Paperloop inc.
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Cost estimates fro thermal peaking plant
Parsons Brinckerhoff New Zealand Ltd (PB) has been engaged to provide an estimate of the capital and O&M (operating and maintenance) costs as... (PDF)
Organization: Parsons Brinckerhoff2008 / 06
2011 NZ Generation Data Update
Organization: Parsons Brinckerhoff2012 / 01
Electricity Generation Cost Model - 2012 Update of Non Renewable Technologies
Organization: Parsons Brinckerhoff2012 / 08
No publicly available documents.
Energy efficiency in buildings
How and how much can we save energy in residential and non-residential buildings? (PPT)
Organization: Philips Written by: Verhaar, H.2009 / 08
MASTER TL5 High Output
Technical specifications for fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Philips2013 / 03
MASTER LEDtube Performance
Technical specification for led lamps. (PDF)
Organization: Philips2014 / 06
MASTER TL-D Super 80
Technical specifications for fluorescent lamps. (PDF)
Organization: Philips2013 / 07
Standard Extra Low Voltage A60
Technical specifications for incandescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Philips2012 / 07
Photo Voltaic Technology Platform
A Strategic Research Agenda for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Technology
Photo Voltaics science, new technologies and applications (PDF)
Organization: Photo Voltaic Technology Platform Written by: Sinke, W.C.2007 / 06
A Strategic Research Agenda for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Technology_part
Photo Voltaics science, new technologies and applications (PDF)
Organization: Photo Voltaic Technology Platform Written by: Sinke, W.C.2007 / 08
PhotoVoltaic Technology Platform
Pipeline and Gas Journal
Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
Kosten van elektriciteitsopwekking
The costs and uncertainties of nuclear energy and other CO2 emission reducing technologies for big scale electricity production (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van and Verdonk, M.2008 / 09
Milieubalans 2009 - bevindigen
Report about the present status of trends in the environment in relation to the policy and the social developments, in specific the relation ... (PDF)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2009 / 01
Realisatie Milieudoelen - Voortgangsrapport 2009
In this report the Planbureau for the Living Environment judges whether or not the environment targets for 2010 and further are going to be m... (PDF)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2009 / 05
Verkenning Schoon en Zuinig
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on energy saving, renewables en GHG emissions (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van2009 / 04
Monitor Schoon en Zuinig - Actuele stand van zaken 2008
Monitoring of the current status of realisation of the targets of the energy saving policy 'Schnoon en Zuinig' (PDF)
Organization: ECN, Ordina, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, and Senternovem Written by: Hanschke, C.B.2009 / 04
Tussenstand van een aantal onderdelen uit het werkprogramma Schoon en Zuinig
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on sustainable energy, transportation, CO2 trading system and GHG em... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van and Elzenga, H.E.2008 / 11
Actualisatie referentieramingen - Energie en emissies 2008-2020
Changes in energy prices, policies and other developments justified an update of the Global Economy variant of the Reference Projections 2005... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Daniels, B.W. and Maas, C.W.M. van der2009 / 08
Naar een schone economie in 2050: routes verkend
In the document an electricity market scenario analysis is executed for the year 2050. The potential developments are explored, and the poten... (PDF)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2011 / 01
Vesta ruimtelijk energiemodel voor de gebouwde omgeving; Data en methoden
A document with the data and assumptions to create a model for the build environment in the Netherlands. (PDF)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Folkert, R.2012 / 04
Functioneel Ontwerp Vesta MAIS 4.0
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2019 / 12
PBL ORT Model SDE++ 2020
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Daniels, B.W.2019 / 03
Decarbonisation options for the Dutch steel industry (source data Excel)
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving2019 / 11
Zorg voor landschap
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dam, J.2019 / 01
Organization: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Hoogervorst, N2021 / 04
Platform Geothermie
Duurzame Warmte & Koude
Vision and strategy on the potential of sustainable heat and cold in the biuld environment and in the agricultural sector (PDF)
Organization: DE-koepel, Holland Solar, Nederlands Platform Warmtepompen, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ondergrondse Opslag, Platform Geothermie, and Stichting Warmtepompen2007 / 05
Factsheet geothermie
Quick summary of geothermal energy, what it is, its potential etc (PDF)
Organization: Platform Geothermie2011 / 02
Big cost hikes make vendors wary of releasing reactor cost estimates
Nuclear power plant costs have risen so fast that vendors no longer want to commit publicly to any cost estimates. (TIF)
Organization: Platts2008 / 09
Big cost hikes make vendors wary of releasing reactor-cost estimates
Nuclear power plant costs have risen so fast that vendors no longer want to commit publicly to any cost estimates. (TIF)
Organization: Platts2008 / 09
Poland Central Statistical Office
Energy statistics 2006 2007
basic data about the balances (in natural unit and in common units - Joules) of all the energy commodities which constitute Polish national e... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 11
Energy from renewable sources 2006
The publication aims at presenting information on production and use of energy from renewable sources in 2006, as well as data available for ... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2007 / 10
Demographic yearbook of Poland 2008
The Demographic Yearbook of Poland 2008 contains selected data on the size and structure of population, vital statistics and migration in 200... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 01
Energy efficiency in poland 1997-2007
Energy efficiency indicators for Polish economy and its sectors (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 06
Transport - activity results in 2008
The aim of the publication is to present the aspects determining the development of the transport sector (economic and infrastructural) and i... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 07
Energy statistics 2007 2008
Basic data about the balances (in natural unit and in common units - Joules) of all the energy commodities which constitute Polish national e... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2009 / 11
Energy from renewable sources
Energy from renewable sources Poland (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 01
Use of oils and energie carriers in 2007
The publication aims at presenting fuels and energy consumption at regional frame in 2007 Poland (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 12
The aim of this publication is presenting basic data about the balances (in natural unit and in common units - Joules) of all the energy comm... (PDF)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2008 / 11
Energy consumption in households in 2012
The publication contains detailed information on the energy consumption quantities and values, including the energy from the renewable source... (No file)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2014 / 04
Energy consumption in households in 2009
The publication contains detailed information on the energy consumption quantities and values, including the energy from the renewable source... (No file)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2012 / 05
Energy efficiency in Poland 2001-2011
Global and sector indicators of energy efficiency (70), their analysis, methodological remarks, definitions of terms. Indicators constitute a... (No file)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2013 / 07
Energy statistics 2011, 2012
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households ... (No file)
Organization: Poland Central Statistical Office2013 / 11
Polish Wind Energy Association
Assessment of wind energy development opportunities and potential in Poland until 2020
Assessment of wind energy development opportunities and potential in Poland until 2020 (PDF)
Organization: Polish Wind Energy Association2007 / 04
Wind energy in Poland
Figures about Polish wind energy (DOC)
Organization: Polish Wind Energy Association2009 / 05
Monitoring publiek gefinancieerd Energieonderzoek 2007
Investments in energy research in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Ministerie Economische Zaken and PriceWaterhouseCoopers2008 / 08
Rotterdam klaar voor opvang CO2
Policy and financial means are needed for CCS (DOC)
Organization: PriceWaterhouseCoopers2008 / 07
A financial and economic comparison of coal, gas and wind as options for Dutch electricity generation
A financial and economic comparison of coal, gas and wind as options for Dutch electricity generation (PDF)
Organization: Greenpeace and PriceWaterhouseCoopers2008 / 03
Forward curves for Dutch electricity prices for the period 2007-2030
This report summarises principal findings of the evolution of electricity prices and future electricity generation requirements in the period... (PDF)
Organization: IPA Energy and water economics and PriceWaterhouseCoopers2008 / 03
Green Electricity Making a Difference
Descript multi-national renewable electricity markets, Country reports and Label reports (No file)
Organization: PriceWaterhouseCoopers2009 / 05
No publicly available documents.
Prognos AG (Basel, Switzerland)
Provincie Friesland
Provincie Gelderland
Provincie Overijssel