SBC Energy Institute
Schmack Biogas
Europe's largest biomethane plant inaugurated by Bavarian Minister President Gunther Beckstein
New biomethane powerplant (DOC)
Organization: Schmack Biogas Written by: Krayl, P.2008 / 07
Schmack Biogas plant Bau einer 4 MW-Biogas-Anlage zur Gaseinspeisung
Schmack Biogas AG plant, some facts (PDF)
Organization: Schmack Biogas Written by: Krayl, P.2007 / 03
Statusdocument Bio-energie 2007
Condition of bio energy projects in the netherlands in 2006, the trends en predictions for 2007 and further (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2006 / 11
Bio-energy in Europe 2005
Analysis of current European trends in bio-energy policies as they relate to electricity and heat production (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2006 / 03
Afvalverwerking in Nederland 2004
survey of the annual amounts of waste processed by landfills, waste incinerators, compost installations and sludge processing installations i... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2005 / 01
Groen Gas van aardgaskwaliteit uit biomassa update van de studie uit 2004
Future potential of green gas, aspects for the stimulation of the production of green gas and the companyrelated aspects of similar projects (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Dumont, M. , Kwant, K. , and Welink, J.2007 / 01
Overview second generation biofuels
Production methods, policies and outooks intill 2020 of biofuel (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Boerhave, G.H.2008 / 11
Bio-oil in stationary gas turbines Technical & economical feasibility
investigation on the feasibility of the use of biofuels, especially bio-oils, in gas turbines. (PDF)
Organization: Ingenia and Senternovem Written by: Adriaans, T. , Hoogendoorn, A. , and Ouwerkerk, H.2007 / 11
Wood pellets from Canada
Availibility of wood for wood pellets in Canada (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 08
Actieplan Biomassa: Inhoudelijk Eindrapport
Market and government are working together to solutions for constraints which obstruct or slow down the realisation of bioenergy projects (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Gerlagh, T. and Lammers, E.2006 / 01
Status en stimulering van bioenergie in Nederland
Status en stimulering van bioenergie in Nederland (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Kwant, K.2006 / 01
De verwachte beschikbaarheid van biomassa in 2010
Survey to the quantity of biomass needed for the existing installations to operate efficient (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Boer, P.D.M. de and Koppejan, J.2005 / 10
Cijfers en tabellen 2007
Data of energy use of different types of installations/systems (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 04
Monitor Schoon en Zuinig - Actuele stand van zaken 2008
Monitoring of the current status of realisation of the targets of the energy saving policy 'Schnoon en Zuinig' (PDF)
Organization: ECN, Ordina, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, and Senternovem Written by: Hanschke, C.B.2009 / 04
Intelligentie in elektriciteitsnetten
Privatising electricity suppliers and decentralising of electricity generation are possibly of influence on the reliability and quality of el... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2005 / 01
WKK Monitor 2003-2005 Jaarrapportage 2004
In this annual report of 2004 a review is given on the physical developments in the CHP market in the period 1998-2003 and on the financial d... (PDF)
Organization: ECN and Senternovem Written by: Harmsen, R. , Joode, J. de, and Melick, M. van2005 / 06
Statusrapportage zonneboilers In Nederland in 2008
Report about the implementation of solar heat in the Netherlands. The market and the techniques for these technologies (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem Written by: Blezer, I. and Bosselaar, L.2009 / 01
Renewable energy from waste
Fact sheet of supply chain of waste in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 08
Koude/warmteopslag in de praktijk
Evaluation of 67 Thermal Energy Storage (TES) projects in the Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2007 / 05
het warmtepomp variantenboek
Different types of heat pumps, technologies and market perspective (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2001 / 05
Beschikbaarheid van Nederlandse biomassa voor elektriciteit en warmte in 2020
Mapping the Dutch biomass in the context of the demand to sustainable electricity and heat and alternative forms of sustainability demands no... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2009 / 11
Visiedocument Werkgroep Decentrale Gastoepassingen
Different micro CHP technologies, their state of development, the energy saving, the co2 reduction, the constraints for big scale market intr... (PDF)
Organization: Cogen Projects, Regie Orgaan Energie Transitie, and Senternovem Written by: Bakker, E.J. , Gastel, M. van, Jong, A. de, and Wolferen, H. van2008 / 03
Energiedata utiliteitsbouw 2008
Contains the data of a survey done by SenterNovem to find information about the energy demand in non-residential buildings in The Netherlands... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2009 / 08
Protocol Monitoring Duurzame Warmte - update 2006
Provides a protocol to determine the level of renewable energy in a wide range of technologies and applications. From solar to hydro power an... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2006 / 12
Op basis van de bevindingen wordt in deze notitie een beeld geschetst van financiele participatie bij windenergieprojecten op land, en van de... (PDF)
Organization: Senternovem2009 / 08
SEO Economisch Onderzoek
SGC Svenskt Gastekniskt Center AB
basic data on biogas - Sweden
Facts around biogasproduction, biogasplants and energycontent of biogas (PDF)
Organization: SGC Svenskt Gastekniskt Center AB2007 / 06
Biogas from manure and waste products, Swedish case studies
Handbook biogas, benefits and problems of biogas, case studies of biogas plants in sweden (PDF)
Organization: Gasforeningen Swedish Gas Association, SGC Svenskt Gastekniskt Center AB, and Swedish Gas Centre Written by: Held, J. , Mathiasson, A. , and Nylander, A.2008 / 05
Shell energy scenarios to 2050
This report describes 2 scenarios in which the energy market possibly is going to be developed (PDF)
Organization: Shell Written by: Bentham, J.2008 / 01
Lighthouses for hydrogen
foresee the potential fuel cell cars or buses in the future (PDF)
Organization: Shell Written by: Bentham, J.2004 / 01
European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform
Speech of Jeremy Bentham in European hydrogen and fuel cell technology platform (PDF)
Organization: Shell Written by: Bentham, J.2005 / 03
Operations report 2009
This report describes the general performance of the wind farm in the third operating year 2009, and summarizes the results of the monitoring... (PDF)
Organization: NUON and Shell2010 / 11
Voor de offshore wind gaan: Kansen voor innovatief Nederland
Opportunities in offshore wind energy for the netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Siemens2008 / 11
Wind power offshore - system aspects and grid integration
Outlook on (offshore) wind power grid integration (PDF)
Organization: Siemens Written by: Ummels, B.2009 / 01
Two world records
Performance information about the Irshing CCGT powerplant in Germany. Published in a Siemens magazine. (PDF)
Organization: Siemens2011 / 08
SGT-2000E Series Reliable, robust, flexible
Organization: Siemens2011 / 07
SGT-800 Gas Turbine
Organization: Siemens2013 / 02
Siemens Gas Turbines over 100 MW
Organization: Siemens2008 / 02
eHighway Innovative electric road freight transport
Organization: Siemens2016 / 09
Ammonia to Green Hydrogen Project
Organization: Ecuity, Engie, Siemens, and STFC2022 / 10
Smart Power Foundation
Marktontwikkeling Micro - en mini- warmtekracht in Nederland tot 2020
Short publication of a foundation of energy suppliers ineterested in micro wkk giving a prediction until 2020 on the number of micro wkk's us... (PDF)
Organization: Smart Power Foundation Written by: Hendriks, P.M.2006 / 04
Smart Power Foundation Maakt zich sterk voor micro-WKK
Outlook on supply of micro CHP's and advantages of an increase in production (PDF)
Organization: Smart Power Foundation2009 / 10
Beleidsplan HRe opgesteld door Smart Power Foundation (SPF) 2009
strategy for big scale use of micro chp in households in the Netherlands (DOC)
Organization: Smart Power Foundation2009 / 01
Solar Energy, Tagung fur Architekten und Ingenieure
St. Vincents Works, Bristol, UK
Stichting Peak Oil
ASPO Nederland Nieuwsbrief #2 - juli 2006
Articles about the oil production and reserves around the world and concentrated solar power (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2006 / 07
ASPO Nederland Nieuwsbrief #6 - November 2006
Articles about the oil production and reserves around the world, outlooks of the energy production of Shell (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2006 / 11
Olievraagdestructie in kaart
The effects of the high oil price on the economy (DOC)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2008 / 08
Outlook on the effects of the change in the oil production and prices for the economy of The Netherlands (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil Written by: Bulk, J. van den, Kamphorst, F. , Koppelaar, R. , Meerkerk, B. van , and Polder, P.2008 / 10
Olieproductie en Peakoil
Trends and developments around oilproduction (DOC)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2008 / 01
Vooruitzicht oliemarkt ten gevolge van de kredietcrisis
Forecast oil market in relation to the economic crisis (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2008 / 01
De nieuwe oliecrisis en overheidsbeleid
English title: The new oil crisis and government policy. Presentation from peak oil NL containing many interesting charts, including the one ... (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Peak Oil2008 / 09
Stichting Warmtepompen
Duurzame Warmte & Koude
Vision and strategy on the potential of sustainable heat and cold in the biuld environment and in the agricultural sector (PDF)
Organization: DE-koepel, Holland Solar, Nederlands Platform Warmtepompen, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ondergrondse Opslag, Platform Geothermie, and Stichting Warmtepompen2007 / 05
Wegwijzer Warmtepompen 2007
Info sheet heat pumps (PDF)
Organization: Stichting Warmtepompen2007 / 12
Swedish Gas Centre
ToLEDo Superia Tubes
Technical specifications for led lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 10
T8 Luxline Plus Special Length
Technical specifications for fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 11
T8 Polylux XL Linear Fluorescent Lamps
Technical specification for fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 09
Mini-Lynx Fast-Start ML FAST-START 827 E27 23W SLV
Technical specifications for fluorescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 10
GLS Rough Service
Technical specifications for incandescent lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2013 / 10
ToLEDo Ball
Technical specifications for led lamps (PDF)
Organization: Sylvania2014 / 07