Nationaal Energie Forum
Nationaal Onderzoek Programma Geothermie
Waarom geothermie en waarom NOPG
Introduces NOPG and geothermal energy's potential for NL (and beyond) (PDF)
Organization: Nationaal Onderzoek Programma Geothermie2011 / 02
EGS in Europa en een case studie
Provides some examples of early test / projects for ultra deep geothermal energy (PDF)
Organization: Nationaal Onderzoek Programma Geothermie2011 / 02
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: A Review of Key Issues
pointing to key issues that can limit the amount of hydrogen in the gas grid. - leakage - pipeline steel, - wobbe index (PDF)
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Melaina, M. W2013 / 03
Summary of electrolytic hydrogen production: Milestone completion report
This report provides a technical and economic overview of the electrolytic hydrogen production systems commercially available as of December ... (PDF)
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Ivy, J2004 / 09
Wind-To-Hydrogen Project : Electrolyzer Capital Cost Study
The purpose of this study is to provide an economic component cost analysis of electrolyzer units that are in commercial production or in dev... (PDF)
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Saur, G2008 / 12
Organization: Black & Veatch Building a world of difference and National Renewable Energy Laboratory2012 / 02
2011 Cost of Wind Energy Review
Organization: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Written by: Hand, M , Lantz, E. , Maples, B. , Schwabe, P. , Smith, A. , and Tegen, S.2013 / 03
National Research Council
National Technical University of Athens
Model based Analysis of the 2008 EU Policy Package on Climate Change and Renewables - Appendix 1 baseline scenarios
Datasheet of the energy balance of EU countries untill 2030 with the PRIMES model (PDF)
Organization: National Technical University of Athens2008 / 01
The PRIMES Energy System Model - SummaryDescription
PRIMES is a modelling system that simulates a market equilibrium solution for energy supply and demand in the European Union (EU) member stat... (PDF)
Organization: National Technical University of Athens2008 / 01
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Natuur en Milieu
Actieplan elektrisch rijden Op weg naar een miljoen elektrische auto's in 2020!
Actionplan for a fast introduction of the electric car in The Netherlands, one million EV in 2020 in The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: C,MM,N and Natuur en Milieu2009 / 03
Action plan for sustainable energy from the North Sea (PDF)
Organization: Natuur en Milieu2008 / 01
Heldergroen gas - een visie op de duurzaamheid van groen gas
This document assesses the sustainability and economic sense of various biomass / biogas applications and future developments concerning gree... (PDF)
Organization: Natuur en Milieu2011 / 05
Nederlands Dagblad
Nederlands Platform Warmtepompen
Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit
Gasmonitor Ontwikkelingen in de groothandelsmarkt gas in Nederland in 2006
This year-report of the gasmarket identifies a number of serious obstacles which antagonizes the competition on the wholesale (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit Written by: Althoff, J. , Karatay, E. , Kleijn, M. de , Sutorius, R. , and Vermeulen, M.2007 / 12
Versnelling van de ontwikkeling van TTF en de groothandelsmarkt voor gas
This report contains a vision on the question how the functionality of TTF2 and the wholesale market for gas can be improved more rapidly (PDF)
Organization: DTe and Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit2007 / 09
Nederlandse Vereniging van Ondergrondse Energieopslagsystemen
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ondergrondse Opslag
Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie
NWEA reactie op rapport ECN-E - 09-049
Reaction on ECN report of the new SDE subsidy around wind turbines (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie2009 / 08
Transitieplatform Offshore Windenergie
First start of a vision on the development of offshore wind energy in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie2005 / 11
Hernieuwbare energiebronnen op land in de regionale energiestrategie
Organization: Nederlandse WInd Energie Associatie Written by: Langendoen, W2020 / 02
Netbeheer Nederland
Energietrends 2014
Energietrends 2014 is a handy overview of the Dutch energy system in 2014. This publication is intended to contribute to knowledge and awaren... (PDF)
Organization: ECN, EnergieNed, and Netbeheer Nederland Written by: Boelhouwer, M. , Gerdes, J. , and Marbus, S.2014 / 09
Energietrends 2016
Organization: ECN and Netbeheer Nederland2016 / 09
Aanpassingen klimaatneutrale energiesysteem scenario's 2050
Organization: Netbeheer Nederland Written by: Afman, M.2020 / 07
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
New Energy Docks
Nieman raadgevend ingenieurs
NL Olie- en Gasportaal
Potential for CO2 storage in depleted gas fields on the Dutch Continental Shelf Phase 1: Technical assessment
To investigate the opportunities for CO2 storage in the Dutch sector of the North sea (PDF)
Organization: NOGEPA2008 / 06
Potential for CO2 storage in depleted gas fields on the Netherlands Continental Shelf Phase 2: Costs of transport and storage
For this purpose an investigation was carried out that focused on the infrastructure for transport and injection of CO2 in depleted offshore ... (PDF)
Organization: NOGEPA2009 / 04
NRC Wetenschap
Plug and Drive
Current performance status of the batteries for electric cars (DOC)
Organization: NRC Wetenschap Written by: Nieuwstadt, M. van2008 / 01
TCA wil elektrische taxi's in Amsterdam
Taxicompany in Amsterdam wants to invest in an electric taxi system (DOC)
Organization: NRC Wetenschap2008 / 07
Olie minstens vijf jaar extreem duur
According to the IEA the oil price remains high for the next 5 years (DOC)
Organization: NRC Wetenschap2008 / 07
Hoe een
The german electricity law has created a sustainable energy revolution in germany, now germany is an example for other EU countries in terms ... (PDF)
Organization: NRC Wetenschap2009 / 07
A sustainable energy system in 2050: promise or possibility?
This document presents an outline of a sustainable energy situation for Europe in the year 2050 (PDF)
Organization: ECN and NRG Written by: Brink, R.W. van den, Uyterlinde, M.A. , and Ybema, J.R.2007 / 10
De belofte van een duurzame Europese energiehuishouding
This document presents an outline of a sustainable energy situation for Europe in the year 2050 (No file)
Organization: ECN and NRG Written by: Brink, R.W. van den, Uyterlinde, M.A. , and Ybema, J.R.2007 / 08
Cramer trekt 35 miljoen uit voor klimaatprojecten
Local governments and provinces can receive subsidy of the government for GHG emission reduction projects (DOC)
Organization: NU.nl2008 / 07
Terschelling wil energiecentrale op grondwater
Terschelling (NL) is making feasibility study for a geothermal power plant (DOC)
Organization: NU.nl2008 / 09
Nuclear Energy Agency
Nuclear Energy Data
This edition of the Brown Book contains official information provided by OECD member country governments on nuclear energy, including project... (PDF)
Organization: Nuclear Energy Agency2008 / 01
Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: Policies, Strategies and Costs
Organization: Nuclear Energy Agency2003 / 01
Nucleonics Week
No publicly available documents.
Tarieven en vergoedingsregeling stadswarmte of stadswarmte en tapwater
Calculation of the heat price of NUON (PDF)
Organization: NUON2008 / 01
Operations report 2009
This report describes the general performance of the wind farm in the third operating year 2009, and summarizes the results of the monitoring... (PDF)
Organization: NUON and Shell2010 / 11
Nutrienten Management Instituut NMI bv