MPP3 centrale
Article of a new powder coal plant in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: E.ON2007 / 01
Economics of Biomass Co-Firing in New Hard Coal Power Plants in Germany
Organization: E.ON and Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior Written by: Lüschen, A. and Madlener, A.2012 / 07
EBN and Gasunie
Biomass co-firing in high percentages - Opportunities in conventional and advanced coal fired plants
Biomass co-firing in high percentages and opportunities in conventional and advanced coal fired plants (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Kiel, J.2008 / 10
High efficiency power production from biomass and waste
Project: High efficiency power production from biomass and waste, proof of concept (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hazewinkel, J.H.O. , Leijenhorst, R.J.C. van , and Rabou, L.P.L.M.2008 / 11
Status of biomass gasification
Projects of biomass gasification plants in europe (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Drift, B. van der2009 / 01
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit, grootschalige inzet van biomassa in centrales
Future development of biomass prices (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Ruijgrok, W.J.A. and Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Inzet van biomassa in zelfstandige kleinschalige installaties voor de opwekking van elektricitieit
Calculation of the financial feasibility of stand alone biomass projects based on burning of wood chips (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Beekes, M. , Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Gasification for 2nd generation biofuels
Choices to be made around the production of biofuels (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Drift, B. van der2008 / 12
Eyes on the track, Mind on the horizon: From inconvenient rapeseed to clean wood: A European road map for biofuels
seven EU institutes of different backgrounds have analysed the prospects for biofuels in terms of resource potential, costs and impacts of di... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Londo, M.2008 / 03
2nd Generation Biogas: bioSNG
biogas versus bioSNG (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Zwart, R.W.R.2008 / 10
Biomassa in de Nederlandse energiehuishouding in 2030
Present and future use of fossil fuels (PDF)
Organization: ECN, Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, platform Groene Grondstoffen, and Wageningen UR Written by: Deurwaarder, E.P. , Elbersen, H.W. , Rabou, L.P.L.M. , and Scott, E.L.2006 / 01
Country report the Netherlands 2007
Choices in gasification biomass (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Drift, B. van der2008 / 10
Climate change scientific assessment and policy analysis: Biomass assessment
Assessment of global biomass potentials and their links to food, water, biodiversity, energy demand and economy (PDF)
Organization: ECN, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, UCE, Utrecht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Wageningen UR Written by: Dornburg, V. , Faaij, A. , and Verweij, P.2008 / 01
Te weining investeren in nieuwe elektriciteitscentrales vergroot risico's op stroomuitval
Electricity security in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beus, J. de and Scheepers, M.2002 / 09
Nieuwbouwplannen elektriciteitscentrales Nederland
New plans for power plants in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 07
Nederland exportland elektriciteit?
New developments power plants and effect policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Daniels, B.W. and Seebregts, A.J.2008 / 06
Invloed van innovatieve technologie op de toekomstige elektriciteitsinfrastructuur
Investigation of the possible impacts of innovative technologies on the future electricity infrastructure (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hanschke, C.B. , Nieuwenhout, F.J.D. , Scheepers, M. , and Seebregts, A.J.2007 / 11
Technisch economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2009-2010 (Eindadvies)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands that aim at realization in 2010 (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Londo, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2008 / 12
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen
Opbouw van huidige en toekomstige energieprijzen (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Rijkers, F.2001 / 01
Onrendabele top berekeningsmethodiek
This report describes the methodology used to calculate the financial gap of renewable electricity sources and technologies. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de and Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Onrendabele toppen van duurzame elektriciteitsopties
This report contains an advice on the financial gaps of renewable electricity production technologies that are to be used for determining the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Baseload elektriciteitsprijzen en brandstofprijzen 2005 tot en met 2020
This report explains the assumptions underlying a projected future electricity price for the calculation of the financial gaps (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Scheepers, M. , Seebregts, A.J. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame elektriciteitsopties in 2008-2009 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lensink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2007 / 11
The impact of the EU ETS on electricity prices
This study analyses the impact of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) on electricity prices, in particular on wholesale power markets acros... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hers, S.J. , Lise, W. , Sijm, J.P.M. , and Wetzelaer, B.J.H.W.2008 / 12
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2009-2010 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands that aim at realization in 2010 to determine the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Londo, M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Wakker, A.2008 / 01
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2008-2009 (Eindadvies)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Wakker, A.2008 / 01
Kosten van elektriciteitsopwekking
The costs and uncertainties of nuclear energy and other CO2 emission reducing technologies for big scale electricity production (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van and Verdonk, M.2008 / 09
Technisch-economische parameters van groengasproductie 2008-2009
part of the advice on the costs for renewable electricity production projects in the Netherlands that aim at realization in 2009 to determine... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Londo, M. , Mozaffarian, M. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , and Tilburg, X. van2008 / 01
Operation and maintenance: From near shore to far offshore
Development of operation and maintainance strategies for offshore windfarms (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Rademakers, L.2009 / 02
Energietechnologieen in relatie tot transitiebeleid
This report contains information about different energy technology clusters for electricity and heat production and distribution and for the ... (No file)
Organization: ECN Written by: Menkveld, M.2004 / 02
Inzet van biomassa in centrales voor de opwekking van elektriciteit
Are the costs and benefits of projects in which wood-pellets are co-fired in a coal fired power plant representative for those of bio-oil fue... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Tilburg, X. van , and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 09
Conceptadvies basisbedragen 2010
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands that aim at realization in 2010 to determine the... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lenselink, S.M. , Mozaffarian, M. , and Pfeiffer, E.A.2009 / 06
Technisch-economische parameters van duurzame energieopties in 2006-2007 (Concept)
This report contains an advice on the costs for renewable energy projects in The Netherlands starting between july 2006 and december 2007 to ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Cleijne, J.W. , Lange, T.J. de , Pfeiffer, E.A. , Sambeek, E.J.W. van , Verheij, F. , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 07
Bijlage bij Optiedocument 2010/2020
Data of clmate targets of bio-energy installations (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau2006 / 03
Bijlage bij Optiedocument 2010/2020 ENE07
Data of clmate targets of bio-energy installations (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau2006 / 03
Bijlage bij Optiedocument 2010/2020 ENE08
Data of clmate targets of nuclear plants (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau2006 / 03
Bijlage bij Optiedocument 2010/2020 ENE16
Data of clmate targets of bio-energy installations (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau2006 / 03
A sustainable energy system in 2050: promise or possibility?
This document presents an outline of a sustainable energy situation for Europe in the year 2050 (PDF)
Organization: ECN and NRG Written by: Brink, R.W. van den, Uyterlinde, M.A. , and Ybema, J.R.2007 / 10
De belofte van een duurzame Europese energiehuishouding
This document presents an outline of a sustainable energy situation for Europe in the year 2050 (No file)
Organization: ECN and NRG Written by: Brink, R.W. van den, Uyterlinde, M.A. , and Ybema, J.R.2007 / 08
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - duurzame energie
Status of the development of sustainable energy in the Netherlands in relation to the climate targets in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - elektriciteits en gasmarkt
status of the electricity and natural gasmarket in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Energie verslag nederland 1e half jaar 2007 - overheid en energiebeleid
Government and energy policy of the Netherlands 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Bijlagen - Overzichtstabel SDE 2009
SDE subsidy by sustainable energy source, realised sustainable energy targets by the government (PDF)
Organization: ECN2009 / 02
Potentieelverkenning klimaatdoelstellingen en energiebesparing tot 2020
This report gives support to the discussion about the contribution of the Netherlands to the limitation of GHG emissions and fossil fuel comb... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Daniels, B.W. and Farla, J.C.M.2006 / 02
Verkenning potentieel en kosten van klimaat en energiemaatregelen voor Schoon en Zuinig
exploration of the measures and policy instruments that can be implemented to achieve the new Dutch government (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Menkveld, M. and Wijngaart, R.A. van den2007 / 07
Verkenning Schoon en Zuinig
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on energy saving, renewables en GHG emissions (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van2009 / 04
Monitor Schoon en Zuinig - Actuele stand van zaken 2008
Monitoring of the current status of realisation of the targets of the energy saving policy 'Schnoon en Zuinig' (PDF)
Organization: ECN, Ordina, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, and Senternovem Written by: Hanschke, C.B.2009 / 04
Tussenstand van een aantal onderdelen uit het werkprogramma Schoon en Zuinig
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on sustainable energy, transportation, CO2 trading system and GHG em... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Dril, A.W.N. van and Elzenga, H.E.2008 / 11
Beoordeling werkprogramma Schoon en Zuinig
Evaluation of the effects of the energy saving policy 'Schoon en Zuinig' on energy saving, renewables en GHG emissions (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Menkveld, M.2007 / 09
De Nederlandse en industriele energiehuishouding van 2000 tot en met 2006
This report contains an overview of the Dutch total and industrial energy use from the years 2000 up till 2006 (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Spoelstra, S.2008 / 01
Kwaliteit van de data in energie en cijfers
Document of the validity of the data and the quality of it used by ECN (PDF)
Organization: ECN2005 / 08
Duurzame innovatie in het wegverkeer
Three innovation-scenarios for the Dutch road transport sector until 2040 (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hanschke, C.B.2009 / 01
Optiedocument energie en emissies 2010-2020
This report describes the background scenario and the emissions levels in 2010 and 2020, which are the starting points for the emission reduc... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau Written by: Daniels, B.W.2006 / 03
Energie Verslag Nederland 2007 - duurzame energie
Status of the development of sustainable energy in the Netherlands in relation to the climate targets in 2007 (PDF)
Organization: ECN2007 / 01
Mapping climate mitigation technologies/goods within the energy supply sector
this study analyses the state-of-the-art of renewable energy technologies not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but particularly to de... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Lako, P.2008 / 11
How to include CCS in the CDM? Baseline methodologies and institutional implications.
The inclusion of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has turned out highly controversial. A range of conce... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2008 / 11
Clean Development Mechanism
This paper discusses substantial results on CCS in the CDM based on three recent results: the outcomes of a capacity building effort in Afric... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Bakker, S.2010 / 02
Renovation concepts for saving 75% on total domestic energy consumption
The energy consumption in the built environment accounts for approximately one third of the total energy consumption in the Netherlands. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Koene, F.G.H.2009 / 01
Potentials and costs for renewable electricity generation, A data overview
This report presents the characteristic data regarding potentials and costs for technologies for renewable electricity generation. Focus is o... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M. , Noord, M. de , and Vries, H.J. de2004 / 01
Photovoltaics in the urban environment
an introduction of Basics of Photovoltaic solar energy (PV) (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 02
The solar (r)evolution, A tour along PV technology, economics, environment and applications
the solar evolution and revolution (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C. and Zeman, M.2008 / 01
International sustainable energy review
Grid parity is a rather simplified indicator of the competitiveness of PV It is nevertheless very useful since it assumes the viewpoint of a ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 01
WKK Monitor 2003-2005 Jaarrapportage 2004
In this annual report of 2004 a review is given on the physical developments in the CHP market in the period 1998-2003 and on the financial d... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Senternovem Written by: Harmsen, R. , Joode, J. de, and Melick, M. van2005 / 06
Onrendabele top berekeningen voor bestaande WKK 2008
Survey to the profitability of the present WKK installations (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hers, S.J. , Seebregts, A.J. , Welle, A.J. van der, and Wetzels, W.2008 / 05
Onrendabele top berekeningen voor nieuw WKK-vermogen 2009
This report presents an analysis of the profitability of investments in new cogeneration capacity installed in 2009 (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Hers, S.J. and Wetzels, W.2009 / 02
Fact Finding Kernenergie
This report, prepared for the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), presents facts and figures on nuclear energy to enable a ... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Blom, F.J. , Gemert, F. van, Lako, P. , Scheepers, M.J.J. , and Seebregts, A.J.2007 / 09
Zonnewarmte heeft de toekomst in Nederland
Developments in solar energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN and TNO2010 / 01
Uitdaging en kans van de eeuw: Transitie naar een duurzame energiehuishouding
Opportunities in energy transition (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 03
Andere toepassingen van zonnecellen
Outlook for economical feasibility PV electricity generation and technologies (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 03
De toekomst van zonne-energie fictie en feiten
Potential of solar energy for the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Utrecht University Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 01
Energiemarkt trends 2001 - Groei duurzame energieaanbod afhankelijk van succes offshore windenergie
Developments in off shore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Noord, M. de2001 / 01
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit, windenergie op zee
costs offshore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sambeek, E.J.W. van2003 / 08
Wind farm as power plant
How can a wind farm operate similar to power plants (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Bauer, P. , Pierik, J. , and Zhou, Y.2009 / 02
Renovatie windturbines Berekening van de onrendabele top
calculation of the financial gaps of wind turbines that have been, or are to be renovated (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA Written by: Verheij, F. and Vries, H.J. de2005 / 05
Kosten duurzame elektriciteit - Afvalverbrandingsinstallaties
Defining a basis for the calculation assumptions for the cashflow calculations of ECN and KEMA (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Lange, T.J. de and Pfeiffer, E.A.2003 / 08
A tour along science, technology, economy and applications of photovoltaic solar energy
A tour along science, technology, economy and applications of photovoltaic solar energy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Sinke, W.C.2009 / 04
Duurzame warmte en koude in Nederland
Status of thermal energy storage in the Netherlands: part sustainable, the expectancy of it for the near future and policy (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M. and Menkveld, M.2009 / 06
Actualisatie referentieramingen - Energie en emissies 2008-2020
Changes in energy prices, policies and other developments justified an update of the Global Economy variant of the Reference Projections 2005... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving Written by: Daniels, B.W. and Maas, C.W.M. van der2009 / 08
Een blik op de toekomst met SAWEC - Een analyse van het woninggebonden energiegebruik voor de periode 2000-2020
A model (SAWEC) has been developed for the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial planning and the Envi-ronment, Directorate General for Housing.... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Boerakker, Y.H.A. , Menkveld, M. , and Volkers, C.H.2005 / 07
Future electricity prices - Wholesale market prices in and exchanges between Northwest European electricity markets
Analysis of wholesale prices of electricity in North-West European market. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Ozdemir, O , Scheepers, M.J.J. , and Seebregts, A.J.2010 / 05
WKK potentieel in de chemische industrie
Study of technical and economic potential for CHP in Dutch chemical industry in 2020. The total additional technical potential is 1500 MWe. D... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2009 / 11
Gaswarmtepompen - Efficient verwarmen en koelen met aardgas
This extensive document treats all possible variants of gas-driven heat pumps. Workings principles, technical specs, economic aspects, energy... (No file)
Organization: Business Development Holland, ECN, Gasterra, and KIWA2010 / 05
SDE Wind op land met vollasturen
Organization: ECN and KEMA2010 / 01
Eindadvies basisbedragen voor SDE 2012
On assignment of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, ECN and KEMA have studied the cost of renewable energy production. This cost assessm... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA2011 / 09
Conceptadvies basisbedragen voor SDE 2012
On assignment of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, ECN and KEMA have studied the cost of renewable electricity production. This cost as... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and KEMA2011 / 07
Evolving Economics of Offshore Wind Power - Cost reductions from scaling and learning
Offshore wind electricity generation is prospected to increase substantially in the near future at a number of locations, like in the North a... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Zwaan, B van der2010 / 05
Renewable energy projections as published in the national renewable energy action plans of the european member states
This report presents an overview of all data that have been published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). In this version... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and European Environment Agency Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M.2011 / 01
Reference projection energy and emissions 2010-2020
The Reference projection 2010-2020 examines the future development of Dutch energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution up to 2020... (No file)
Organization: ECN2012 / 01
Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures in The Netherlands
the development of efficiency indexes is reported since 2000 for various sectors in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: ECN2012 / 10
Kolencentrales Eemshaven - Dringende redenen openbaar belang
The document answers questions that can be asked when building new power plants in the Eemshaven. The questions are: Draagt de centrale bij a... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2010 / 12
Norm voor leveringszekerheid
This document gives an insight in how the standard for the security of supply of electricity in the Netherlands is determined. It also states... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2004 / 05
Brandstofmix Elektriciteit 2020
A scenario analysis is executed about the electricity demand and supply in 2020 from various sources (renewable, must-run and fossil). What w... (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Seebregts, A.J.2009 / 12
Energie Trends 2012
Very useful report that provides a breakdown of energy consumption in different sectors (households etc.). (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Ybema, R2012 / 11
Organization: ECN2013 / 09
Berekening basisbedragen SDE+ 2015
Organization: ECN2014 / 11
Natural gas in transport An assessment of different routes
Organization: CE Delft, ECN, and TNO Written by: Aarnink, S. , Croezen, H.J. , Kampman, B.E. , Koornneef, G. , Kroon, P. , Ligterink, N. , Meulenbrugge, J. , Verbeek, R. , and Wilde, H. de2013 / 05
Development of an alternative fuel infrastructure: What H2 can learn from LPG
Organization: ECN Written by: Backhaus, J. and Bunzeck, I.G.2010 / 04
De rol van power-to-gas in het toekomstige Nederlandse energiesysteem
Vergaande CO2-emissiereductie is de belangrijkste driver voor P2G. Flexibiliteit alleen is onvoldoende driver voor P2G. P2G gaat vooral o... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2014 / 07
Verzamelde kennisnotities t.b.v. de visie duurzame brandstoffenmix
Organization: CE Delft, ECN, and TNO2014 / 06
Energietrends 2014
Energietrends 2014 is a handy overview of the Dutch energy system in 2014. This publication is intended to contribute to knowledge and awaren... (PDF)
Organization: ECN, EnergieNed, and Netbeheer Nederland Written by: Boelhouwer, M. , Gerdes, J. , and Marbus, S.2014 / 09
Correctie elektriciteitsverbruik koken
This report describes the average energy consumption for cooking in the Netherlands. (PDF)
Organization: ECN Written by: Menkveld, M.2014 / 09
Eindadvies basisbedragen SDE+ 2016
Eindadvies basisbedragen voor zonnepanelen voor 2016. (PDF)
Organization: ECN2015 / 10
Energietrends 2016
Organization: ECN and Netbeheer Nederland2016 / 09
Eindadvies basisbedragen SDE+ 2017
Organization: ECN Written by: Lensink, S.M.2016 / 11
Decarbonisation options for the Dutch fertiliser industry
This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch fertiliser industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisatio... (PDF)
Organization: ECN2019 / 10
Steam methane reforming (SMR) for hydrogen production technology factsheet
Organization: ECN2021 / 03
Kosteneffectieve energiebesparing en klimaatbescherming
The possibilities of insulation and the opportunities for The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2005 / 10
Energiebesparing: de onbegrensde mogelijkheden
Possibilities for energy saving measures in different sectors (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Blok, K. and Visser, E. de2005 / 10
Marktkansen voor Transitie en Innovatie
Potential for energy saving measures in the industry and build environment (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Spaas, R.2008 / 11
Versnelde ontwikkeling van duurzame energie in Nederland
Strategy for an accelerated development of sustainable energy in the Netherlands and how can we learn form Germany for a better SDE system (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2009 / 10
Factsheet Diepe Geothermie
deep geothermic facts, potential and constraints (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2010 / 02
Diepe geothermie - 2050 Een visie voor 20% duurzame energie voor Nederland
Provides an outlook for ultra-deep geothermal energy in the Netherlands. Estimates potential share of energy demand geothermal might provide.... (PDF)
Organization: Agenschap NL, Ecofys, IF, and TNO2011 / 03
The energy report - 100% renewable energy by 2050
WWF and Ecofys provide 10 recommendations for a renewable future. Ecofys has built a 100% renewable energy scenario, this is discussed in det... (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys and WWF World Wide Fund for Nature2011 / 02
Versnelde ontwikkeling van duurzame energie in Nederland - de rol van zon-PV en een verbeterd SDE systeem
Ecofys discusses the current situation for Solar PV in the Netherlands and explores its potential by comparing NL with Germany and other lead... (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Farrell, D.2009 / 10
Ecofys_Rathmann Winkel_201101_Werkgelegenheids effecten door wind en kolen in Eemshaven, Friesland en Groningen
In de provincies Friesland, Groningen en de aangrenzende noordelijke Noordzee zijn doelstellingen voor de productie van windenergie in 2020 g... (PDF)
Organization: Ecofys2011 / 01
Abschatzung der Bedeutung des Einspeisemanagements
Extensive report on curtailment of excess electricity in Germany, considering the years 2010 and 2011. Curtailment was due to oversupply in 1... (No file)
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Bomer, J2011 / 01
Financing Renewable Energy in the European Energy Market
Organization: Ecofys, Ernst &Young, Fraunhofer Institute, and TU Vienna EEG Written by: Bouillé, A. , Busch, A. , Gazzo, A. , Gousseland, P. , Held, A. , Henriet, M. , Jager, D. de, Klessmann, C. , Koper, M. , Panzer , C. , Ragwitz, M. , Resch, G. , Roulleau, T. , Stricker, E. , and Visser, E. de2011 / 01
Flexibility options in electricity systems
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Dragoon , K. , Grave, K. , and Papaefthymiou, G.2014 / 03
Systeemkosten van warmte voor Woningen
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Menkveld, M.2015 / 11
Waarde van Slimme Netten
Organization: Ecofys Written by: Melle, T van2014 / 11
Onderzoek Werking Seizoensflexibiliteitsmarkt
The goal of this research is to gain knowledge of the market for (season) flexibility in order to present measures to improve the functionali... (PDF)
Organization: Ecorys2007 / 10
Contra-expertise op ECN/Kema-advies SDE wind op land
A contra expertise to the adviced height of the base amount (SDE) for onshore wind energy (PDF)
Organization: Ecorys2009 / 02
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007
The present report attempts to provide solid elements of key information for intelligent analysis and informed decision-making. (PDF)
Organization: EFA Written by: Schneider, M.2007 / 11
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011
The present World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011 was to be published at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disas... (PDF)
Organization: EFA2011 / 04
Eindhoven University
Inpassing Groen Gas en Warmte: Meer dan alleen aansluiten
Green gas and heat use (PDF)
Organization: Eindhoven University2007 / 11
H2 or e-? Two scenarios for hydrogen as an automotive fuel
In the first scenario, Large-Scale Experimentation, emission regulations tihgten in two ways. The other scenario is called Gradual Breakthrou... (PDF)
Organization: Eindhoven University Written by: Bree, B. van2009 / 04
Electric Power Resources Institute
The UC Davis Emerging Lithium Battery Test Project
This report is concerned with the testing and evaluation of various battery chemistries for use in PHEV's (Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles). ... (PDF)
Organization: California Air Resources Board, Electric Power Resources Institute, and UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies Written by: Burke, A2009 / 06
Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Storage in California
Californian study on the cost effectiveness of electricity storage. Presents a powerful tool to estimate the value of storage. Aggregate seve... (PDF)
Organization: Electric Power Resources Institute2013 / 06
DOE/EPRI 2013 Electricity Storage Handbook in Collaboration with NRECA
This handbook is a single-point resource to describe the services and applications of energy storage in the grid, the current storage technol... (PDF)
Organization: Electric Power Resources Institute and U.S. Department of Energy2013 / 07
Energy policy and the role of bioenergy in Polande
current status of bioenergy in Poland and a critical assessment of the prospects for increasing the share of bioenergy in energy supply, incl... (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2005 / 05
Temperature and heat-flow density along European transcontinental profiles
Temperature and heat-flow density along European transcontinental profiles (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier1991 / 05
Investment cost for geothermal power plants
Investment cost for geothermal power plants (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2002 / 01
Feasibility of storing CO2 in the Utsira formation as part of a long term Dutch CCS strategy
This study provides insight into the feasibility of a CO2 trunkline from the Netherlands to the Utsira formation in the Norwegian part of the... (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier and Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute Written by: Broek, M. van den, Faaij, A. , and Turkenburg, W.2009 / 08
Energy production from biomass (part 1): overview of biomass
biomass values for production of wood (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Energy production from biomass (part 2) conversion technologies
biomass, brief overview of conversion methods (PDF)
Organization: Elsevier2001 / 07
Reference cases and guidelines for technology concepts
aiming at technologies that meet the target of at least 90% CO2 capture rate and 50% CO2 capture cost reduction by developing new pre-combust... (PDF)
Organization: ENCAP2008 / 02
Power systems evaluation and benchmarking Public Version
aims at technologies that meet the target of at least 90% CO2 capture rate and 50% CO2 capture cost reduction (compared to typically 50 (PDF)
Organization: ENCAP2009 / 02
Climate footprint beperkt nadelig effect 'voetafdruk' op klimaat
Eneco's new service 'Climate Footprint' companies see their own annual CO2 emission an get advice on how to reduce CO2 emission (DOC)
Organization: Eneco2008 / 01
Eneco_20071129_Seminar Diepe Geothermie Presentatie
Example of geothermal energy extraction in The Hague and the participating parties (PDF)
Organization: Eneco Written by: Buis, H.2007 / 11
Haal de zon in huis
thermal solar energy system costs (PDF)
Organization: Eneco2009 / 01
Energy Efficiency Trends in Buildings in the EU
The aim of this report is to provide insight into past developments for energy use, energy efficiency trends for households and tertiary sect... (PDF)
Organization: Enerdata2012 / 09
European Energy Efficiency trends - Household energy consumption.pdf
This article provides an overview of the UK's energy efficiency performance compared with other EU countries1, drawing on energy efficiency i... (PDF)
Organization: Enerdata2011 / 03
Energy efficiency trends for households in the EU
Overview of energy consumption and energy efficiency improvements for households of various EU countries by end-use (heating, air conditionin... (No file)
Organization: Enerdata2014 / 01
Energie Baden-Wurttemberg AG
Energie Data Services Nederland (EDSN)
No publicly available documents.
Energie Dialoog Nederland
Energie Plus
Energie in Nederland 2008
Energy balance of the Netherlands in 2008 (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2008 / 08
Jaarverslag 2007
Year report of the organisation of energy production companies in the Netherlands EnergieNed (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2007 / 05
Fact sheet kolen
facts of coal plants in relation to other power plants (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2008 / 01
Energie in Nederland 2010
Document that appears yearly and has a lot of useful data visualized in a useful way. (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed2010 / 06
Wegwijzer van de energievoorziening 2010-1
Complete overview of organizations active in energy in the Netherlands. Mainly gas, electricity and heat. (No file)
Organization: EnergieNed2010 / 02
Study on flexibility in the Dutch and NW European power market in 2020
- Integration of 12GW of wind power is feasible under the assumption that available flexibility and interconnector capacity are used optimall... (PDF)
Organization: EnergieNed and Frontier Economics2010 / 04
Energietrends 2014
Energietrends 2014 is a handy overview of the Dutch energy system in 2014. This publication is intended to contribute to knowledge and awaren... (PDF)
Organization: ECN, EnergieNed, and Netbeheer Nederland Written by: Boelhouwer, M. , Gerdes, J. , and Marbus, S.2014 / 09
Jaarverslag 2006 Een nieuw energiebeleid op komst
Advice on the implementation of the climate targets of the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Energieraad2007 / 06
Jaarverslag 2007 Ongemakkelijke boodschappen
Advice on the implementation of the climate targets of the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Energieraad2008 / 06
Energy Information Administration
International energy outlook 2007
This report presents international energy projections through 2030, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide e... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2007 / 05
Assumptions to the annual energy outlook 2008 with projections to 2030
This report presents the major assumptions of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) used to generate the projections in the Annual Energ... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2008 / 05
International energy outlook 2008
This report presents international energy projections through 2030, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide e... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2008 / 09
Energy Technology Perspectives 2008_presentation
Deep emission cuts are urgent and technically achievable. A global technology revolution is needed (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2008 / 06
Annual Energy Review 2007
This review provides information about the energy cosumption and energy production with graphs and tabels in the United States (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2008 / 06
Electric Power Annual 2006
Electric power industry statistics at the national level in US (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2007 / 11
Coal Tables
graphs and figures concerning about coal and natural gas (No file)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2007 / 01
Energy consumption commercial buildings
Statistical data tables on energy demand in commercial buildings in the USA (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2006 / 10
Updated capital costs estimates for electricity generation plants
The current and projected future costs of energy-related capital projetcs, including but not limited to new electric generating plants, have ... (PDF)
Organization: Energy Information Administration2010 / 11
Energy Market Agency S.A.
EnerNex Corporation
No publicly available documents.
Environmental Protection Agency
Green marketing, the competitive advantage of sustainability
Green marketing involves developing and promoting products and services (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agencyn/a
The Business Sustainability Roadmap
The Business Sustainability Roadmap (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agencyn/a
Greenhouse gas emissions reporting from the petroleum and natural gas industry
This technical support document details the data and procedure for gathering data on GHG emissions from the petroleum and gas industry in the... (PDF)
Organization: Environmental Protection Agency2011 / 01
Supporting Solar Photovoltaic Electricity: An Argument for Feed-in Tariffs
This report gives an overview over different support schemes and their characteristics. It shows that a feed-in tariff support scheme clearly... (PDF)
Organization: EPIA2009 / 01
Global market outlook for photovoltaics until 2013
A diversification of the market is taking place with countries adopting appropriate support policies, this is very good news for the PV indus... (PDF)
Organization: EPIA2009 / 04
Global market outlook for photovoltaics 2013-2017
The Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics 2013-2017 includes PV market figures for 2012 and makes forecasts for the next five years for glo... (No file)
Organization: EPIA2013 / 06
No publicly available documents.
Kolen en biomassa in perspectief
Prejudices about coal plants refuted (PDF)
Organization: EPZn/a
opwerking: hergebruik van splijtstof
Processing nuclear waste (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2004 / 01
Facts and Figures kernenergiecentrale
Capacity, electricity production and waste products of a nuclear power plant (DOC)
Organization: EPZ2008 / 01
Kernenergie in perspectief
Side effects of nuclear energy, a critical review (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2005 / 10
Uranium is niet zeldzaam en voldoende voorradig; Plutonium ontstaat door bestraling van uranium
Facts around uranium and plutonium (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2008 / 04
Annual report of EPZ (PDF)
Organization: EPZ2007 / 01
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Ernst &Young
No publicly available documents.
ETH Zurich
Coal industry across Europe 2008
Coal industry data of EU countries 2008, present situation and outlook for the use of coal in the EU. (PDF)
Organization: Euracoal2008 / 08
Coal industry across Europe 2011
Coal industry data of EU countries 2011, present situation and outlook for the use of coal in the EU. (PDF)
Organization: Euracoal2011 / 10
Power Statistics & Trends 2011 full report
Power Statistics & Trends 2011 gathers the latest available data from the European electricity sector. It contains data - from EUROLECTRIC me... (PDF)
Organization: Eurelectric2011 / 12
Power Statistics and Trends 2011 - Synopsis
Power Statistics & Trends 2011 gathers the latest available data from the European electricity sector. It contains data - from EUROLECTRIC me... (PDF)
Organization: Eurelectric2011 / 12
Power Statistics and Trends 2012 - Synopsis
Power Statistics & Trends 2012 gathers the latest available data from the European electricity sector. It contains data - from EUROLECTRIC m... (PDF)
Organization: Eurelectric2012 / 12
European Commission
external costs
Research results on socio-environmental damages due to electricity and transport (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2003 / 01
Actieplan voor energie-effici
Actionplan for the European Union for better energy efficiency (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2006 / 10
Global climate policy scenarios for 2030 and beyond
Analysis of Greenhouse Gas emission reduction pathway scenarios with the poles and GEM-E3 models (PDF)
Organization: European Commission Written by: Ciscar, J. , Regemorter, D. van , Russ, P. , and Wiesenthal, T.2007 / 11
EU energy and transport in figures - statistical pocketbook 2007/2008
This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual energy- and transport-related statistics in Europe (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
EU energy and transport in figures - statistical pocketbook 2009
This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual energy- and transport-related statistics in Europe (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2009 / 01
Agricultural statistics Main results
This publication contains selected tables and graphs, providing an overview of developments and the situation in the agricultural sector, and... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
A European strategic energy technology plan 'Towards a low carbon future'
A European strategic energy technology plan for a drecrease in CO2 emissions (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2007 / 11
European energy and transport - trends to 2030
This scenario provides projections of energy demand, supply and transformation on the basis of current knowledge, technology forecasting and ... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2006 / 05
Energy transport and environment indicators 2008
Energy indicators, transport indicators and environment indicators (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
Renewable Energy Road Map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future
This Road Map, an integral part of the Strategic European Energy Review, sets out a longterm vision for renewable energy sources in the EU (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2007 / 10
European Energy and Transport
Outlook on the world energy balance until 2030 following the baseline scenario (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 04
Energy Yearly statistics 2006
Energy balance of industry in the EU in 2006 (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in the EU - 2006 data
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in EU countries - 2006 data (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 06
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) electricity generation in the EU-25 in 2002
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) electricity and heat generation in the EU-25 in 2002 (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2006 / 03
Agricultural Situation and Perspectives in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Agricultural Situation and Perspectives in the Central and Eastern European Countries (DOC)
Organization: European Commission1998 / 01
Agricultural Situation and Prospects in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Agricultural Situation and Prospects in the Central and Eastern European Countries (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2003 / 06
Global irradiation and solar electricity potential - Netherlands
Global irradiation and solar electricity potential in the Netherlands (PNG)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 01
Energy Sources, Production Costs and Performance of Technologies
Comprehensive overview of costs and performances of energy generating technologies (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2008 / 11
Energy balance sheets 2007-2008
Energy balances in matrix form of all European countries for the years 2007 and 2008. (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2010 / 01
Global irradiation and solar electricity potential - Germany
Global irradiation and solar electricity potential in Germany. Optimally-inclined photovoltaic modules. Allows for an estimate for Full Load ... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2012 / 08
Trends to 2050 reference scenario 2013
The Energy trends 2050 publication presents scenarios on economic developments, energy prices, environment, policies and measures implemented... (No file)
Organization: European Commission2013 / 12
Photovoltaic Electricity Cost Maps
Organization: European Commission Written by: Ossenbrink, H.2013 / 09
Concentrating Solar Power
Organization: European Commission2013 / 11
PV Status Report 2013
Organization: European Commission Written by: Waldau,, A. Jager2013 / 09
Implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for space heaters and combination heaters
Organization: European Commission2012 / 05
Quarterly Report on European Gas Markets: Q1 2015
Organization: European Commission2015 / 03
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION on indirect land-use change related to biofuels and bioliquids
Organization: European Commission2010 / 12
Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets
Organization: European Commission2016 / 06
Trends to 2050 reference scenario 2016
The Energy trends 2050 publication presents scenarios on economic developments, energy prices, environment, policies and measures implemented... (PDF)
Organization: European Commission2016 / 07
Trends to 2050 reference scenario 2016 - Excel sheets
The Energy trends 2050 publication presents scenarios on economic developments, energy prices, environment, policies and measures implemented... (XLS)
Organization: European Commission2016 / 07
European Environment Agency
EN08 Emissions (CO2, SO2 and NOx) intensity of public conventional thermal power (electricity and heat) production
Emissions (CO2, SO2 and NOx) intensity of public conventional thermal power (electricity and heat) production in EU countries (PDF)
Organization: European Environment Agency2005 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1988 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland in 1988 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1989 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1989 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1990 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1990 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1991 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1991 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1992 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1992 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1993 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1993 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1994 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1994 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1995 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1995 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1996 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1996 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1997 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1997 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1998 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1998 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 1999 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 1999 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2000 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2000 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2001 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2001 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2002 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2002 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2003 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2003 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2004 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2004 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2005 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2005 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2006 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2006 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Polish national GHG inventory submission 2007 v3.1
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per sector in Poland for 2007 (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Europe's onshore and offshore wind energy potential, An assessment of environmental and economic constraints
This study confirms that wind energy can play a major role in achieving the European renewable energy targets. It also gives a good topograp... (PDF)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
CO2 emissions 2007 and 1990 for 34 member countries
Countries official CO2 and other GHG emissions data submissions summarized and added up to the sectors used by the ETM. For 2007 and 2009. (XLS)
Organization: European Environment Agency2009 / 01
Renewable energy projections as published in the national renewable energy action plans of the european member states
This report presents an overview of all data that have been published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs). In this version... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and European Environment Agency Written by: Beurskens, L.W.M.2011 / 01
European Federation for Transport and Environment AISBL
European Network of transmission system operators for electricity
10-Year Network Development Plan 2012
The TYNDP provides with a network development plan. This document complies with present regulations and anticipates the grid developments in ... (PDF)
Organization: European Network of transmission system operators for electricity2012 / 07
Scenario Outlook and System Adequacy Forecast 2011-2025
The System Adequacy Forecast Report focuses on adequacy analyses of ENTSO-E interconnected transmission systems. This report is used as a bas... (PDF)
Organization: European Network of transmission system operators for electricity2011 / 01
European Parliament
Security of energy supply
The potential and reserves of various energy sources, technologies furthering self-reliance and the impact of policy decisions (PDF)
Organization: European Parliament and PE Written by: Lechtenb, S. and Perrels, A.2006 / 09
Impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction on the environment and on human health
Report analyzing the policy gaps, potential of and external effects of shale and tight gas and oil extraction in Europe. The report concludes... (PDF)
Organization: European Parliament2011 / 06
Amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use... (PDF)
Organization: European Parliament2015 / 09
On the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC (PDF)
Organization: European Parliament2009 / 04
European Renewable Energy Council
energy [r]evolution a sustainable global energy outlook
This report provides a detailed analysis of the energy efficiency potential and choices in the transport sector (PDF)
Organization: European Renewable Energy Council and Greenpeace Written by: Teske, S.2008 / 10
Mapping Renewable Energy Pathways towards 2020 - EU Roadmap
The report addresses the EU 2020 targets and how each member states plans to reach them. The 'RES Directive' sets the objective of reaching a... (PDF)
Organization: European Renewable Energy Council2011 / 03
European Wind Energy Association
The Economics of Wind Energy
The Economics of Wind Energy (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Association Written by: Krohn, S.2009 / 03
Wind energy the facts - part 3 - The economics of wind power
The 'Wind Energy ? The Facts' publication is widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a det... (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Association2009 / 03
Wind Energy - The Facts. Part II Grid Integration
The 'Wind Energy ? The Facts' publication is widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a det... (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Association Written by: van Hulle, F2009 / 01
European Wind Energy Technology Platform
Strategic Research Agenda Market Deployment Strategy from 2008 to 2030
A roadmap with a full action plan for Research, Development and Demonstration - a strategic analysis of wind energy research - and a Market D... (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform2008 / 07
Essential Innovations
Introduction on TPWind, SRA and MDS, The offshore strategy of TPWind (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform2009 / 02
Wind in power 2009 European statistics
A datasheet with figures on installed capacity of wind energy and a comparison with other technologies (special focus renewable energy). (PDF)
Organization: European Wind Energy Technology Platform Written by: Moccia, J. and Wilkes, J.2010 / 02
Energy price statistics
Excel table with 2009-2011 gas and electricity prices, for industrial consumers and households (breakdown of taxes/levies) (XLS)
Organization: Eurostat2013 / 01
Forestry in the EU and the world - a statistical portrait
Statistical portrait of forestry in the world, including the production of wood as as source of energy. (No file)
Organization: Eurostat2011 / 02
Euro Area Producer Prices
Organization: Eurostat2024 / 02
Energy data formulas for energy balances
Describes fuel categories for Eurostat energy balances (XLSX)
Organization: Eurostat2020 / 04