 07
Op weg naar een klimaatneutrale gebouwde omgeving 2050
In deze studie is onderzocht op welke wijze de warmtevraag in de bestaande gebouwen klimaatneutraal kan worden. Voor vijftien typische buurte... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2015 / 05
Verzamelde kennisnotities t.b.v. de visie duurzame brandstoffenmix
Organization: CE Delft, ECN, and TNO2014 / 06
Hoe duurzaam is biogas?
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Bergsma, G.C. , Croezen, H.J. , and Odegard, I.Y.R.2013 / 10
POWER TO PRODUCTS Over de resultaten, conclusies en vervolgstappen
Report on several flex technologies and case studies (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2015 / 09
Denktank Energiemarkt Industriële warmtemarkt
Study on the division of the heat demand of the industry based on its temperature. (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2015 / 10
Stream goederenvervoer 2016
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Otten, M2017 / 01
Stream personenvervoer 2014 versie 1.1
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Otten, M2015 / 03
Gastransitie en warmtenetten
Overview of heat networks in the Netherlands and the geothermal potential (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft2016 / 04
BASISDOCUMENT: Regionale energiestrategie regio Rotterdam Den Haag
Organization: CE Delft2018 / 09
Kansen voor warmte-koudenetten
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Kruit, K2023 / 05
Potentieel zonthermie
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Kruit, K2021 / 04
Achtergrondrapportage Net voor de Toekomst
Document pertaining to the network calculation. Research done by CE Delft for the Netbeheer Nederland publication NET voor de toekomst (2017... (PDF)
Organization: CE Delft Written by: Leguijt, C. and Rooijers, F.J.2017 / 11
Factsheet hybride warmtepomp
Organization: CE Delft2021 / 04
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
Economie groeit sneller dan het energieverbruik
The economy grows faster than the energy use (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Schnenau, S.2008 / 02
Duurzame energie in Nederland 2006
A quantitive overview of the production and the use of sustainable energy (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2007 / 01
De Nederlandse oliemarkt
The Dutch oil market (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Huurman, J. and Verduin, H.2007 / 10
Duurzame energie in Nederland 2007
A quantitive overview of the production and the use of sustainable energy especially in the Netherlands in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2008 / 01
Duurzame energie in Nederland 2008
A quantitive overview of the production and the use of sustainable energy especially in the Netherlands in 2008 (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2009 / 07
Warmte/koudeopslag: betrouwbaarheid cijfers en uitsplitsing naar provincie
Uncertainties about the reliability of thermal energy storage data of Ecofys and DWA (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Segers, R.2006 / 07
Energiebalans van Nederland: CBS versus IEA, Eurostat en UNFCC
A detailed comparison of the statistical methods used for energy balance data by CBS, IEA and Eurostat. Also UNFCCC. Contains a thorough expl... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2010 / 03
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland - 2009
CBS's annual publication about renewable energy, containing statistics on how much renewable energy is produced in the Netherlands. Note that... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2010 / 08
Nieuwe opzet energiebalans van Nederland
Describes the way the new Energy Balance for The Netherlands is structured and how changes affect the data. It is an important document for t... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Swertz, O2011 / 05
Het Energieverbruik voor warmte afgeleid uit de Energiebalans
A report that shows how the primary demand for heat generation can be calculated from the Energy Balance. The author uses different multiplic... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Segers, R.2009 / 02
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland 2010
Provides a statistical overview of all renewable energy production in The Netherlands in 2010 using the CBS calculations and the internationa... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2011 / 09
Hernieuwbare energie in Nederland 2011
Provides a statistical overview of all renewable energy production in The Netherlands in 2011 using the CBS calculations and the internationa... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2012 / 01
Smakelijk weten; Trends in voeding en gezondheid
Is used for one assumption about the number of supermarkets in the Netherlands only. (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2012 / 12
Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2014
Provides a statistical overview of all renewable energy production in The Netherlands up to 2014 using the CBS calculations and the internati... (PDF)
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2015 / 09
Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2015
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek2016 / 09
Tabel voor artikel rendement CO2-emissie elektriciteit
Organization: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Written by: Segers, R.2017 / 06
Chatham House
The Coming Oil Supply Crunch
This report argues that unless there is a collapse in oil demand within the next five to ten years, there will be a serious oil 'supply crunc... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House Written by: Stevens, P. Paul2010 / 07
The Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure to Environmental Change
Much energy infrastructure lies in areas that are predicted to become increasingly physically unstable owing to changes in the environment. ... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 07
More for Asia: Rebalancing World Oil and Gas
The oil and gas industry is set to undergo a decisive transition over the next 10 years as global balances of demand and investment shift tow... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House Written by: Mitchell, J.2010 / 12
Managing Energy: Rethinking the Fundamentals - Managing Energy Technology
This is working Paper 3. Working Paper 1, 'Managing Energy Wrong', looks at how we manage energy and how we might do better. Working Paper ... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 10
Managing Energy: Rethinking the Fundamentals - Managing Energy Data
This is the second paper in the project on Managing Energy: Rethinking the Fundamentals. This paper challenges the conventional view of energ... (No file)
Organization: Chatham House2009 / 05
Managing Energy: Rethinking the Fundamentals - Managing Energy Wrong
This is the first paper in the project on Managing Energy: Rethinking the Fundamentals. This paper looks at how we manage energy, who does wh... (No file)
Organization: Chatham House2008 / 06
Latest Trends in Russias Energy Policy
his is a roundtable summary of a meeting with Dr Andrei Belyi, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, held at Chatham House on 2 September 2010.... (PDF)
Organization: Chatham House2010 / 09
Clean Energy
No publicly available documents.
Clingendael International Energy Programme
Energy security, environment and health aspects and relevance for The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Slingerland, S.2006 / 10
Oil turbulence in the next decade
An essay on high oil prices in a supply constrained world (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Jesse, J.2008 / 06
Oil turbulence in the next decade - executive summary
An essay on high oil prices in a supply constrained world - executive summary (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Jesse, J.2008 / 06
Carbon Capture and Storage: A reality check for the Netherlands
This study covers the entire CCS value chain, from the generation of CO2 emissions to the long-term storage in the subsurface. (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme2008 / 09
Kernenergie - een internationale beleidsverkenning
Explores international developments of a possible nuclear renaissance. Energy politics and strategic choices are discussed. It discussed glob... (No file)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Jong, J.J. de2010 / 03
Wind and gas - Back-up or back-out, That is the question
Wind turbines (and other volatile energy technologies) can be used to replace fossil fuel burning power plants and reduce CO2 emissions, howe... (PDF)
Organization: Clingendael International Energy Programme Written by: Meray, N2011 / 12
Clingendael, Netherlands Institute for International Relations
Cogen Projects
Rentabiliteit biomassa wkk - mogelijkheden tot verbetering
Survey to the improvement of the efficiency on biomass conversion technologies to electricity and heat production (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects Written by: Coenen, J. and Schlatmann, S.2007 / 05
Small-scale CHP Factsheet Poland
Small-scale CHP Factsheet Poland (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects2007 / 12
Visiedocument Werkgroep Decentrale Gastoepassingen
Different micro CHP technologies, their state of development, the energy saving, the co2 reduction, the constraints for big scale market intr... (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects, Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, and Senternovem Written by: Bakker, E.J. , Gastel, M. van, Jong, A. de, and Wolferen, H. van2008 / 03
Commissie voor de Regulering van de Elektriciteit en het Gas
Studie over de mogelijke impact van de elektrische auto op het Belgische elektriciteitssysteem
Well-written, explains electricity system, explains impact on spot market prices of EV's. Contains characteristics typical electric car and i... (PDF)
Organization: Commissie voor de Regulering van de Elektriciteit en het Gas2010 / 02
De analyse van de kosten en onrendable topberekening voor offshore wind in Belgie
Organization: Commissie voor de Regulering van de Elektriciteit en het Gas2011 / 10
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
Cornell University
Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations
Scientific article (letter) in Climatic Change. Short summary of known numbers (mostly Marcellus Shale). For both conventional and shale gas,... (PDF)
Organization: Cornell University2011 / 04
Indirect emissions of carbon dioxide from Marcellus shale gas development
The authors estimate the emissions of carbon dioxide associated with all fuel combustion associated with the shale gas life-cycle focusing on... (PDF)
Organization: Cornell University2011 / 06
Council of the European Union
Council Conclusions on Biomass
implementation of the Biomass Action Plan and the development of a long-term strategy for bioenergy beyond 2010 (PDF)
Organization: Council of the European Union2006 / 01
Questions and Answers on Emissions Trading and National Allocation Plans for 2008 to 2012
Questions and Answers on Emissions Trading (ETS) and National Allocation Plans for 2008 to 2012 (PDF)
Organization: Council of the European Union2006 / 11
Naar een energieneutrale zuivelketen: groen gas op het aardgasnet
Possibilities of a strategy for implementation of green gas in the natural gas network (PDF)
Organization: Courage and Innovatienetwerk Written by: Bruinsma, B.2007 / 09
Biogas op het gasnet schept nieuwe kansen
Possibilities of a strategy for implementation of green gas in the natural gas network (PDF)
Organization: Courage and Innovatienetwerk2007 / 01
Melkveehouderij bron van duurzame energie, Energydairy 2025
potential for energy supply from the milk livestock industry (PDF)
Organization: Courage Written by: Leltz, P.M. and Vroom, J.M.n/a
CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis